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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Thing You Love Most- Thank you so much for continuing watching Once Upon a Time for us, Sora!! And thank you for another fantastic reaction to this show I love!! I love this episode so much!!! Regina as the Evil Queen is absolutely a phenomenal villainess!! And Rumplestiltskin... Also quite an incredible villain as well! :) First... Regina reveals in this episode that the thing she loves most was taken from her because of Snow White. The Pilot episode didn't reveal yet what this thing is, or possibly who this person was that Regina loves most. And it has yet to be revealed how Snow White is responsible for this happening. So, don't worry... You haven't forgotten anything from the Pilot episode in regards to why the Evil Queen truly hates Snow White just yet. All will be revealed in due time. :) The actor who plays Sheriff Graham, is indeed Jamie Dornan who plays in the Fifty Shades of Grey movies. And he is certainly gorgeous. I've never seen the Fifty Shades of Grey movies, and I have desire to ever watch them, but Jamie Dornan is most certainly a good looking man here as Graham in Once Upon a Time. Also... Emma's red leather jacket is a significant piece of clothing, as it means something about her character. But this revelation won't come until much later on in this show. Granny, whom we often see along with Red Riding Hood, is Red Riding Hood's Grandmother from their fairytale. And within their fairytale, Granny is known to have been swallowed by the wolf, who at one point pretends to be Red's grandmother so that he could eat Red too. "Grandmother... What big teeth you have." Now... I really love both the past storyline with the Evil Queen in the Enchanted Forest, as well as with Regina in Storybrooke too. My favorite scenes being between the Evil Queen and Rumplestiltskin in his prison when she asks about the curse, and it's revealed that she must crush the heart of the thing she loves most... and between Regina and Mr. Gold in the very ending by Regina's apple tree. The actors who play them (Lana Parrilla and Robert Carlyle), play off of one another very well. They're both brilliant and their characters are so powerful and scary. I think that Robert Carlyle who plays Rumplestiltskin and Mr. Gold, is very good at being crazy and he's a phenomenal character throughout this show. As for how Gold may appear to be awake, or possibly remember his true self, if he even does... Regina's face of shock in the very ending shows us that she has begun to suspect that he must be awake, and it's clear she never intended for him to be. However, him possibly being aware of the truth, is fantastic! It helps to build up the mysteriousness around him. We don't actually know if he is indeed awake or not. :) I also really love the friction and battle of wits between Regina and Emma too. They also play off of one another very well. I think it is hilarious that Emma cuts one of the branches from her apple tree, because Emma senses that the Mayor's threat towards her in the beginning when she comes to give Emma a basket of apples. And yes... What Emma does here is a felony against the law and because they live in the real world, the laws are the same. And yet the laws of the real world here in Storybrooke don't necessarily work in the same way as they do in the real world. Storybrooke is a world filled with fairytale characters, brought over from the Enchanted Forest. And while no one remembers who they really are... Regina does. And so, she doesn't necessarily abide by the laws like she would be held to outside of their town. And she's the Mayor, so she can enforce them however she wishes to. And I really love this! It's very interesting, because Storybrooke isn't a part of the real world outside of this town. Even though Storybrooke and the real world are connected. Next... I really love the scene between the Evil Queen and her father just before she kills him by ripping out his heart with her bare hands. It's so dark and yet so sad too, because her father was a good man trying so hard to help his daughter whom he truly did love very much, as any true father would love his child. And you really see the pain Regina's eyes that killing her father causes her. Regina is evil and is willing to go so far that she was able to kill her own father, which makes her a terrifying enemy. I also really love that we find out the Henry is named after her father, as Rumple points out in the very end. It's sweet, but also twisted since Regina has killed her father. But her naming Henry after her father shows us that she really does love Henry in spite of how cruel she can be, even to him. As for Maleficent... I really enjoy this show's portrayal of Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty. Kristen