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Nights in Liyue tended to be peaceful. After the hustle and bustle of the morning and afternoon markets, night was the moment where the most intense trading and dealing of the Nation of Commerce would rest. Liyue worked hard, yes. But they rewarded that hard work with rest and relaxation.

Such were the thoughts of Maiha as she lowered the box of supplies she brought into storage. Sighing in satisfaction, the girl looked on in pride at the perfectly arranged and symmetrical way she had stored the crates in the storage room of Bubu Pharmacy, the best and premier shop that could cue any and all ailment under the sun. It was practically a dream come true, for it also had one of the finest medical minds in the continent.

Dr Baizhu.

At the thought of the green-haired man, Maiha couldn't help but flush. He was just so...so....perfect! He was kind, caring, with a dedication to healing the sick and the ailing to such a degree that if he could bear their pain, he would. It didn't help that he always walked around in that loose outfit, showing off his stomach and...everything else....and oh Archon, the way those eyes of his could narrow like a snake finding its prey...

The flush on her pale face deepened when shea realized what she was thinking about. She shook her head vigorously. Bad Maiha! Bad! She felt dirty having such impure thoughts. Baizhu had been nothing but kind to her and here she was...fantasizing about him like...like....

A loud thump, and coughing echoed from outside the storage. Thinking that someone was in pain, a patient perhaps, Maiha quickly turned on her heels, ready to find some poor soul trying to get their prescription out before going home. Rounding the corner, she thought she would see some old man shakily trying to get help. Instead, hunched over the counter and breathing heavily was a green haired man.


"Doctor!" Maiha cried, running over to attend the ailing man. A part of her felt fear. Was Dr Baizhu sick? He never gave any indication that he was. He was always so kind and smiling, showing nothing but the best of his smiles. "Ah,,,Maiha...I'm...I'm fine..." Baizhu blinked, looking down at the girl...no...young woman next to him. To Liyue's most eminent pharmacist, Maiha was a blessing. Not only was she helpful and eager in doing her duties for the Pharmacy, she was...

No. He should not have such thoughts for the girl. They were to have nothing more but a purely professional relationship. Anything else would just be inappropriate. And besides...he knew that he couldn't love anyone. Not in this world. One day, he wasn't long for it after all. Maiha, oblivious to such thoughts, fussed over the doctor. Looking around, she quickly went to fetch a stool for the doctor to sit on. "There, and sit down!" she declared authoritatively. "You've been working too hard, Doctor Baizhu. Please, rest!"

Baizhu afforded the girl a smile as he allowed himself to sit down. Yes, he had been working quite hard. But can anyone blame him, really? To heal the sick, to stop death from claiming people too soon...there was no other worthy goal in life than that. Why else would he have made that contract with Changsheng? Sharing a look, Baizhu took in a breathe. "I cannot help it, Maiha. Healing the sick is what a doctor should do, no?"

Maiha couldn't exactly argue with that. But still! "That doesn't mean you have to go and run yourself ragged. Think about what would happen if you collapse from exhaustion, or if you collapse outside the city! What would happen to the Pharmacy? What would happen to us?" Maiha was rambling and she knew it. But she couldn't stop herself. Baizhu meanwhile, chuckled. "My...something like this...it makes it sound like you are my wife," Baizhu didn't know why he had said that but it only felt appropriate. Maiha could only stare at Baizhu in shock. Did she just hear...?

A wild blush broke out on her cheeks. "W-wfie!?" she stammered, pulling back. "Dr Baizhu!"

"I am sorry, if that made you uncomfortable." Baizhu offered smoothly. Maiha shook her head. "No, no! I wouldn't be opposed! It's just-"

"Wouldn't be opposed, hm?" Baizhu latched on, leaning in with a smirk and a close-interested face. Blushing redder than the hottest Jueyun Chili, Maiha stomped her foot on the floorboard, protesting. "Dr Baizhu! Please, you must focus on resting! Not t-teasing me!" Maiha ended with a pout.

Baizhu laughed before suddenly, he started coughing. Badly. "W-water," he croaked. Immediately, Maiha went into action. Producing a cup of cool water, the Inazuman offered it to the doctor, her face scrunched up in concern. Baizhu accepted it, bringing it up to his lips. Maiha watched, with bated breathe, as he drank. After a moments silence, he set it aside, leaning back against the wall, breathing quietly. A somber mood filled the Pharmacy as Maiha stood quietly, unsure of what to do or say. Despite the close relationship that they have had, all purely professional, there was still quite a lot of things she did not know about Dr Baizhu. For one...she didn't know that he was sick or had something like it.

What other things did she not know about him?

"Dr Baizhu...are you...are you alright?" Maiha mustered the courage to speak.

"I...I am, Maiha. There is no need for you to worry," Baizhu attempted to soothe her. But the girl simply shook her head.

"How could I not worry? Not when you look like this!" Maiha spoke up, walking forward. "How could I not worry when you suddenly start coughing, and looking weak, and almost collapsed in the pharmacy?"

