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I would have had this video up by now if it wasnt because THE INTERNET IS STILL BOTHERINGGGG

I'm sorry, hope you enjoy xD



8MM Reaction.mp4



The title is pronounced as "eight millimeters" and refers to the snuff films. 8mm film was developed for filming home movies in the 1930s and was the standard for recording said movies until camcorders, which used video cassettes as the recording medium, came out in the 80s. The casting couch, as it's called, has been around since the beginning of Hollywood, and has always been one of its worst-kept secrets. The exchange of sexual favors for juicy movie roles has only really come out into the public forefront with the whole Me Too movement. It wouldn't have been very believable to lie and say he had made copies since 8mm film was very out of date by 1999. Imagine making a copy of a video cassette today since almost nobody still owns a VCR. I'm sad to tell you that Joaquin Phoenix's character did indeed die in the film though.