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Did anyone order 7000 words of catdick on pirate?

For story releases, I was thinking of what bonuses I could add instead of just uploading a PDF to the post. If you're very observant, you'll see there's still a PDF attached.

From now on, "full quality releases" of stories will come in an ebook format, complete with a grayscale cover, front matter, and a special omake page in the end where I talk a bit about the production side of things, kinda like a "behind the scenes" bonus.

This is currently only available on Patreon (and maybe later on Gumroad), and it's my way of adding a little value to your subscriptions.

If you just want to read it online, you can check it on my ao3 (and maybe drop a follow/kudo/comment there, too? Haha, just kidding, no need to. Unless...)

Thank you very much for the support, folks!



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