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Less than one week into launching a brand new podcast, with all sorts of plans and ideas of what should be happening... and then this virus comes and changes it all! She really said, "Nah, girl."

I am giving a very candid recount of my experience finding out I have COVID and why it suuuuuuuuucks. No Excessive Positivity here; we're laying it All On The Plate. There is a silver lining in all this but we're also giving space to how much this has sucked for me.

We were going to discuss supporting Black women, and the lines between "protection" and "abuse," and the roots of Black hypermasculinity, and ableism/sexism/racism in comedy, and Black love/relationship dynamics, and white saviourism... but I just don't have the spoons to properly articulate all of that. If you would like to read my initial thoughts on all of those things (as brought up by the Will Smith/Chris Rock fiasco at the Oscars), then please check out the blog post I wrote a few days ago!

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Thanks for being here for Episode 2, friends! Now I'm going back to bed...!




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