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In the forest surrounding Dunwyn Castle, Princess Calla and her friend Sunni sneaked out to enjoy a friendly outing.

This outing, however, led them to discover an army approaching the castle, that of the infamous Igthorn and his stupid ogres.

Advancing on the castle with siege weapons, with the aim of taking it by force, Calla and Sunni were determined to act - they had to come up with an idea to stop these monsters.

Sunni took a gourd out of her saddlebag, which was supposed to contain gummiberry juice, but she wasn't sure it would work, as she'd made it herself.

Calla couldn't wait to find out whether the concoction was perfect or not, and so she took the gourd and drank its contents.

Instead of growing stronger, Calla began to grow taller, before Sunni's surprised eyes as she watched her friend grow immense.

Calla had become gigantic, which was not what she wanted, but it allowed her to chase Igthorn and his orges without any difficulty.

The giant princess saved her kingdom that day, and fortunately for her, the effect was only temporary; otherwise, the king and all his subjects would have been surprised to see their princess standing over 30m tall.




Unexpected result, but it was the best thing that could happen to the Greatest Princess of the kingdom 😍