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Smith's eye slowly opened. He was on his bed, yet he wasn't alone. He felt bodies intertwined with his. A tuft of blonde, red, and black hair. 

"Good morning," Devola greeted him, her body and breasts resting against his chest. Smith sniffed and took in the scent of musk and sex heavy in the air. He hummed, looking first to his left and found White sleeping peacefully on her side, her hourglass contour just a invitation for him to go spoon her in his embrace. To his right, Anemone was awake however, gripping his right hand and laying her own head against his shoulder. 

"We were watching you sleep," Anemone confessed. It was absolutely fascinating to the android, watching his stomach rise and fall, hearing the gentle thumping of his heartbeat that just set them both at ease. 

"What time is it?" Smith asked, glancing around. Devola hummed. "It's eight in the morning, sir. You had optimal sleep. Before that we were..." she trailed off, a faint blush appearing on her cheek. 

"Fucking," was Smith's reply, making Devola redden even more. Anemone chuckled poking his cheek with a single gloved hand. 

"Quite. Though you only used your mouth on me. Next time, I expect you to use your phallus as intended," Anemone said, half jokingly/half seriously. "I didn't have all my parts attached if I didn't want it to get used." 

"You still had a good time?" Smith asked, considerate of Anemone's enjoyment. Anemone's reply was to reach up, cupping his cheek with her hand and pecking him softly. She pulled back, smiling. 

"I did," Anemone whispered, a soft gasp that was reserved now and only for Smith. Devola, jealous of all the attention Anemone was getting, pouted. She reached up and pecked Smith herself, earning a chuckle from Smith. "I didn't forget you too, Devola. You were amazing. All of you," 

Anemone smiled and Devola bashfully played with her hair from the Colonel's praise. "You...you weren't half-bad yourself, Mister," Devola weakly complimented him. From his side, White began to stir. The lone human and the two androids turned to see White mumble something under her breath before she she turned to see Smith and his androids. Slowly, her gaze settled on their naked forms as her memory began to register on the acts they had done. 

Slowly, Commander White lifted her hands to cover her face in a vain attempt to hide the fierce blush on her cheeks. "Kill me," she moaned. 

Anemone snorted while Devola simply leaned in deeper into Smith's chest, a victorious grin on her face. Smith chuckled again, reaching out to gently grasp White's hair. Hesitantly, she lowered her hands slightly to peek at Smith, only to regret it when she saw the smile on his face. "You were amazing, White," Smith teased her. 

"Nooo..." White moaned. 

"Very enthusiastic," Smith teased again. 

"I slept with a superior officer!" she moaned again. Smith hummed, tilting his head. 

"Do you regret it?" he asked. White paused.....then answered. 

Still covering her face, White slowly shook her head. She cringed harder as Smith went and pinched her cheek. "Who knew that the Commander of YoRHa could be so cute," Smith praised her, earning a moan of embarrassment from White. 

"Ahem," Devola cleared her throat just as Anemone tugged at his arm. He laughed. "Oh, you two. All of you are cute and sweet." 

Anemone had a satisfied look on her face as she buried her head against his shoulder again. Devola however...a certain look came to her face. Her lips were taut, her eyebrows furrowed. Concern gripped Smith, seeing the look on his lover's face. "Devola? Is something wrong?" 

Slowly, Devola got off his chest and sat by the bed's edge, her fiery red hair like a mane. Out of nervousness or habit, the redhead sat, twirling her hair. "We...when you had released inside of me, before we slept...I received a notification in my processor. I felt my body adjust from an auto-update called VitaeWomb.exe. Right now...I'm still feeling its effects." 

Smith listened patiently. He blinked as Devola explained herself, his ears latching on to the update she was experiencing. Smith had an inkling that Vitae Womb was self explanatory in what it was. Life Womb. A look of utter seriousness seized White and Anemone. They sat up quickly, moving closer towards Devola, either out of womanly solidarity or simple concern, Smith didn't know. What he did know however was that Devola was possibly...pregnant. 


"How?" Smith asked. 

