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Loud hissing woke her up. 

Dr. Naoka Fujiwara awoke with a gasp as bright light and filtered air rushed through her nostrils. Her lungs went into overdrive as consciousness rushed into her thoughts. Her heart thumped into her chest as drums were, heavy and deep beats that echoed inside her body. Slowly by slowly, the thumping slowed into a gentle pace as memories rushed into Naoka. 

Plus, waking up to a familiar face did much to settle her. 

"Morning Doctor," Smith greeted her, clad in a smart-looking uniform, the sky-blue beret of his organization atop his head. "Had a nice nap?" 

Her legs shook as she struggled to climb out of her pod, her body chilling from both the ice she woke up from as well as the cool air from the underground facility. She would have deigned Smith with a reply, save for the fact that her nose dripped with light-yellow mucous. Quickly, a team of men and women rushed towards her, a towel quickly thrown atop her to give her some warmth while another man offered her a mug with water. 

"T-thank you," Naoka muttered under her breath as she accepted the water. As she offered the mug back to the man, she noted the sheer bliss that was in his eyes. She raised an eyebrow at that. All she ever did was say her thanks? 

"Vitals are green," a female voice spoke up from somewhere. "No issues present, Colonel."   

Smith looked up towards a high platform where someone with fiery red hair stood behind glass. "Thank you, Devola. That will be all for now." 

"Understood, sir." 

At that, Naoka took the moment to glance around. Her entire row of pods were being woken up, each one being attended to by Smith's men. Except...they didn't look like the soldiers she went to ice with in the twilight of the Old World. 

"Smith-san," Naoka turned to the Colonel. "Who are these people? They don't look like your pilots or troopers." 

"They're locals, Doc. Here to help." Smith revealed. Naoka tilted her head, latching on to what Smith said to her. Locals? 

"Locals? Do you mean that the Earth has been repopulated again?" she ask, her voice analytical yet hopeful. She blinked as Smith's lips thinned. 

"Of sorts," he replied cryptically. "Get your team awake and ready. There's going to be a short briefing to catch you up to date then we'll get some chow in you." At that, he turned on his heels to greet every single one of those that had awoken, his voice pleasant and welcoming. 

Her attention went back to the man that had woken her up. "H-hi," he greeted her, his tone shy as he offered her his hand for a handshake. "I'm Reaper."

She blinked at him then stared at the offered hand. They stood still and awkwardly before Reaper turned away, pulling back his hand. "S-sorry."

Much later and now absconded into a sterile white room, Naoka sat on a chair, her legs crossed and expression stern as she awaited for the Colonel to show up yet again. Her colleagues, as they were, murmured among themselves, clad in prepared clothes that was form fitting for each one of them. Naoka quite disliked the clothes they had to wear considering how tight it was and it didn't really allow her to accessorize as much as she liked. The very day she could wear skirts and stockings again was the day she would well and truly celebrate. 

The murmuring died down finally when Smith strode in, three women accompanying him. Two were redheads wearing some matching clothes that showed off their hips. The last one was more modestly dressed, a olive headdress covering her face. One of the locals, Naoka presumed. She had no idea that there could be red-headed Arabs. 

Smith strode up towards the front where a podium was prepared. Climbing atop it, he cleared his throat. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the new world," Smith greeted them. "How was your sleep?" 

"Chill," joked one of the scientists, his face youthful. Some chuckles broke out, while others rolled their eyes. The redheads at the front giggled and the Arab sighed. Or that was what Naoka saw her as. 

"Right," Smith deadpanned, yet his eyes glinted with mischief. "Jokes aside, we all knew that by the time we woke up, we'd all be in a different world. Well, that prediction was correct and this world we are know in is vastly different in ways you never thought possible." 

Smith then turned to the redheads. "Girls. You may begin." 

He took a step aside and allowed the two women to step up. They were, in Naoka's assessment, absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Nary a flaw was on their fair faces. Perfectly symmetrical, fair skin, small nose and green eyes that had a certain haunting melancholy to it. The only difference being their manner of hair, with one having wilder shaggier hair and the other who had longer and smoother hair. Naoka knew that the local women tended to er on the beautiful side but this was ridiculous. 

"Hello, everyone!" the shaggier one greeted them. "The name's Devola and this is my sister, Popola. Colonel Smith has asked us to be the ones to guide everyone that has woken up from cryo sleep. Now, we're going to tell you some things that might be shocking-" 

"But they're the truth," Popola finished for her sister. 

The scientists nodded, Naoka herself joining them. Alright. She was ready to get shocked. Devola turned around as a projector flashed against the wall behind them. "It all began on-" 

And so, Naoka and the other scientists sat and listened, their minds open to the explanations that the two women were giving. However, as they spoke, the more and more the mood in the room turned into a rollercoaster of emotion. Disbelief, scepticism, and surprise.  And so much more. 

Naoka's lips were thin as she leaned back on her chair. Androids, Gestalt failing. The planet being tidally locked and being kept awake only by magic. Aliens and their machine hordes. Of course, they were offered proof. The Twins and that veiled woman...no...android had let themselves be touched by the scientists as proof of who they were. Naoka herself felt the wires, the artificial nature of their bodies, their lack of pulse and more. But despite that, she could not ignore the fact that they were so...alive. 

With the explanations over, questions began pouring. 

"What powers you? Are you artificial intelligence?" One scientist asked, his face elderly. 

A look flashed on the Twin's eyes, as well as with the veiled woman who was now standing next to Smith. It seemed that sort of question offended them, Naoka noted. "We...we aren't artificial intelligence, Doctor," Devola answered patiently. 

"Most androids are constructed from the scans of human brains. My sister and I, we both claim the memories of human twins we don't really remember much," Popola continued for her sister, her voice gentle. "As for what powers us, we all have internal sources of power that keeps us operating indefinitely without need to refuel." 

