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Back in the Overseer's room, plans were being made and drawn. But not just that. 

"Sir? Are you alright?" White asked again, noticing the far off look on Smith's face. Androids, from the average grunt to the highest ranked officer in the Army of Humanity all shared on singular purpose and that was to serve humanity. This oft meant that they were extremely sensitive to the mood and emotions of a human, should they actually encounter one. A quirk to ensure they could serve according the the human's needs. 

"This facility, Outpost 3, was constructed in Israel," revealed Smith. "How on Earth did we end up in Japan of all places?" 

That revelation made the androids in the office look at each other in wonder.

"Perhaps Continental Drift had brought the bunker over?" theorized Popola. "This facility was built deep in the underground, yes? Maybe it had been brought over to Japan through that?" 

Continental Drift referred to the theory that the plates of the Earth moved, inch by inch. It had been eleven thousand years now. It had some merit. 

"Perhaps it was magical?" Devola offered. "Maso has limitless potential. The facility could have been transported from the Middle-East?" 

This was making Smith's head hurt. "I will leave that sort of questions for the eggheads in storage. Now, the locations. Pod, I want you to highlight the places I will tell you." 

"Understood," Pod 313 replied. 

Smith took a breath, his mind racking his memory for what he remembered. "The Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Colorado. Machu Picchu in the Andes. Mount Kailash in Tibet. Mount Kilimanjaro, in Africa. Uluru Rock, in Australia." 

The androids listened intently, taking note of the locations that Smith revealed. Their expressions were troubled the more Smith spoke. Especially more so when he had revealed the final location. The Twins glanced at each other again. White was already mentally calculating the amount of androids and supplies that would be needed to secure and rescue the humans trapped inside. Anemone inwardly cursed. 

"Judging from your reactions, there is something I need to hear," Smith observed. 

"These locations present a challenge at this time especially for us," Commander White explained. She strode by Smith's side and looked down at the spots he had mentioned, now glowing with the UN symbol as markers.

She continued, "The locations in the Americas, sir, are in the Kingdom of Night. This is the side of the world locked in perpetual darkness. Compared to here, the Kingdom of Day, the Night Kingdom is a nightmare for the Army of Humanity. The machines there are wilder, more numerous, more dangerous. Android forces there use weapons of great power to fight the hordes there. Weaponized mechanical dragons, technical horrors." 

Anemone then added in, her expression not entirely happy. "And there's Australia,"

"What's wrong with Australia?" Smith found himself asking. Surely, the wildlife there hadn't mutated or anything? 

Devola found herself answering his question. She tried her best to remain explanatory but she couldn't shake off the anger in her voice. "In 4514 AD, groups of androids began to...." She tried to continue and explain but her logic died in her throat. Her hands crumpled into tight fists. 

"Began to what?" Smith pressed, not exactly liking where this direction was going. 

"Traitors, sir." Anemone answered. Despite her age and control of herself, even she couldn't hide the malice she had in her eyes. "They hold no loyalty to humanity. These Independists," Anemone nearly spat the word out as if it were a foul curse, "...They wanted lives free from humanity. There was a war before they were all exiled to Australia. The same continent that now holds a bunker of humans, the people they have betrayed." 

The androids in the room exchanged dark looks and angry muttering under their breaths. Smith went back to sit on the overseer's chair. "And these Androids, would they take exception to us waking up the Uluru Bunker?" 

"We....we don't know," White answered hesitantly. "When the traitors were driven there, Australia went dark. As for as we know, they could have been wiped out by the machines." 

At that, Smith began to think. So, two of the bunkers were shit-deep in enemy territory. One was inside the confines of androids who held no loyalty to humanity. "And what about the other two? And the main Ark?" 

"Considering that they are within the confines of the Kingdom of Day, we can go and send a force to secure those sights immediately," Commander White proclaimed. She paused then asked. "And where is the main Ark, sir?" 

"Mount Ararat, Turkey," Smith revealed. Not a second later, the United Nations globe and olive wreath appeared on the hardlight globe projected by the Pod. A silence descended as Smith and the androids regarded the locations closely. 

"I will inform High Command about this. The longer we delay, the more those locations will be lost to us," White muttered underneath her breath. 

"But wait," Popola interrupted. "If this bunker complex was originally built in the Middle-Easy and appeared in Japan...what if those other bunkers aren't there anymore? What if they also moved as well?" 

Another uncomfortable silence descended as Smith processed that question. It was highly possible that whatever process that catapulted his bunker somewhere else could have happened to the other bunkers too. 

"Son of a bitch," Smith cursed. At that, the androids winced at his sudden outburst. Like children, they glanced downwards, fearful of Smith. Popola began to shake as she averted her eyes to avoid his gaze. 


"No, no. I am not angry at you, Popola. It's just..." Smith sighed. "The only way we can know is to go find the main bunker in Mount Ararat. You see, the main ark tracks and monitors the other outposts. It's like the main brain while the other outposts are the appendages. It's from there that we can also activate the other bunkers and open them up as one. That was supposed to be the plan originally. However, if it came to the time that an outpost would activate without getting the alert from the main ark, we were to contact them."

His fingers went up to type on the computer before him. He punched in certain keys with practiced efficiency. The androids went to circle around the table to watch Smith work. Not a second later, the image of the United Nations appeared on the screen, welcoming Smith. He took hold of the mouse and pressed on what needed to be pressed. Smith felt a tinge of apprehension as he clicked and typed on the keyboard. Popola was correct that whatever phenomena that brought his bunker over to Japan could have happened to the other bunkers too. Thankfully and like a balm to his soul, there was a pop-up that appeared green.

"We are connected," Smith declared, earning some smiles from the androids around him. "The Bunker is still there!"

"Order it and YoRHa will scour Mount Ararat clean of any machine that dares stand on it. Shall I give the order sir?" White's voice was intense and to show her seriousness, she hit her palm with her riding crop for emphasis. 

Anemone, not wanting to be left out, strode over to Smith. With her chin high, the Resistance Colonel stood at attention. "The Resistance isn't as advanced like YoRHa, sir. But we have grit. We've held the line for thousands of years and we will not fail especially with a mission this big. Let us handle it." 

White and Anemone shared a glance. 

Their eyes narrowed at each other. 

If this wasn't a matter of life and death, Smith would have found this peacocking adorable considering how much these androids wanted to be of use to him and humanity. However, now wasn't the time for inter-service rivalry not when humanity was at stake. "Ladies, please. I will have to rely on you both. Make your calls and more, alright?" 

White saluted him, quickly giving Anemone a side-eye look. "Yes sir. Glory to Mankind." 

"Glory to Mankind," Anemone asserted herself, not exactly backing down either. 

Well. At least they were motivated. 

Smith suddenly felt very tired. This was a long conversation. The reveal about everything, the fact that there were five-hundred humans currently being the only remaining members of humanity left...it exhausted Smith. He wasn't exactly sleepy however, having slept for eleven thousand years. He could use a conversation that didn't involve the fate of his species. "For now, that will be all. You are all dismissed. White, a word please?" 

At that, White looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a incoming car. 


A/N: Updoot


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