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You really hit the nail on the head with your characterization of Ariel. I don't know about her and Luke but otherwise she is exactly like you thought. In the beginning when they were sitting in the garden Luke and Ariel were talking about the nude features of the staff and minor nobility which is what the previous mage bodyguard Derek was annoyed about. Btw. as a bit of side info: Lord Pilemon is also known as Pilemon Notos Greyrat. He is Paul's older brother which makes Luke Rudy's first cousin.


The PEAK is back! You guys are so lucky because you didn't have to wait that long unlike us... Anyways, it's funny that you kinda missed what Princess Ariel and Luke are talking about in the beginning. Yes, they're literally talking about the nipples of their maids. I also forgot that you guys missed the end credits scene from the first season so this episode is surprising for you, like why she has white hair, who's that princess, her knight etc. They also showed up for a quick second in that episode from the first season along with Darius where they executed Eris grandfather for not protecting his region. Sylphie/Fitz stayed with them for months in Asura if I remember correctly but this is fine too instead of using more episodes to tell Sylphie's whole backstory of what happened to her after the teleportation incident. Lastly, the reason the animation looks kinda different in this episode, it's because this was outsourced to a third party studio. Studio Bind didn't animated this one because this episode was a late decision.

Sa _As

Guys I love all this series but you two gonna watch konosuba movie??

Gorge Montoya

I would recommend you read @Villenthesisis post about breakdown of what we already know. I would also recommend you watch the after credits scene in episode 23, it’s the second time we see Fitz, Ariel and Luke and it teases where we are eventually going. The first time we see them is season 1 episode 15 at the 21:18 mark during Grandpa Sauros’s execution. Ariel’s brother and his fat bald henchmen Darius is present too.


Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 is out, guys.


I had to redo the maths multiple times as I was so sure that he couldn't have had Luke when he was 10 and that you were wrong for sure. But no, you're definitely right on that. And here's me thinking that Paul and Zenith having Rudy at 19 and 17 respectively seemed young. Also, it's crazy to me that Luke is only 13 at the start of this episode. The guy looks about 25.


It seems like things happens quickly because we don't get to see a lot, but between Sylphie falling into the courtyard and them leaving the capital, months have gone by.


So actually, Luke and Ariel have not slept together. Luke is a Greyrat and from the same branch family as Paul and Rudy, a Notos Greyrat. He and Ariel were discussing the various chambermaids that they had slept with in their conversation full of innuendo. Being a Greyrat you can imagine that he lives quite the promiscuous lifestyle, just not with the princess. Also, the boar monster was teleported there from the displacement incident, just like Sylphie.


If I'm not wrong the boar was an assassination attempt, it wasn't the mana disaster. It's been a while I've read the novel, but that's what I remember.


The Asura kingdom is the kingdom where Rudeus lived, and it's the biggest/most powerful human kingdom. The 4 branches of the Greyrats are amongst the main noble families of the Asura kingdom, I guess they can be considered as powerful as kings from a way smaller country, Asura being so powerful.

tracee miasco

you guys watched the censored version. That baldy is an ultra degen. He was not just carresing that loli's back but he was actually touching her ass


In fact, Luke is not some kind of super swordsman, the princess's bodyguards are children from noble families who have no chance of inheriting a title or land, their only purpose is to die for the princess, and if they save the princess's life, their family will be respected


This will not be mentioned anywhere else, so it is not a spoiler. The boar and Silphie appeared at the same time because he was teleported, just like her and all the inhabitants of the Fitoa region. But Ariel's supporters didn't know about the disaster yet and also thought that it was the work of the Prince, they began to openly accuse him, and when everyone learned about the mana disaster, the prince's supporters took full advantage of it to accuse the princess's supporters of slander, they began to be displaced and killed one by one, and since the princess's side was accepted on a residual basis (those who for various reasons could not support the prince, or he did not want to see them on his side), her side was much weaker and they were quickly suppressed, so Ariel lost the fight and had to flee to another country "for study"


Another "fun fact" from LN, Princess Ariel was actually a sadist, she loved to whip her maids, at first she threatened Silphie to be her bodyguard, and once she attacked Silphie while she was sleeping with a dildo, she had always gotten away with it before, but Sylphie used magic on her so much that the princess barely survived, and after that she never did it again, and even put her on the list of friends on a par with Luke who shouldn't be touched. After this incident, Ariel developed her fetish towards masochism, but that's another story. . This is an example of how rotten the nobles of Asura are, Rudy looks pretty normal against them


It was teleported, they just assumed it was an assassination attempt at first because they didn't know about the mana incident yet.

Aphelion Audio

the reason sylphys hair turns white was due to the tremendous amount of stress she was put under expending an even more tremendous amount of mana to use wind magic to slow her fall just enough to not die (which is something rudy taught her when they were little after she asked if rudy could use magic to fly and he explained he couldnt, and the basics of aerodynamics, as well as the fact that he COULD potentially slow a fall but not actually fly)