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The energy of the mess hall eventually settled as the pilots finished their meal and slowly began to drift away with their android hanger-ons, leaving the Mess Hall empty save for the Colonel and his entourage. Popola had dragged Jackass away to help wash the plates and the explosive obsessed android only did so after cursing Popola every name under the sun. 1D too was dragged away thanks to the amount of plates and utensils that needed to be cleaned. While the YoRHa android went ahead to do her job dutifully, it was clear to see the sheer murder in her eyes as she was lead away from Smith. 

That just left Devola alone to contest with Anemone and White. 

She silently thanked her sister for her sacrifice. She was going to handle things now on her onw. 

"I had no idea that you could sing, Devola," Smith said, surprised as the fiery haired android confidently marched forth to sit beside Smith. White and Anemone had chosen to sit across him, perhaps to maintain an aura of dignity to their positions as Commander of YoRHa and Resistance Colonel. Their loss. 

Devola sat down, cross-legged, and smirked at Smith. "Not bad huh? It's just one of the many skills my sister and I have had." That was true enough. Due to their near ostracization from the rest of android kind, necessity had forced them to learn many skills that they needed to survive. It had fostered in the both of them a fierce independent spirit that gave them a sense of dignity and self-respect, unlike the two tarts across her now.

"Talented, hm?" Smith smirked, looking down at Devola. Her eyes glint with promise. 

"Yes, Colonel. I am very talented," Devola smiled.  

White glared at her in disapproval at Devola. It irked her that this....android would be so brazen as to act so freely and so scandalously towards not just a human but her superior officer! Clearing her throat, White crossed her arms, the very image of Commander played up in stern menace. "Devola. This is highly inappropriate. Have some dignity and refrain from this...this....display!" 

White had done so out of true dedication to duty, or so she justified to herself, and not the intense jealousy she felt towards Devola. Emotions were prohibited after all. And her own feelings towards Colonel Smith were nothing more but a system error that needed to be corrected. 

Anemone watched silently, already knowing full well what that glint in Devola's eyes was. She turned to look from White then back to Smith. "Smith?" 

Smith turned. "Ye-mmh!" his words were cut from him as Devola's cherry red lips clashed against him. She was soft to Smith's roughness, a literal marshmallow to a hard rock. The way his eyes widened showed Smith's surprise but he eventually accepted that this was happening now. He leaned in, grabbing a hold of Devola's chin as they promptly made out in a furious and passionate kiss. 

From her seat, Anemone shook her head erstwhile trying to keep her legs from moving too much, heat spreading between her legs. White on the other hand...

Her pale skin did not hide the fierce blush that was spreading on her cheeks. Her persona faltered, seeing the wanton display in front of her. How Smith held Devola's chin as to not let her escape, how Devola moaned softly into his lips. She turned to Anemone, looking towards her fellow officer for support but she instead found the Resistance Colonel not too quietly rubbing her thighs together. 

"Puah," Devola said as Smith finally allowed Devola to release herself from his kiss. They made eye contact as they did so, eyes glowing with lust before breaking free. Smith....Smith had no idea if he was breaking any regulations. There was a rule that military members such as him ought not to fraternize with civilians but Devola wasn't exactly a civilian was she?

Devola smirked in triumph, leaning against Smith's shoulder and wrapping her hands around his one arm. "I'm not part of YoRHa, Commander White. I am part of the Resistance and our rules are much more fluid. Right, Anemone?" 

Anemone sat silently before muttering under her breath. "...Yes." 

"Then in that case, why are you holding back?" Devola asked, raising an eyebrow. Anemone seemed to sit stiller before looking up at Smith. She imagined it now, how it would look between her olive-skinned body, clutching close to his mature vanilla one. Would he be rough? Gentle? There really only was one way to find out. 

"I...I haven't done...stuff like that, in a long time." Anemone admitted. She worried that she was going to mess it up. True enough, her position didn't exactly allow her the luxury of getting her rocks off. And of course, Smith was there again to save her. 

"Good thing I will be telling you exactly what to do," Smith said, his voice a rumble that sent a shiver up Anemone's spine. "You and Devola, with me. I have my own room." 

Her face was apprehensive but Anemone was very much excited at the prospect. Devola simply held onto Smith some more, enjoying every single moment of what was happening. She hadn't gone to do stuff like this in forever. Devola was wise beyond any android but this girl had needs too and by everything good and holy, she was going to get her brains rocked off by her human Smith or she was going to die trying. 

