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Thankfully the drive home didn’t take as long. If Nate’s feet were hurting before, they were killing him now after walking all over the boardwalk, it felt like he could count the seconds with every throb of his feet and calves. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to go on the ferris wheel.” Shaun said as he closed the door behind them.

“Oh,pfft. I totally forgot about that.” Nate waved off his apology, holding his purse in one hand and the small stuffed bear in the other as he tried to maintain his balance. “Besides, did you see that line? It was crazy. If I had to stand in another line tonight I think I would’ve chopped my legs off.” That and drinking some bleach to disinfect himself from his stepson’s lips and tongue, the risk of dying might be worth it, he thought.

“If you did we wouldn’t have had to wait in lines.” Shaun chuckled, “Course, I don’t think my car has space for a wheelchair. That and depriving the world of seeing your gorgeous legs could be considered a crime.”

Nate rolled his eyes with a faint smile. He had forced himself to smile so much that evening he couldn’t tell if the smile that remained was from habit or if simply it was nice to not be alone. It felt odd to be complimented, it was wrong, but men, especially smaller men like him didn’t often get them. Making any he got from Shaun feel wrong and taboo, but also somehow nice. “Ha ha.” he laughed sarcastically and sticking his tongue out at Shaun before setting the purse and bear down on the counter. The smile on his face as he removed the heels he knew for certain was real. 

Taking a breath the feminized man let out a sigh of relief as he sat on the couch, his feet finally free from the heels. He loved them on girls, but as a man he wasn’t meant to wear such things. He was thankful the date was over and he could at least take off these bloody heels. Shaun smirked as he sat next to Nate and immediately scooped up Nate’s legs under his knees. “What are you doin?!” Nate gasped.

“Ensuring that you don’t deprive the world of legs as sexy as yours.”  Before Nate could respond, Shaun immediately went to work massaging Nate’s sore feet. Shaun had seen his date wiggling her toes and the look of joy when she had taken her shoes off, and he knew exactly how to make her practically melt in his hands. 

“I-I didn’t ask you to do that.” Nate let out an involuntary moan, already feeling a wave of pleasure as Shaun gently kneaded his heel. 

“All part of the service ma’am.” Shaun smiled, feeling his cock stiffening as he listened to the sexy girl moaning on his couch. He thought with her rich smoky voice she could have made a killing as a phone sex operator or as a cam girl with how she looked and hearing how she mewed in pleasure from just a foot massage he could imagine how wild she would drive him when they really started to enjoy each other's company. His hands slowly drifted up from her foot to her ankle. To her calf. To her thigh. Shaun’s hand slowly pressed into her smooth flesh, caressing her inner thigh as he leaned over her, the horny girl beneath him mewling like a cat in heat begging him to touch her more. Unable to hold back anymore Shaun kissed Natalie’s plump and painted lips. His tongue slipped quickly inside her parted lips. Natalie continued to moan under him, already spreading her legs for him. His hands completely slipped under her dress. His fingers probed for her panties so he could slip inside of her hidden sex. As horny as he was he had no problem fucking Natalie right there in the living room. No thoughts given to a condom or the consequences of a random sperm finding a random egg. The only thought was towards his pleasure first. 

So it was probably a good thing that Emma walked in at that moment.  “So I take it the date went well?” She asked as she snapped a photo with her phone, she wasn’t expecting the sight of the two going at it heavily in the living room. The idea of her femmed up step father being forced to endure her brother's touch and sexual attention all thanks to her, gave Emma a thrill. 

Shaun froze at his sister’s voice and Nate took the opportunity to push Shaun off of him. He had been so lost in how wonderful it felt getting a massage on his sore body that he hadn’t noticed Shaun reaching ever higher until he was already on top of him and his tongue in his mouth. Again! “Emma!” Nate shouted, “this uh, I can…I wasn-”

“Oh please. I’ve seen you do a lot worse with a lot dumber.” She said, rolling her eyes.

“Thank…you?” Shaun answered with confusion as he sat back against the couch attempting to discern if his sister had complimented or insulted him.

Emma gave Shaun a brief smile, “Besides I figured you two would have a good time, just not in the living room.” Nate frowned, turning his face away from either sibling and pulling the jacket tighter. Immediately regretting it as the world blurred around him. Emma managed to resist laughing at just how much Nate looked like a girl in her boyfriend’s stolen hoodie. “I was about to get a drink, why don’t we get you one too?” She said in an asking tone but waited all of one second before pulling Nate into the kitchen. “So how was it? What did you guys do?”

“We had dinner then went to Navy park where we played some games and went on a couple of rides.” Nate twisted a loose strand of the wig's hair around his finger as he glared at the floor. ‘This damn wig!’ He growled quietly, ‘I’d love to rip it off and shove it down her throat!’ He let himself smile as he let the image fill his mind. The sight and feeling of the long hair was an unwelcomed one, and with how nervous he had been pretending to be a girl and one attracted to Shaun… he couldn’t help fiddle with it, like how he often chewed on pens and pencils. 

“Aw!” Emma cooed as she took out two beers from the fridge, “So,” She whispered as she eyed the kitchen door, “I know it’s a faux pas to ask before the date is over and all but I just gotta know. Are you two planning a second date?”

“No.” Nate hissed back quietly, as he too watched the door, missing the sweet smelling bear he left on the counter, “We had a deal it was just the one date.” He frowned, not that he wanted a second date with his step-son, but finding out much too late that Shaun could have been a bro! If Nate and Shaun’s relationship was awkward before it would certainly be worse now. When he looked back Emma already had her back to him. Out of habit his eyes roamed down to the girls rear, but he quickly pulled his attention away. His step daughter’s ass that looked so much like her sexy mothers… his wife’s, was the start of the pair's relationship, not a great start at that. Looking away from her he looked at the floor, taking the time to appreciate the cool tiles on his feet. 