She went and stood by his side, her eyes searching into him. Grabbing both his hands, she held it up tightly. "I know I am not rich, I am not the most skilled either...but you have me, Dr Baizhu. Whatever it is, I want to help you. Please...are you alright?"

Baizhu searched into Maiha's eyes and found nothing but honest sincerity there. A simple innocent desire to help. The same desire, as him. Closing his eyes, Baizhu revealed everything. The truth about his relationship with Changsheng. His quest for immortality, all to heal the sick. And through it all, Maiha held his hand, listening to the doctor speak. They were that way, in their own little bubble of trust.

When Baizhu finished, he glanced up at Maiha, expecting anything from derision to incredulity. His goals were lofty after all and some could even dare call it foolish. But Maiha?

She hugged him.

The world was quiet, save for the soft beating of hearts as Maiha clutched to Baizhu, soft and gentle as the waves against the beach. "I...I am not the strongest...nor do I have riches....but....you have me, Doctor," Maiha said gently, soft palms placed on Baizhu's cheeks. "I...After everything that you have done for me, I promise you, you will have nothing but my help and my assistance, no matter what happens."

Baizhu knew that Maiha was speaking the truth. But the question remained.  "Why?" He found himself asking.  

Soft lips cratering around his was the reply. Then, Maiha pulled back, her expression soft and gentle.

"I love you," she confessed, her heart full of love and her eyes glinting with errant softness.

Baizhu's throat hitched.


Maiha yelped as she was tossed onto the bed. The door behind them closes, the sounds of Liyue drowned out by Baizhu rushing atop her, laying kisses down her neck.

Baizhu's heart raced as he climbed on top of Maiha, his lips eagerly pressing against her neck, leaving a trail of soft, lingering kisses. His hands traced the curves of her body, exploring every inch as he yearned for her touch. His lips moved lower, brushing against her collarbone, before descending to find her supple breasts. He took one into his mouth, gently suckling on the sensitive flesh, causing Maiha to gasp and arch her back in pleasure. Baizhu's actions were a mix of urgency and tenderness, his desire evident in every touch as he hungrily tasted her skin.

"Please," he whispered in a husky voice, his breath warm against her ear. "Tell me what you want, Maiha. I'm here to fulfill your every desire."

"Take me, Doctor. Fuck me!" Maiha's tone is urgent, desperate, as her legs wrap around Baizhu's hips. Her eyes blaze with lust and need, eager to be pleased by the doctor

Baizhu's breath caught in his throat as he felt Maiha's urgent and desperate plea. His desire surged through him like wildfire, fueled by her words and the unmistakable hunger in her eyes. He could sense her need, and he was more than willing to satisfy it. Without hesitation, Baizhu's hands slid down Maiha's body, reaching for the hem of her clothing. He eagerly stripped her, exposing her naked form to the room. His own desire palpable, he shed his own clothes with a swift motion, revealing his toned physique, before positioning himself between her legs. With a primal instinct, Baizhu's hips pressed forward, his throbbing hardness meeting her slick, waiting entrance. In a single, fluid motion, he entered her, burying himself deep within. The sensation caused them both to gasp in pleasure, their bodies beautifully aligned in their quest for pleasure.

Baizhu set a pace that matched the urgency in Maiha's voice, his thrusts powerful and intoxicating. His hands grasped her hips firmly, providing stability and leverage as he plunged into her, each movement eliciting a cascade of moans and gasps. The room seemed to vibrate with their shared desire, their bodies moving in a graceful harmony, finding release and fulfillment in their union. As Baizhu looked into Maiha's eyes, he could see the ecstasy reflected in them, the raw passion that mirrored his own. Their bodies moved as one, the heat and intensity between them building with each thrust, driving them toward the peak of their pleasure. 

Lost in the intoxication of their shared desire, Baizhu met each of Maiha's urgent cries with unwavering zeal. He thrust harder, deeper with a relentless fervor, pushing them both closer to the edge. And as their bodies reached the ultimate crescendo, they succumbed to the pleasure, finding their release in a symphony of moans and shudders, riding the waves of ecstasy together.

Baizhu collapsed onto the bed beside Maiha, their bodies glowing with sweat and satiated desire. He reached out to tenderly caress her cheek. Maiha nuzzles against Baizhu, her body slick and wet from sweat and other fluids. "Doctor..." she said softly, looking up at him. "I love you."

Baizhu's body was still tingling from the intense pleasure they had shared, the warmth of their connection lingering in the air. As he felt Maiha nuzzle against him, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a rush of affection. He gazed into her eyes, his own filled with tenderness and genuine care. The words she spoke echoed through him, reaching deep into his heart. A soft smile graced his lips as he ran his fingers through her damp hair. "Maiha," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine emotion. "I love you too, with all my heart. You've ignited a fire within me, a love that burns brighter than anything I've ever known."

Baizhu gently brought his lips to hers, kissing her softly, a mixture of passion and tenderness blending in their embrace. Their bodies may have been sated, but their hearts were still aflame with the intensity of their connection. And as they lay entwined, he vowed to cherish her, to protect her, and to continue exploring the depths of their love together.