Murmurs of fascination echoed. Even Naoka herself whistled. She would very much like to examine how these androids worked. Though that would have to involve strapping one and examining it...Naoka paused her line of thinking. She was looking at those androids as if they were little more than robots. No, they were much more than that, Naoka mused. They had emotions, judging from how offended they were at being referred to as AI, as well as clear personalities. 

Despite their artificial construction, Naoka would struggle to not see those androids as people. 

"You're very human-like," Naoka observed. She craned her head upwards, looking at the two eye-to-eye. "How is this possible?" 

"Well...My fellow androids and I were built to be as close to humanity as possible, Doctor. Our thoughts, our feelings...everything," Devola smiled, happy to answer Naoka's question. "Although we don't need to, androids for example can taste food. When it does get inside our bodies, our systems simply converts it into energy." 

Even more fascinated sounds emerged from the group. "You're marvels!" a scientist yelled from the back. Devola and Popola giggled. A very human trait. 

"Are there different types of androids?" Another one asked. 

"Yes, there are," Popola answered, leaning in to make herself known. "My sister and I were intended to be administrators and medical staff. Anemone over there, she's a combat model which as the name implies, is built for battle." 

Anemone, the veiled woman, nodded. "When I was manufactured, I was programmed solely to fight and to lead. However, we're not limited to our programming alone. We can learn. Throughout the years, I myself managed to learn new things that wasn't part of my intended role. Although, I am an older model. The ones that YoRHa fields are much more advanced," 

"In what way?" the same scientist asked. 

At this, Smith chimed in. "The way they fight defies expectations. A single YoRHa unit could clobber a hundred machines and be unscatched." 

"I'd love to see the data then," the scientist nodded. "Any one of these YoRHa models around?" 

"Their Commander, White, was here but she had to return to their HQ to resume her duties as their leader," Smith said, some manner of disappointment in his voice though he hid it well. "As for the models themselves, they're currently out the Outpost, patrolling the desert with my pilots."

The scientist frowned. "I see. I'll have to wait until they get back then. Where's their HQ?" 

"Space," Smith deadpanned. 

Naoka leaned in. 

"Space?" she repeated, for clarification. 

"Yes. Space. The Army of Humanity maintains massive space stations in orbit. One of these stations, they are converting to be habitable to humans. When it's done, the rest of the civvies we have with us are going to be sent to live there. The strategic situation on Earth is not suitable for repopulation just yet," Smith reported. He strode up to the podium. The Twins standing aside to let him speak. 

"And that is why it was time for me to wake you all up. When we went to sleep, we knew that by the time we would rise, humanity will arise in a world that is massively depopulated. Thankfully, the androids will assist us in that manner." 

"How? Forgive me, Colonel, but as I understand, the androids themselves aren't exactly organic?" Naoka pointed out. 

A nervous look came on Devola's face. 

"About that..." she began, causing the scientists to glance her way. She wilted under their gaze, her cheeks reddening from both embarrassment and exposure.  "I...recently came to discover that..." She faltered, her words dying in her mouth. 

"Well?" Naoka demanded. 


Popola rolled her eyes. "What my sis is trying to say, Doctor, is that she found that we, female androids that is, are capable of reproduction. Our wombs can gestate a human child, though we need to be inseminated first." She tilted her head. "I am unsure however if male androids could impregnate another android, nor do we know if they can impregnate a human female." 

Awkward glances was exchanged between the scientists. "You are capable of reproduction?" Naoka asked, her voice still pointed though a little more gentle. 

"Yes," Devola admitted, her face now as red as her hair. 

Naoka leaned back. "And...pray tell who is the father?" It had to be one of those pilots, Naoka mused. Soldiers were the filthiest and most degenerate bunch that ever existed on this planet. A pity. Devola looked like a nice and proper girl. Though, it's not as if that they really had a choice right now. 

"It's me," deadpanned Smith. 

The whole room turned to him. 

"You, Colonel?" Naoka repeated, disbelief in her voice. "How?" 

"In the way that you think, Doctor. The old fashioned way," Smith replied, some masculine confidence in his voice. Impressed whistles came from her team, mostly from the men but she just glared at them until they composed themselves. Turning back, Naoka stood up. 

"If that's the case, my team and I will have to monitor you, Devola-san," Naoka said. "You and the other androids that the pilots may have slept with. Knowing them, they probably have added to the population, dogs that they are." 

"Doctor, might I remind you, that is the point?" Smith butted in. "To return our population to normal, whatever it might take?" 

"Doesn't change the fact that it's still rather filthy though the enthusiasm is welcome," said Naoka. She turned to Devola. "Don't worry, Devola-san. We'll take care of you." 

"T-Thank you," Devola cleared her throat. "I am sorry if...I'm troubling you." 

Naoka shook her head. "Nonsense, Devola-san. You are no trouble, at all. After this, we'll have to do some tests on you. I assure you, you will be well taken care of." 

Devola afforded the good doctor a smile. Naoka at that moment had a moment's thought. Considering how small the human population was, the others in the different bunkers combined, the androids was a unexpected miracle. Naoka herself was willing to join in the effort, once she had the time and once she found a partner she'd approve of. 

A part of herself laughed at her situation. Her parents had asked her when she would settle down and have children. Ironic that the time she was going to have them, her parents wouldn't be there to see their most earnest desire. 

As she was about to speak, loud knocking interrupted them. The door opened and in came a android. "Colonel! Anemone!" the man huffed. 

"Yes? What is it?" Smith asked, striding forward. 

"We have an urgent request for reinforcements! One of our patrol groups have encountered a machine lifeform!" 


A/N: Oh dear


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