They hadn't left yet however. Smith's blue eyes shifted over to White. "Are you coming?" 

White once more froze, aware of the way Smith's intense eyes was looking at her. She gripped the hem of her dress, not really knowing what to do. On one hand, to....to do such a thing with a human was perhaps the wildest dream of any android, YoRHa or otherwise. Stern as she was, White wasn't a sheltered summer waif. She knew that the Resistance Androids had sexual relations with each other. Hell, she even knew that her own YoRHa troopers would partake in such activities though they kept such acts out of her Space Station. 

On the other, Smith was by all respects, a commanding officer. He was her superior. Granted, they technically served in different armies, he with the human United Nations and she with the Army of Humanity. Was it really...okay? 

But as she looked up the fierce but protective glow of Smith, how rugged his features were, how he put himself and his men in danger to fight with them...his speech and his oath.....

White fought long and hard in the Machine Wars. 

She figured that she deserved this for her service. She rewarded her troopers when they did a good job. Who would get to reward a Commander like her other than a superior officer? |

"Let's go." declared White. 

And with that, Smith and his androids went off, tension hanging onto them with every step. A tension that grew thicker as their path got closer and closer to Smith's private quarters. Pod 313 who had been silently accompanying went the other way for a Pod Conference. 

Smart Pod. 

Eventually, they arrived into Smith's quarters. It was a not quite so Spartan, being the private quarters of the outpost commander. There was a table and some chairs, a wide bed with comfortable beddings and metal frame. It was going to be helpful, considering what they were planning to do. 

"The three of you, sit down on the bed." Smith ordered as he pressed on a button that locked down the room. The three did so, each one showing their personalities. Devola sat cross-legged, smirking and eager to get her brains rocked out. Anemone was casual, quietly taking off the shawl on her face and letting her long and dark hair free from her headdress. White sat between them, stiff and still clutching the hem of her dress, aware of the weight of Anemone and Devola next to her. 

Smith stood quietly, his eyes darting between the three of them before eventually, he decided. "Anemone, come here." 

Anemone did so, her face impassive yet her own internal systems were going haywire. Her core was going places, going wild. She marched up to Smith, eyes looking up at him. Their eyes met for a brief moment before eventually, Smith leaned in and kissed her, his lips wet and hot. Despite knowing what was going to happen, Anemone's eyes widened in surprise. She did not resist however and leaned into the kiss, moaning into Smith's mouth as she felt him trace his hands on her back, down towards her shapely rear. 

Devola watched this all unfold. Jealousy was in her yes but also excitement and intrigue. She saw and felt the air between Anemone and Smith turn hot and steamy, their moans echoing in the air. Heat flashed between her legs as she recalled the moment she had with Smith in the Mess Hall earlier. Turning from the two and to White, Devola could see the stern YoRHa commander trying and failing to keep the lust in her eyes from breaking out. 

Amateur, she internally scoffed as she turned back to Smith and Anemone who had now finished up and sent Anemone back to her seat. Her cheeks were dark brown in color, her facial expression focused and heavy, her eyes lidded with desire and excitement. 

"White," Smith called out to her. Gulping, White stood up from her place and slowly went over to Smith. She felt many things, lust, excitement. But mostly morbid embarrassment. She was the Commander of YoRHa, not some grunt that could just let herself be free....

But the way Smith just looked at her...

Was she going to regret this?

As Smith suddenly pulled her in close, his lips tasting of sweet sweet desire, White immediately knew that she wasn't going to. She took the initiative, pulling herself closer to the Colonel, her hands wrapping around him as she made out with the man that had given her and so many other hope. She revelled in his taste, the sheer life that he exuded. She was the first to let her tongue out and Smith complied, his own merging with hers in a union of passion. She pressed against him, her breasts against his chest, her thighs rubbing as they let loose in their kiss. 

Devola inwardly cackled. "Who knew that the Commander of YoRHa was so naughty?" she exclaimed as White and Smith pulled out from each other. Still clutching to Smith, she turned to Devola in a flash, a fierce blush on her face. 

"S-shut up," White defended herself, weakly. Devola merely laughed her off. Smith on the other hand snorted. "That's enough from the three of you. Sit back down, White." 

And with that, White reluctantly broke free from Smith and sat down. Her eyes widened when she saw Smith unzip himself. Anemone and Devola leaned in eagerly, anticipation in their eyes as Smith undressed his lower pants to reveal...

Syntax Error detected.

Smith was massive. A throbbing phallus that emitted power and dominance. It was curved slightly in a angle, some clear liquid leaking from the tip. He strode close towards them, throbbing as he did so. "Suck," he ordered. 

