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Hi guys!! So sorry for the delay, here's my reaction to episode 7 hope you enjoy!!



Beauty and the Beast Reaction S03E07 Both Sides Now.mkv



Yeah, but why? That's like someone thinking you're an idiot because you fall in love with fictional characters or that you still watch Japanese cartoons despite being almost 30. I say, let people have their religion. As long as it doesn't impact me or they're not harming others, then why do I care?


But I'm a crazy immature idiot for falling for fictional characters and watching cartoons at 30. I don't only judge others, i judge myself too xD haven't you see me make fun of otakus? While I'm an Otaku? Venezuelans things


Making fun of people is a whole lot different from thinking less of them. I make fun of certain religions as well, but as I said, as long as they're not bothering or hurting anyone, that's their belief. As long as you see the problems in yourself though, it's ok. After all, admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery.