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Hi guys!! Here's my reaction to episode 5, hope you enjoy!



The White Queen Reaction S01E05.mp4



In reality Warwick died at the hands of a random soldier retreating from Edward's forces. I doubt he killed his own horse. Edward wanted him captured alive so that he could be publicly executed. The south of England is only about three days' ride from London so it wouldn't take too long for Edward and Margaret to get word on the other's activities. The two battles took place about twenty days apart. Margaret's son, Prince Edward, was 17 years old at the time of his death. It might make you happy to learn that the marriage between Sir Henry Stafford and Margaret Beaufort wasn't nearly as strained a the show depicts and reports say she was indeed at his side at the time of his death.


Henry VI was a far more dangerous person than Margaret of Anjou despite his age and senility. As long as he lived, there would always be a chance that someone would pick up the Lancastrian cause and fight in Henry's name. With the more competent Prince Edward dead and Edward's crown secured, Henry no longer served any purpose alive and therefore the king ordered his execution. There's no way Elizabeth would've witnessed his murder though. Henry was killed in the Tower of London while Elizabeth by this point would've been back in the Palace of Westminster where the royal family resided in this point in history.