Devola was the first to do so, a never-ending grin on her lips as she leaned in. She opened her mouth and exhaled a hot breath against Smith's cock, earning a shudder from Smith. It was then she opened her mouth fully and wrapped herself on him. She first sucked the head, testing the water a little, as her saliva and lips coated Smith's sensitive length. The air around her was steamy, her breaths getting challenged from cock in her mouth. 

But she pressed on, bobbing her head down slowly to take Smith in. Her throat adjusted to his size, taking all of him with no issue. Then, she began her worship of Smith, heaving back and forth in worshipful supplication to Smith, leaving wet trails of saliva on Smith's throbbing length. 

"Mmm," was her soft moan, one free hand reaching to unzip her pants and run pleasured circled on her sensitive nub. Anemone and White watched in fascination and anticipation, eager for their turn. Devola looked up, her eyes meeting Smith. Her eyes narrowed in intrigue and invitation, glinting with bratty delight. 

Smith grunted softly, his cock throbbing from pleasure as the redhead went at him with reckless and desperate longing, as if she was chasing ecstasy herself. "That's e-enough. Mouth out," Smith managed to grunt out. Devola pulled herself out with a pop, a victorious glint in her eyes. 

"Aw, can't handle it, Colonel?" She teased him. She promptly realized her mistake when she saw the dark look on Smith's eyes. But instead of fear, anticipation filled her. And sure enough, Smith grabbed a fistful of Devola's hair and held her up. Her thighs rubbed together in desperation as Smith forced himself into her mouth. A rumbling groan left his mouth as he thrust in and out of Devola, fucking her hole with deep and powerful thrusts. Devola took it all in, her legs open and her hand furiously rubbing circles around her clit. 

It did not take long for Devola to cum and cum she did, her body arching in pleasure as her climax coursed through her body. Smith pulled out, letting the android slump onto his bed in a daze, her tongue lolling and her eyes threatening to roll into the back of her head. 

"Aw, can't handle it, Devola?" Smith teased back. 

"F...fwuck....yew..." Devola managed out before her eyes actually rolled to the back of her head, passing out. Smith laughed, shook his head then turned to face Anemone and White. "Now. You two. At once." 

Anemone deep-dived in, no hesitation, and went to worship Smith, bobbing her head up and down in pleasured paces. Erstwhile, undoing her belt and letting her shirt open to free her breasts out. They were decently plump and round, brown-colored nipples hard from the chill air and the lust around. While Devola was energetic, Anemone was measured in her worship of Smith, settling into a comfortable pace that earned the most groans from Smith. 

And she was supposedly out of practice. 

She then pulled out, wrapping a hand around his length and jerking him off in a settled pace. She turned to White. "Your turn," she said. Still jerking him off, she moved aside a little to let White come closer. The blonde took deep breaths to hype herself out before going in to wrap herself on him. Her pace was nervous, shy but her courage was found when Smith praised her lips. 

She pressed on, combining both energy and technique at the same time. Anemone let her hand free from Smith, leaning forward to suckle on his balls, worshipping him there with abject passion. They both took turns to suck off Smith, enjoying themselves as they worshipped his cock, their audio receptors going into hyperdrive with each moan and groan that left Smith's ears. 

"Fuck....fuck......I'm going to cum....." Smith grunted out, his cock twitching violently from Anemone's mouth. It was then Anemone pulled back and both android women leaned in close, suckling at his cock before finally, he came. White covered her eyes while Anemone took it all in as Smith's cock exploded in pleasure, dousing both androids in thick and creamy climax. The musky smell of it, the sheer masculine scent of it all drove White to open her eyes and rub her legs some more. 

She couldn't wait for it. She needed it. She wanted it. She sucked on her own fingers, desperately taking in the taste of Smith. Anemone did the same as well, but slowly and deliberately. She was a classy android. 

As they finished cleaning each other up, Smith went back to his sense. God damn. These androids were wilder than any woman he had ever slept with. They smelt wonderful, a inviting musky smell that wasn't off-putting and to his senses, their smell was just...

His blood rushed back into his cock. He figured that he could go for a few rounds. 

"Good girls..." he praised them both, earning a smile from those two, Anemone and White's eyes glinting with worshipful zeal and awe. "Now...my turn. Anemone, turn on around and present your ass to me. White, watch." 

