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White didn't know for what reason Smith would ask her to stay behind but experience had told her that when a superior officer would ask a subordinate to stay behind, it was either to give them a verbal tongue-lashing that would make them regret ever being activated or they were going to be congratulated and promoted. Or both. 

"Sir? How about...us?" Anemone asked, not exactly liking the idea of leaving White and Smith in one room alone together. She hid her dislike with a facade of professional stoicism but White could see it, feel it. She was an old android and she already knew what to look out for when someone was hiding something from her. 

"You're asking us to leave? What would happen if you...forgot to breathe? You will need Popola and I here with you!" Devola protested, much bolder than Anemone in letting her feelings out but masked as a way to not make it too suspicious that she wanted to stay with Smith. 

Inwardly, White wanted nothing more but to tell them off. How dare they question a human's orders? If the Colonel wanted to have her all to himself then who were they to argue with that? 

Again, Smith couldn't help but be amused at the androids vying for his attention. They really were just like kids trying to compete for their dad's affection and attention. He understood where all this peacocking came from however. These androids, they hadn't seen a single human in their long lives. And now that humans were now around, they wanted as much time as they could get with him. Now, Smith was a hardened military man. He had seen war, both against his fellow humans and against nightmarish magical creatures that came from Satan's asshole. He wasn't one that was prone to softness. But, at this time, his heart thawed slightly. 

How could it not? Not when he knew what sort of existence these androids lived? 

When humanity would settle itself and not have annihilation looming over them, he was going to make sure every single of these androids from top to bottom would be honoured formally and properly for all their sacrifice, their hardwork. 

"You know...this is going to be something for you all to hear regardless," Smith suddenly announced. He stood up. "Get every one of your boys and girls for a meet and greet. It's about time they should see me anyway." 


"I want to see your men, Anemone. White, get your guys too." Smith declared. "Have them all meet me in Level 2 Entrance Hall." 

"But sir...most of my men are outside guarding the bunker. They can't leave their positions," Anemone pointed out. 

"If I may sir, pods are also capable of making records should you wish it," White added helpfully. Smith looked pleased, which also made White pleased as well. Her inner programming was going haywire at the thought that she made a human happy. Smith turned to Pod 313 and leaned down slightly. 

"So, can you make a recording for me later, little buddy?" Smith asked gently. 

"This Pod is ready to assist Colonel Smith and will make a recording as requested," Pod 313 asserted himself. At that, Smith reached out and offered the Pod a gentle pat, much like how one would praise a particularly pleasing dog. The pod froze in place, as if it's entire systems was being drowned in ice. As Smith pat the pod, 313 floated a bit closer towards his hand. 

"Report: This is pleasing," 

Smith pat 313 a bit more then pulled back, to the quiet displeasure of the pod. Looking to Anemone, he nodded. "Go get your men. The ones inside at least. And before you say anything else, this is a underground bunker. The only way in and out is through the front door. I doubt anyone can slip past not when I have your guys and YoRHa troops protecting this place, right?" 

"R-Right. I'll get my men, sir," Anemone promised as she went out. Smith then turned to White who was looking at him a bit too intensely for his taste. Raising an eyebrow, he took a step forward. 

"White? You in there?" 

"Huh? Oh, um, yes," The Commander of YoRHa shook her head, offering him a strained smile. Strained because to Smith, it looked like White was trying her best to look presentable and didn't exactly have good control over her facial features. It would seem to Smith that her default facial expression was glaring and frowning. "I was just..." 

"Just...?" Smith asked slowly. 

White sighed. "Sir I....Anemone and those two in the corner...they have had days to get used to you. But right now...this is the first time that I had come to meet you, face to face. It's....overwhelming to me." 

For a moment, the Twins allowed themselves to look smug. 

"I can see that. And tell me, Commander. Have I been up to expectations?" Smith asked. Commander White mouth opened slightly. Her lips quivered as she struggled to answer. Smith stood patiently, waiting for White to think of an answer. She eventually did, her voice shaking slightly. "I was activated in a world bereft of my creators. We were alone. When the invaders came, we were so lost, ready to accept death. But the Council of Humanity made itself known. I knew for certain that was a lie as they came out of nowhere but I believed in it, just to preserve my own sanity. When I was chosen to lead YoRHa and the truth of humanity was revealed to me, I still chose to believe in the lie." 

White looked up at him, looking more and more mournful and regretful as she spoke. "I shouldered the lie, ordered the deaths of good androids who found the truth, all because we needed a God worth fighting for. And...now....you are here. This bunker...it is here." 

She looked up at him, the stern features gone, replaced by one of desperate longing and pain. "But to see you now...right here...in front of me....can...can I touch you? Hold your face?" Her voice was soft, begging. Her words were choked with emotion, desperation mixed with reverence and vulnerability. Smith listened and listened closely. He took another step  forward. There was a clang as White's riding crop fell on the floor. The blonde commander of YoRHa shakily reached out with both hands to cup Smith's cheeks. White marvelled at the warmth of his face, the sheer life on his eyes. She could feel the blood coursing through his veins, the beating of his pulse....

"You really are real..." White whispered in awe. 

"That I am, Commander," Smith said, grabbing a hold of her hands. He held her palms, pressing gently against her gloves. "And I am not going anywhere, nor is humanity going anywhere either. We are here and we are staying. 

At that, White lunged forward, wrapping Smith in a wide hug. She pressed her face deep into his chest, taking in his scent and warmth. Smith sighed in exasperation and let the girl hug him. Goodness, he already was thinking this was a woman and not a android. His ears perked when he heard Devola clear her throat. 

"Oh, come here you two," Smith said, inviting Devola and Popola to join in. They did so heartily, rushing to his sides and pressing themselves against him. 

As they did so, their memory banks was updated as they saved a soundfile they marked as vital. 

The sound of a human heartbeat. 


A/N: Aw, that's just sweet innit.


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