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Hi!! Here's my reaction to episoe 10 hope you enjoy!



Star trek Reaction S01E10.mp4



You'll notice throughout the series that the security staff of the Enterprise don't do a very good job with security. McCoy takes doctoring very seriously, and if he feels he's in the right he won't let anyone, even his best friend and captain, push him around and tell him his business. While McCoy is an expert physician and surgeon, he's not a trained psychiatrist so there are better options on the ship. You can see the look in Spock's eyes when Dr. Noel says she's met Kirk before. They just scream, "She means you guys did it." I do see a resemblance between Marianna Hill and Geena Davis, the wife in Beetlejuice, now that you mention it. The effects of the neural neutralizer are only temporary until the mind is completely broken like for Lethe and Eli, so both Kirk and Van Gelder were able to fully recover eventually. Van Gelder was played by the late Morgan Woodward who found the performance so physically and emotionally exhausting that he had to stay in bed and recover for the next four days after filming was over.

Barbara Ann Baker

2nd clockwork Orange today. Love Bones. Don't know what made me laugh harder "Spocks touchy thing" or "or fried chicken, but thank you. Ah the early mind meld and old sounds really take me back.