White bit her lip in fierce jealousy as Anemone rolled over, meeting her eyes, and smirking in triumph. She hated that Anemone was chosen first but she was a good android. She was going to obey and oh by everything holy, she loved to obey. An actual order from a human felt so so so so fucking good.

For Anemone, a surge of desire courses through her veins, making her skin tingle with anticipation. The commands that drip from Smith's lips fills the air with an erotic tension that she cannot resist. Without hesitation, Anemone turns, shivering as Smith pulls down her pants to reveal the tempting curve of her supple ass. Her core pounds in her body with an intoxicating blend of nerves and eagerness as she places her palms onto the soft fabric of Smith's bed. She trembles from anticipation, not able now to keep her true feelings as hidden as she would have liked. 

She bites on her lower lip, her body quivering as she awaits the arrival of Smith's mouth or cock on her most intimate parts, either way, she wanted it. Her patience is promptly rewarded.

Anemone's legs tremble slightly as Smith's hands firmly grasp her supple rear, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from the olive-skinned android. The gentle squeeze sends a thrill coursing through her body, amplifying her anticipation with every passing second. The wetness between her thighs is a testament to her arousal.

Soft kisses rain upon her rear, teasingly close to her entrance, only to retreat at the last moment, leaving her craving for more. Each delicate touch awakens a primal desire deep within her, setting her senses ablaze with a mix of pleasure and frustration. Her longing is soon rewarded as Smith's lips finally meet her wet entrance, offering an exquisitely soft yet tantalizingly firm kiss. Anemone's body arches against Smith's mouth, overwhelmed by the surge of pleasure that courses through her. Her fingers dig into the mattress even deeper, her knuckles turning white as she tries to steady herself amidst the onslaught of ecstasy.

Smith's tongue emerges, a fervent worshipper of Anemone's pussy, exploring every fold and crevice with an erotic and sensual passion. Each stroke of his tongue sends shockwaves of pleasure through her body, making her hips instinctively rock against Smith's mouth in search of greater depths of pleasure. Moans of delight escape her lips, intermingling with the intoxicating sounds of oral pleasure that fill the room.

In this moment of uninhibited gratification, Anemone surrenders herself entirely to the sensations that consume her. Her body quivers with unadulterated bliss as Smith skill-fully navigates the peaks and valleys of her desire, bringing her closer to the throes of a euphoric climax.

Anemone's breath becomes unsteady, her moans growing louder with each fervent stroke of Smith's tongue against her sensitive folds. The heat of his mouth against her entrance sends a shiver of delight cascading down her spine, intensifying her sensations. Her body writhes against Smith, unable to contain the rising waves of pleasure that surge through her. The rhythm of Smith's movements expertly elicits the greatest reactions from her, pushing her ever closer to the precipice of ecstasy. Every flick of Smith's tongue and every gentle sweep against her engorged pussy and clit fuels the inferno within her, stoking it into a fervent blaze.

With every passing moment, the pressure within her builds, pushing her towards an inevitable climax. She can feel the tremors of pleasure gathering at the core of her being, ready to crash over her in a tidal wave of sheer bliss. The intensity of Smith's oral worship propels her towards the edge, and she eagerly embraces the tantalizing oblivion that awaits her.

And it comes, with a great cry, her nails digging into the bed, Anemone's back arches as she cums and cums hard. She screams, her internal core and system going haywire from sheer pleasure. Her body and mind is briefly in heaven and nirvana at once. As he climax wears off, she collapses on the bed, her face dug onto the mattress, her breaths heavy and hitched. 

Smith pulls back, licking his lips of the sweet ambrosia Anemone left on him. Oh, it tasted wonderful

Letting Anemone rest, Smith finally turned to White who had this this time been fondling herself, one hand around her breast while the other was left stroking on her incredibly soaked pussy. Smith smirked. "Having fun there?" 

White who had been deep in her own ecstasy paused, her eyes wide as headlights. Guilt and fear coursed through her. "W-was I not supposed to...?" 

Smith shook his head as he went in, pushing White down onto his bed. Looming over her, Smith whispered. "I gave you an order. And you did it. Good girl, White. You are a very, very good girl." 

Oh yes. Praise me. Praise me. PRAISE ME. 

"S-sir..." White gasped, her words a whisper as she shakingly wrapped her arm around Smith, her entrance dripping. "P-please..." 

"Please what?" Smith asked softly. 

Blue eyes met blue. "Fuck me...

