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Personally, I don't see any problem with polygamy. But yes, if a man takes a second wife, then he must be prepared that his wife will one day take a second husband. Otherwise it's sexism.


Yeah, I've been a part of some poly relationships, and they can work, but they need consistent open communication. The core problem here is that Sylphy didn't get to have her say. She's alluded to openness, but hasn't outright agreed to this specific situation. That's a big big problem.

James Yancy

Traditionally it doesn't work that way because traditionally it was the man who brought home the bacon, so to speak. Women having more than one husband is a real rarity historically. You can call it sexism, but frankly that attitude is a luxury from a historical perspective. The real world is brutal, and western people are sheltered from the true brutality of the world. Civilization is a safety net, and frankly a facade. People living closer to minimal survival conditions are too concerned with day to day survival to worry about things like luxuries and entitlements. In such cultures the strong and wealthy men could follow their instincts to ensure genetic survival. Women were extremely rarely afforded the opportunity to act similarly.