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Hey folks

First of all, holy shit, we hit 40 patrons, that's an all time high! Thanks for all the support, everyone, I hope I'm providing enough content to make that pledge worthwhile. Now on to some news:

Patreon will remain paused for May: I had to take some commissions to cover some unexpected family expenses, so I need a bit of extra time to catch up. However, I'll still be posting content. If you've already pledged, you get to see everything I post next month for free!

More content for every tier: I was thinking of ways to add more value to the Fan tier, since we've had a big boost of pledges there, so aside from releasing stories in an ebook format with extra behind the scenes info, I'm also gonna prioritize commissions coming from patrons, opening them here a day or two before announcing anything on Twitter.

More commission slots: I get asked if I'm planning to add any more Enthusiast/VIP slots a lot and, for the first time, I think it might be doable after May. Those will also be limited, so I'll make an announcement here when they finally go live.

I'll also be more active on ao3: All those previews I've posted lately? They gotta go somewhere, and that somewhere is my ao3. If you have an account there and find stuff you like, I would love some comments/kudos/subs/etc. 

I think that's it for now. Trying to keep things short and concise cause I don't wanna post a wall of text to FORTY PEOPLE holy fucking shit thanks folks, never thought that many people would consider supporting me like this. See ya soon! 


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