The impact of White's words electrifies Smith. White spreads her legs, wrapping around Smith and keeping him firmly in place. With a deliberate slowness, Smith pushes forward, gradually penetrating White's wet entrance, easily and without resistance. White was tight, her inner walls trapping Smith in place but still, he pressed on. White's breathing reaches a fever pitch, a gasp of mingled discomfort and pleasure escaping her lips.

As Smith's full length captures him, White's moans reverberate through the room, growing in volume with each measured thrust. Smith drives deeper into White's willing body, eliciting a chorus of moans and whimpers that echo through the room. Each collision of flesh generating a cries and mewls, White's breasts dancing up and down from Smith's thrusting. Sweat-slicked bodies press together, the heat between human and android rising to dizzying heights. The primal symphony builds White demanding Smith go faster, harder. The tempo quickens as Smith's movements become more urgent, more driven by the insatiable need for release.

"F-Fuck! Uah! Yes! Colonel! More!" are her cries, wonderful ecstasy in Smith's mind.

Every thrust brings Smith and White closer to the edge, each gasp and groan and mewl and cry fuelling their fire and lust that burns within. White's body quivers beneath the Colonel, her walls tightening even more around Smith's shaft, the tell-tale signs of impending climax. With one final, earth-shattering thrust, Smith plunges into her.

Hugging Smithy, White cries out in pleasured bliss as she cums, her nails digging into his back as she is carried high into the sky. Shaking violently, the blonde passes out, her OS unable to deal with the sheer pleasure that rocks her core. At this, Smith pulls out of White, her folds parting as his cock springs free. 

Oh, these androids were going to be the death of him. His attention turns back to Devola seeing her stir. Mumbling, the redhead swivelled around, looking at what was happening. Her eyes settle on the passed out Anemone and White, and the thick cock dripping with White's juices. 

Her face is conflicted. 

"Don't tell me that...I passed out first?" 

The nod from Smith confirmed her worst fears. "And you hyped yourself up so much." 

Oh no. This wasn't going to do. Rising from the bed, Devola glared at Smith. "I'm going to murder you," the redhead vows. She yelps when suddenly, Smith presses her against the wall. She trembles yet again, taking in the scent of sweat and lust emanating from Smith. Again, she bites her lips, her entrance getting soaked once more. 

"Are you going to fuck me?" Devola asks lewdly. She moans softly as the tip of Smith's cock teases her entrance, her arousal evident in the slickness that coats them both. Slowly, inch by inch, Smith enters her, Devola's breath hitches with each thrust, her hands gripping Smith's back, nails digging into his skin in a blend of pleasure and desperation. With each rhythmic movement, Devola's breasts bounce beneath her shirt, their tantalizing jiggle adding to the symphony of pleasure that envelopes her and Smith. He tears it off, leaning in to suckle on her bosom. "Colonel..." escapes her lips in a breathy whisper, mingling with moans as she matches his rhythm with her own undulating hips.

Devola's walls contract around Smith, the tightness of her incomparable. She feels her climax building once again, ready to consume her with a surge of overwhelming pleasure. Her body quivers with every thrust, aching for release. Devola surrenders herself willingly to the ecstasies that await her. With each deep penetration, she feels her core tighten further, driving her closer to the edge. The intensity of the pleasure courses through her veins, her body on the precipice of an explosive climax.

"I'm...going...to...cum," Smith groans, his self-control losing with every single second. He can maintain himself, but there's only so much he can do when his control was slipping and slipping...

Devola's eyes meets Smith, a glimmer of mischief dancing within them. With a sultry smile, she whispers, her voice laced with a hint of urgency, "Inside...Smith....Please...Oh...OH! OH! FUCK! YES! FUCK ME FUCK ME!" The redhead moans wantonly as Smith's thrusts become more desperate and primal. Devola's body quivers with each sensation, her inner walls stroking and caressing Smith's pulsating cock as she matches his movements with ardent fervor.

With one final, deep thrust, Smith buries himself as deep as he can, his throbbing cock pulsating within Devola. The sweet explosion of release surges through Smith, his seed spilling deep into Devola, filling her with thick oozing cream. The pleasure ripples through the redhead, spreading from the depths of her core to every inch of her being. Her mouth opens in a wordless cry, her body arching towards Smith with a fervent desperation to consume every bit of cum. 

As their breaths settle, Smith and Devola cross eyes. He leans in, wrapping her in a long and loving kiss. Devola melts, accepting Smith now and forever. But as they wallow in a absorbing kiss, Devola inwardly is alerted when she receives a notification. 

What on Earth was VitaeWomb.exe?


A/N: Have fun you degenerates. 

Also, I love porn with plot.


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