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IN THE MEANTIME... take a gander at some of the new assets! If you're inclined then feel free to sit back, and read the story of how I spent 2 months locked in a perpetual loop of progress, crippling frustration, getting physically sick from overworking (again), deep lows and big emotional highs. 

This is a big 'Me opening up to you all' thing, so don't feel like you have to read it but OMG I love you all so much. Not just because you give me money, but because your what's kept me going.

So as you all know, Cat/Suit used to be an RPGmaker MV game (and until you see the hotness that is the new game, for all you know it still is). Its what I started in, I used the RPGMaker background assets but I built my own sprites and did what RPGmaker calls 'Parallax Mapping', which basically meant I had to save every map and then hand paint them to make them unique, and then delete the original and then superimpose an image on map to make it look like it was there. There was no real illusion of depth (a huge want for me) and even though it looked OK, it was severely limited by what RPG Maker could do. I was playing in their sandbox, and adding my pictures to it but it was still very much an RPG maker game. This would have been ok for most, but not for me. 

I couldn't animate scenes how I wanted, I couldn't make combat how I wanted, I had a leveling system sure, but it was their system and in my opinion not fun. Combat I tried to spice up, but again, it was limited by RPG maker. Again and again I came up against the same wall, and that was 'LIMITED'. 

So... I knew I had to take a hit in order to achieve progress toward what I'm working on now. I always, from day 1 intended to move the game to Unity, I just underestimated the stumbling blocks I'd hit, and how much work it would take to transition. This changeover was something that loomed, and it scared me so much my mental state took a hard hit. I had several panic attacks. BUT, I persevered.

I continued to develop Cat/Suit in RPG maker while furiously studying C# (something I'm still very much new to) and developing new sprites and isometric tileset assets. I watched hours on hours on hours of tutorials and mashed ideas and systems together. I studied, wrote scripts, broke things, and started over again and again. I tried and failed at least three dozen or more times to get disparate things to work together. 

All the while, ALL THE WHILE knowing that I wouldn't be making much money with art, which is basically how I support my life. Were it not for Patreon, were it not for you guys? This wouldn't be happening. My supporters for this game have been what's kept me going. Yes, this is my passion project but I'm not rich, hell I'm practically poverty line depending on the month you ask me. I can't live on savings when savings don't exist. Everything is month to month right now, but the knowledge that I HAD to do this change in order to make it, in order to make something worthy of the money you donate to me every month? That drove me on. 

Every time I thought I couldn't continue, you guys were there in my mind. 

Every time I was so exhausted I wanted to cry? You were there in my mind, pushing those depressing feelings of overworking aside to keep me going. 

Every single time I wrote and animated and worked and juggled 5 different things at once until my mind was numb and ragged, you were there and I felt the energy to push forward. 

Being an independent and solo game dev isn't easy, I knew that going in. It's only because of you all that I managed to get here. 

So here I am, watching the game compile, checking my cut scenes, making sure the new combat system is fun, and already planning for the next 5 steps ahead. 

The hard part with Unity is largely done now. The systems are in place, and I have a years worth of sprites, story and adventure to recreate in short order so that I can make all new. All to bring to life this world you all believe in, the world I want to share with you. 

TLDR: Thank you.

XOXO- A crow in love with shiny things.




Wow sounds like a Rollercoaster ride for you. Really excited to see what it looks like. I do hope you kept the art from the cutscenes of the previous version though. Especially the vacbed prison. Also the dryder was so cool and surprising, as it gets you I thought wtf.... 😅


I am now going to hug you now *hugs tightly* we all want to keep supporting you always!


Nice now I can´t wait <3


we are waiting)


can someone please tell me how to play this game?! and if it is possible to play it on the iphone 12?!