Bauer Van Stratten plays her brilliantly. She is really dark and smartly written, and I love that her castle is in the Forbidden Fortress. As for her look... Maleficent is rarely seen with her hair let out at all in any story of Sleeping Beauty, because she usually wears the black cowl with horns which covers up her hair. The only time outside of Once Upon a Time in which we see her hair is in the movie Maleficent with Angelina Jolie, when she wears her hair down. So, I really love Maleficent's look and the design of her fortress where she lives in the Forbidden Forest. Even if you struggle with picturing her as a blonde. I actually quite love her look. In regards to Archie snitching on Emma to Regina... Archie most certainly makes a mistake by doing so, but Regina has threatened and bullied him into doing so. And you can see that he regrets having hurt both Emma and Henry when we see him in the ending in the scene between them. Archie is a good man too, like Sheriff Graham. We can only imagine how far Regina has gone to keep everyone living in this fairytale town trapped under her heels and to keep them miserable. So, yeah... I don't blame Archie for his actions. Maybe to a small extent, but not really. Oh... Pongo from 101 Dalmatians is the dalmatian we see being walked by Archie/Jiminy Cricket in Storybrooke. Archie is Pongo's owner. Just in case you missed this from these first two episodes. In this show, you will see pretty much every fairytale character from all fairytales from the Disney movies, the Brothers Grimm fairytales, Hans Christian Anderson fairytales, fables, nursery rhymes, and even tall tales that you could possibly think of. All brought together in this same world. This show is so creative and beautiful, and all of the characters are brilliantly casted and amazing! I absolutely love Once Upon a Time so much!! :) And lastly... I absolutely love the moments between Emma and Mary Margaret throughout this episode. I love how Mary Margaret helps Emma by bailing her out of jail, tells Emma that she feels like she knows Emma and that she trusts her, and encourages her to stay in town to take care of Henry. There are some really beautiful moments between mother and daughter throughout this episode, even though they're both unaware of their true relationship with one another. Emma is shocked upon Mary Margaret telling her that Henry believes her to be Snow White, which sparks a sudden realization that she could be looking back at her mother after all these years of being all alone. However, Emma of course quickly shakes off this sudden feeling of recognition, as she refuses to believe anything in regards to Henry's belief in the curse and everyone truly being fairytale characters being real. But I really love this sudden recognition from Emma, nonetheless. Thank you so much again, Sora! I'm really happy to see that you have loved this episode too! It's fantastic to see Regina's story and to see just how far she's willing to go in order to get her revenge on Snow White, as well as to rid Storybrooke of Emma, whom she now recognizes to be a very real threat to her and her efforts to keep her curse alive. And the ending scene between Gold and Regina always gets everyone so intrigued to watch more Once Upon a Time. It's absolutely brilliant! :) I can't wait for your reaction for the next episode!!! Snow Falls is one of my favorite episodes from this season, so I'm so excited! Until then, my dear friend... Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Pilot- Thank you so much for a fabulous first reaction for Once Upon a Time, my dear friend!! I know it's been quite some time since you watched the Pilot episode, but I am happy you remembered enough from it that you could still enjoy this second episode. And I wanted to write out my thoughts about the Pilot episode for you, so that you know what I think about it as well. I am very excited to start on this new journey of watching this beautiful show I love so, so much. And I'm really happy to hear that you're intrigued by the storylines. So... Thank you again! The Pilot episode is fabulous, and I absolutely love it! I love both the storylines for our characters back in the Enchanted Forest, as well as for our characters in the present day... in Storybrooke. In the present, everyone is cursed without memories of who they truly are and who their loved ones are, and where they have all been living for twenty-eight years while frozen in time until now... Now that Emma has arrived and has begun to change things and weaken the curse over everyone, simply by choosing to stay in town because she sensed something wasn't right with the woman raising her son as her own. Not only do people have no memories, but they also haven't aged a day, which is why Snow White and Emma