Anemone held a hand on Devola's shoulder. She looked over hers to look at Smith. "Us androids were made to be as close to the image of humanity, Colonel. Up from how we look to our inner core." She turned back from Smith to look at Devola who was now clutching her stomach with abject concern.

Anemone gazed down to it. "But...I have no idea on what a Vitae Womb is though. I've had previous partners ejaculate inside of me long before and nothing really happened." 

Commander White glanced down at her own stomach, her face conflicted. She turned to look at Devola then at Smith. "Perhaps...it really needed a human for it to work properly?" 

"That could explain that..." Anemone trailed. She turned to Devola, her face soft. "Devola. You...you were manufactured when?" 

Finding her courage, Devola mustered the will to speak. "The Devola and Popola models were...born when the main goal was the preservation of humanity. Maybe...that's the reason why I have this? But my sister and I were meant to be administrative and medical androids!" Her last words died in her throat, terror gripping her core. Her core scrambled code, code and data she never knew. Trimester? Labor? Devola wanted to crumple into a ball, fear and uncertainty flashed on the normally confident android. Anemone leaned in, pulling Devola into a tight embrace. White nervously glanced at her own womb. Was she...also...?

Smith on other hand had no idea what the hell was going on. Technicalities escaped him. He knew how to organize a force, how to lead hardened men and women into battle. He did not however know the specifics that Devola was talking about. Here, he only latched at one thing and one thing only. He looked up, glancing at the terrified android. This reminded him of a unpleasant memory, of a life in the Old World he had run from. But back then, he wasn't ready. 

This time though....

He was.

He wasn't going to make that same mistake again.

[spoiler=Recommended OST: Weight of the World]https://youtu.be/pPJ3PhVDthI?t=674[/spoiler]

"Devola," he called out to her. At that, Devola slowly turned to face him, the other androids following suit. He sat up, inching close towards the redhead. He reached out, gripping her hand. "I don't know the specifics. I'll leave it to the eggheads still freezing. But I do know that you are telling me I'm going to be a father. I have no idea how the fuck to do that but when before we were frozen in our pods, we knew what duty we were going to have when we awoke. And this duty, I am going to shoulder with all my damn heart." 

Devola's breath hitched. "...Colonel?" 

His fingers intertwined with hers, a gentle smile on his face. "I'll be the kids dad...if you'd no mind being his mom." 

Shaking, Devola teared up. Tears, clear as crystals, dripped her face as she rushed up and engulfed the Colonel in a fierce and tight hug. She cried and cried, digging herself into his chest as if he was a hole she could only feel safe in. "Colonel...! Colonel....!" Devola cried desperately, her hands wrapping around him, desperate to never let her go. 

Smiling, Smith returned the gesture, running his hands through her hair. "Don't worry, Devola. I am not going anywhere." 

Not anywhere. Not again. 

Smith looked up at the other two, bidding them to come to him. Anemone knew that Androids didn't reproduce. But that was between two androids together. But with a human? She had no idea what it meant to be a mother or if she would even be a good one. But her duty, her life was to fight for humanity. Maybe...her purpose wasn't also just to fight for it but to also live for it too. And bring upon the next generation, a new beginning in a old world. 

And she was going to do just that. 

She joined in the embrace, feeling Smith's warmth and heartbeat. 

For White...she had spent most of her existence ordering good androids to battle, often at the loss of their lives. She too had ordered the oftentimes senseless deaths of androids who found out the truth, their only crime knowing what shouldn't be known. Was she capable of such a thing, to bring up a life when all she had ever done was order most of its end? 

She glanced up at the soft eyes of Smith, bringing Devola and Anemone close to him. 

And she decided...if she was worthy, to wholeheartedly accept it. 

And if not....to prove that she was. 

She went up and joined the throng, gently planting her head against Smith, who clutched them all in a fierce protectiveness that only a father could only ever truly give to his children. 

For his unborn children. 

For the Androids. 

For Mankind.


A/N: Well. This was strangely emotional. What the fuck, man. 

But yall who played the game know that when Weight of the World plays, a chapter has closed. And now...a new one is going to open.


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