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Skogfrid Kjempekvinne is a 16-year-old girl living in Oslo, Norway.
She's not the most popular girl at her school, nor the prettiest, but she's never complained about it.
The less mature pupils often made fun of her big feet, which contrasted with her small size.
However, she has always been proud of her body and forgets about the mockery of her classmates when she is with her pet squirrel Ratatosk and her best friend Gale Myter.
One day, Gale Myter had made herself a trollkors to protect herself from evil spells.
She inadvertently dropped it and Skogfrid wanted to pick it up to give it back to her.
Without understanding why, the moment she touched it, the amulet burnt her fingers.
Then a strange thing happened: her skin turned green; her nose grew longer; her ears and hair too; and she began to grow, grow, grow!
Until she became a gigantic creature; she had turned into a troll.
Later, she learned that her mother was one too.
She had never told her because she thought her daughter was human, like her father.
Today, Skogfrid is learning to master her trolle and human metamorphosis.
But a whole new world is opening up to her.
Discoveries, adventures, encounters and unsuspected ancient threats are about to be awakened...



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