are now about the same age. The same age that all of the fairytale characters were in the Enchanted Forest just before the curse swept them away to our world. As for the Evil Queen's happy ending... Regina cast this curse over the heroes for a reason yet to be revealed. She wants everyone to suffer, while she's happy in the knowledge that they are all separated from their loved ones and miserable. This is why she says that the world they're about to be transported to is so horrible. Not simply because our world itself is horrible. Although.... Let's be honest. It is. Especially today. But besides this point... It's possible that Regina has all of her memories intact from her previous life in the Enchanted Forest, which is foreshadowed, or is implied when she stands in front of her mirror while holding the storybook, looking very angry. Regina is the town's Mayor and has complete control over everyone because everyone's miserable and afraid of her. Afraid to defy and stand up to her. That is their curse, and her happiness. Also... The Evil Queen's name is Regina. Both in the Enchanted, and here in the real world. And the name Regina, means Queen. Very fitting name for the Evil Queen. Now... I love Emma and the storyline with her being destined to be the Savior, and I love that she is Snow White's and Prince Charming's daughter. I also love Snow White, Prince Charming, Regina the Evil Queen, and of course Rumplestiltskin... otherwise known as Mr. Gold in Storybrooke. He's so creepy and brilliant! And Henry is adorable. I love seeing the rest of the characters shown so far in Storybrooke as well. We've been introduced to quite a number of our other characters so far too, such as Jiminy Cricket and his dog Pongo from 101 Dalmatians, Red Riding Hood and her Granny, Geppetto and Pinocchio, the Blue Fairy also from Pinocchio, Sheriff Graham (I won't say who he is just yet in the Enchanted Forest), Grumpy, Doc, and the rest of the seven dwarfs, etc... One of my favorite scenes in this Pilot... I absolutely love the beginning scene where Prince Charming gives Snow White True Love's Kiss in order to wake her from the Evil Queen's poison from the apple. It's so beautiful and what a romantic setting as the snow is falling around them. And another of my favorite scenes... I love the curse coming and sweeping over the entire kingdom as the Evil Queen boasts to Snow White about how she won and that the only happy ending would be her own, until Snow proclaims that Emma will one day find them and defeat the curse and therefore the Evil Queen herself. That good always wins. What a phenomenal moment! And then... I also absolutely love the moment between Emma and Henry at the playground, when Henry assures Emma that he understands she had given him up in order to give him his best chance, like Snow White and Prince Charming did for her too. And the moment Emma tells Henry that she believes she had been abandoned by her parents, then was adopted until she was three, only to wind up back in the foster homes. So very sad. Emma has definitely had a tragic life and she doesn't believe in herself. This is just such a sad, yet powerful moment. :) Regarding Prince Charming still being alive in Storybrooke... Yes, Regina's dark curse actually does save his life, as the curse sweeps over him just before he dies. Charming was still barely clinging to life and just unconscious while Snow was holding him in her arms. Another crazy fact... When this show first began and was first written, the writers initially wanted to write that Prince Charming actually died in this Pilot episode, so Charming wasn't initially a main character and was only meant to appear in this Pilot episode. However, the creators immediately axed that idea and said they absolutely wanted him to be a main character alongside Snow White, Emma, Regina, Henry, and Rumplestiltskin. And thank goodness that they insisted. Because I absolutely love Prince Charming throughout this show, and Josh Dallas as Prince Charming! And lastly... I absolutely love the chemistry between Charming and Snow White!! Which is fabulous, because the actors chosen to play them... Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas... are actually married in real life. They met on the set of the show and fell in love throughout the filming of season one, then married sometime early on during the filming of season three. And now they have two children together. Their chemistry is absolutely beautiful, and their love for one another is very real. I absolutely love them. :) Your journey into this show has just begun and I can't wait for you to watch and react to more!! I think you will absolutely continue to love Once Upon a Time. At least... I do hope you will. Thank you again, Sora! Until your next reaction, my dear friend... Sincerely, Heidi