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Vancouver is home to an 18-year-old member of the Sts'Ailes people called Malicia Cuckootrap "Thékwàl".
Malicia is the kind of girl who doesn't back down from anything, and she had to fend for herself from an early age, learning to fight for what she wants.
For the past few years, she's been working in the sasquatch hunters' store to afford her college education.
Using and abusing the folklore of her people, to prey on the credulity of cryptozoologists, or the naivety of tourists.
Although she herself doesn't believe in such things, she pretends to be a fervent defender of the legend, to better convince her clients.
Her only "friend" is Naguib Hunter, and he's also her best customer and the one she overplays with the most; to her, he's a free-spending customer, to him, it's a true friendship, and much more in his imagination.
One day, he comes into Malica's store with a new face, his cousin from Quebec, a handsome fellow by the name of Hyacinthe Laraison, who catches the eye of our dream saleswoman.
However, the charm wore off when he questioned her entire business, accusing her of taking dishonest advantage of others, especially his cousin.
Immediately, Malicia went on the defensive, playing the fanatic card and insisting that her business was in no way an abuse.
Malicia was then challenged to follow the two young men in their quest for the sasquatch.
Normally, she would have refused, but her honor was at stake and she didn't want to lose face.
So it was that our three companions found themselves camping in the vast green spaces of British Columbia.
There were several provocations between Malicia and Hyacinthe, who defended their respective points of view.
Naguib imagined himself to be the leader of this expedition and thought he could impress Malicia with his "knowledge" and respect for the legend.
What he didn't see was that, through their arguments, these two were getting closer rather than fighting, convinced that he was the hero of this adventure.
Their search was going nowhere, however, with Naguib desperate to finally see the creature he longed to see at the side of the girl he loved, but Malicia had forgotten the reason he'd come in the first place.
This little improvised camping trip had become a beautiful encounter between her and Hyacinthe, which she enjoyed in complete privacy.
And just as this expedition was coming to an end, they found a totem pole, hidden in the middle of the trees.
Touching it, Malicia had strange visions, in the form of a gigantic wild man, a spirit that entered her.
When she awoke, she found herself back in the camp, with her friends watching over her.
With barely enough time to remember what she had seen, her body began to change; her clothes ripped off one by one and the whole forest became smaller, as the two boys looked on helplessly in surprise.
She was completely baffled, and panicked beyond measure, when she realized that her hips were standing above the treetops...



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