“Aw, that’s a shame.” She said with the same fake sweet voice she used to ask about his date, “But you’re a little bit wrong there.” The first bottle hissed as she pried the top off, “We had a deal, that’s true.” Unseen to Nate, Emma opened a small tissue and dumped blue powder into the first bottle. “But you haven’t held up your end of the deal.” The second bottle hissed as she opened it before turning to face Nate with a harsh smile. “Now, I will say sending a video of you and Shaun making out was unexpected so I’ll give you double points for that–” she laughed–“but you still have pictures to earn back.” She paused, letting her words hang in the air before continuing, “Unlessss…” Emma dragged the word out. “You’re okay with me keeping them?”

“Absolutely not.” Nate growled in an attempt to sound menacing. An attempt he failed by reflexively pouting his lips.

Emma faked a pout back, “Aw, after all we’ve been through you don’t trust me?” She allowed the silence to grow between them as Nate glared at her. She knew he didn’t. ‘He definitely shouldn’t.’ She thought before letting out a protracted sigh, “Fine. You Natalie Bloom are supposed to be good friends with me, I’m a bit offended. If you want the rest of them back then take your little makeout session in Ma’s room.”

“What?” he asked as he absentmindedly twisted a hair around his finger, “Why on earth would I do that? I didn’t want to makeout with him in the first place, let alone in my room! He threw himself at me!”

“You have no problem taking hoo-...call girls into my mother’s room but you won’t take your step-son? At least he lives here.” She corrected herself. Emma was still pissed at Nate but she didn’t want to be the type to let her anger spread to other women who were just doing their job. Just because the chef screwed up an order it was no reason to take it out on the waitress after all. “You go in there, have a drink and finish your little ten minutes in heaven.”

“Seven.” Nathan countered, he didn’t even want thirty seconds, but there was no way the cruel coed would go for that.

“Ten.” She said flatly as she crossed her arms. 

Nate sighed, “The game is seven minutes in heaven.”

“Not the way you’re gonna play it. No way my friend Nat wouldn’t jump at the chance to makeout with a good looking man for as long as she could.” Emma winked with a giggle. “Ma says you’re an amazing kisser–” she gagged, sticking out her tongue–“so see if you can’t make Shaun fall in love with you in those ten minutes.”

“That’s kinda cruel dontcha think?” He had brought his fingers up to his lips to allow the warmth of his breath to blow across his cold extremities. 

The result only added to the image in Emma’s mind of a girlfriend in her boyfriend’s stolen hoodie, now an overprotective one. “You’re not the only womanizer in the house. Besides, what do you care? Natalie’s gonna be gone after tonight, right? I sure am going to miss my slutty friend.”

‘Sarah is such a nice woman,’ He thought bitterly, ‘why is Emma just such a bitch?’ Nate bit the tip of one of his fingers, thinking of anything he could possibly say to change her mind, but nothing came to him. “Fine.” He growled, crossing his arms over his chest, ‘I’ll drag Shaun to my room and make up some excuse.’ he thought as he glared at his bitchy stepdaughter, “But that’s it? All of this is over?”

“I’ll let you have all the pictures back, yes.” She smiled. Holding back her laughter.

“Good.” He said in a huff and started to leave the kitchen when Emma caught his attention once more.

“Wait!” She giggled as she picked up the bottles and forced them in Nate’s hands, “You forgot your drinks, silly!” Nate frowned as he examined the bottles, one was a bud and the other was a pre-made pink cocktail with the unfortunate “Slippery nipple” on full display. “And remember you’re still on a date, so cute smiles and lots of flirty compliments.” She giggled once more before pushing Nate out of the kitchen with a swift slap to his ass. Alone in the kitchen Emma let a sadistic grin spread across her face. Her brother would never drink such a girly looking cocktail, so she felt safe her plan would succeed. 

After Nate and Shaun left on their date, Emma had went to work collecting all the footage and pictures she had of Nate’s transformation. She had spent the better part of three hours carefully, painstakingly, editing the videos so that it would be impossible for a casual viewer of  her little short film to see it as anything other than Nate genuinely asking Emma to help him be the girl he always secretly wanted to be. 

When the selfies stopped, Emma had an idea that was simply inspired! She scoured her parents bathroom until she finally found it. In a small basket of items underneath the sink she found a collection of things that once belonged to her dad. His fake gold watch, his silver money clip, cigarette case and the bottle of viagra. Seeing the near-empty bottle sent a shudder through her as she tried not to picture what her dad used them for and instead focused on what she could use them for. In the kitchen she got a small saucer plate and a spoon and crushed the little blue pill into powder and closed it up in the small tissue paper until she poured it into her brother’s beer. After all, Nate had no problem having sex in her mother’s bed behind her back, what’s one more?

Thankfully for Nate, Shaun wasn’t waiting in the living room when he came back. ‘Maybe he went to bed?’ he hoped briefly until he heard the toilet flushing immediately followed by the sound of water coming out of the sink. ‘Figures.’ Nate glanced around, making sure Emma wasn’t watching him as he snuck a quick swig from the bottle of bud. ‘Just one more drink with a horny idiot.’ He told himself as he hurried into his and Sarah’s bedroom. A plan already formulating in his mind of what just to do.



Emma really knows how to stack the deck! No matter how clever Nate's master plan is, he isn't likely to get his way in such unfair circumstances. I wonder if he'd be better off blanking out the end of the night or remembering it all. (Not that he has much control of that, either.)