Speaking of which...

Maiha squirms as she feels Baizhu's finger rub against her sensitive nub. She blushes a fierce red at his touch. "A-again?" she squeaked.

Baizhu's lips curled into a mischievous smile as he heard Maiha's squeak and noticed her blush deepen. The sight of her squirming beneath him, her body still sensitive from their earlier activities, fuelled his desire to bring her pleasure once more. His fingers continued their tender exploration, tracing delicate circles around her swollen nub. He could feel her heartbeat quicken beneath his touch, her breath becoming uneven as waves of pleasure washed over her. Baizhu leaned down, his voice husky with desire as he whispered into her ear, "Again, and as many times as you desire, Maiha. Your pleasure is my utmost priority."

With that, he increased the pace of his movements, applying gentle pressure and stroking her most sensitive spot with precision. He reveled in the sweet sounds that escaped her lips, relishing in the way her body responded to his touch. As the sensations built within her, Baizhu could feel her body tense, teetering on the brink of ecstasy. He continued to stimulate her with unwavering attentiveness, determined to take her to the heights of pleasure. And as Maiha succumbed to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her, her body trembling and her breath hitching, Baizhu delighted in the sight of her release, her pleasure echoing through the room.

Once again, he held her close, their bodies still intertwined, basking in the aftermath of their pleasure. His eyes met hers, filled with warmth and adoration. "You are so beautiful in every way, Maiha," he whispered. "And I am here to fulfill your every desire, to bring you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams." Breathless, Maiha tried to look up at her new lover but she could only see stars. Her breath hitched as she felt Baizhu's throbbing length against her entrance. The fire that burned in her burned ever more brighter. "F-Fuck...me..." she whispered.

Baizhu's heart raced with anticipation as he heard Maiha's breathless plea and felt the heat radiating from her body. The primal desire that surged within him mirrored her own, and he couldn't deny the magnetic pull between them. Positioning himself at her entrance, Baizhu couldn't help but throb in response to her whispered words. His desire for her was undeniable, his yearning to pleasure her overwhelming any lingering hesitation. Without a moment's hesitation, he slowly pushed himself inside, savoring the sensation of their connection being made once more. As he entered her, inch by inch, the tightness and warmth wrapped around him, bringing waves of pleasure to the surface. They both moaned in unison, the sound a symphony of their passion and longing.

Baizhu began to move rhythmically, his thrusts slow and deep, each one eliciting a gasp or a moan from Maiha's lips. The room seemed to fade away as they became lost in the intensity of their ecstasy, their bodies moving together in a dance of desire. He paid close attention to Maiha's responses, attuned to her every whimper, her every vocalization. With each movement, he sought to bring her pleasure, varying the speed and depth to heighten her pleasure further. His hands were placed tenderly on her hips, guiding her movements and ensuring their connection remained unbroken.

As their bodies moved in perfect harmony, the pleasure escalated, a powerful crescendo building within them both. Baizhu could feel the heat pooling in the depths of his being, driven by the intensity of their lovemaking. The rhythm quickened, their bodies moving faster, the room filled with the sounds of their shared pleasure. They held nothing back, uninhibited and consumed by the raw desire that surged between them. The ecstasy peaked, crashing over them like a tidal wave, and they tumbled into the abyss of pleasure together.

Baizhu collapsed onto the bed beside Maiha, their bodies glowing with sweat and sated desire. He gazed at her, his eyes filled with awe and adoration, a smile of contentment gracing his lips.

"Maiha," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine affection. "You are everything to me. I will always be here to take you to heights of pleasure, to love and cherish you in every way possible."

"D-Daddy...." Maiha whispered, nuzzling her head against his chest, sleep claiming them both.

Baizhu's breathing slowed as he was enveloped in a comforting warmth, Maiha nuzzling her head against his chest. The tenderness in her voice as she uttered the word "Daddy" tugged at his heartstrings, a deep flood of affection washing over him. A contented smile curved his lips as he held her close, their bodies entwined. His protective instincts surged forth as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. The weight of the day's passionate encounters finally caught up with them, and the embrace of sleep began to pull him under. As the quiet settled over them, Baizhu's arms tightened around Maiha, enveloping her in a loving embrace. Together, they surrendered themselves to the peaceful embrace of slumber, their bodies finding solace in each other's presence, their dreams filled with the echoes of their passionate moments.

In that blissful state of rest, Baizhu's heart swelled with a love that ran deeper than their physical connection. He was determined to protect and care for Maiha, to create a haven within their shared moments.

And as they drifted further into the embrace of sleep, he whispered softly, "Sleep well, my precious Maiha. In this moment and forever, you are safe and loved in Daddy's arms."


A/N: A commission from my partner Cinammon. The slaggest of the slags. She's like the sweetest piece of work this side of the universe in my non-biased opinion, consulting many different authorities on the topic of who is the sweetest.

Love you, baby. Muah <3


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