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Vale was a magnificently beautiful city and one of the premier cities in Remnant to settle and have a new life in. As the train that beheld our persons ushered into the city proper, it was easy to see why. The city was built in the architecture of the French or rather Valean category. Many a house and building was painted bright green, yellow, or a mixture of both. Countless were the shops with bright tinted windows that gave potential customers a view of the inside and of the wares sold within. Its citizens were strong and healthy, dressed in the best clothing that their wallets could afford.

The opposite to all the beauty however was ugly. And honestly, the fuck huge walls that surrounded the City were an eyesore. Dull grey barriers the size of buildings whose only purpose was to keep out the unspeakable horrors that lurked on the outside. If breached, it would be nothing short but a catastrophe.

That fact was not lost on anyone and just thinking about it would generate nothing but depression and discontent which would in turn attract the Grimm horrors outside, pun intended. They were after all attracted to negativity and all terrible things. To remedy this, the Council of Vale employed a tactic that would be familiar to an ancient Roman both high and low. Panem et circenses, bread and circuses, to distract the proles from the fact that there were monsters outside. 

It in that spirit that I found myself saddled in the company of three young men with far too much money and too little sense to spend it well. 

"Alright," began Russel Thrush, the greenette's eyes beholding his excitement. "Here's the plan. Arcades first then the Weapon Shop, then we eat somewhere nice!"

"How about we eat somewhere nice first then the Weapons Shop and then the Arcades?" suggested Sky Lark, motioning to a cafe with a giant croissant for a sign. It was also flattery directed towards me as my family owned that cafe, an outstretched bird flying right next to the giant croissant sign.

"I need new parts for my weapon," Dove Bronzewing whispered.

As the boys argued, I fell back into my thoughts.

If I were to be polite, these young men were scions of proud and established families that had been in the service of Vale since it existed.. If I had to be honest however, they were the most boorish, jockish, and hooligans of the highest order. I mean, it is to be expected somewhat for they were young men.

Hooray for the old blood and the ancien regime. So eager to lump their sons and daughters in the same echo chamber that will play the same messages of dominance and superiority. Their incredibly impressionable sons and daughters.

"Hey, Cardin. What's wrong man? You look pissed," Sky Lark said, glancing at me with a look of concern. 
"That's the thing, Sky. He's always pissed," Russel Thrush snickered. I snorted at his comment.

"I'm just thinking, dude." I admitted, earning groans from the two.

"Dude, you always think and plan and shit. Can't you just relax for a second?" Sky yawned . Russel nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. We're here to relax. So, where do you think we should go?" Russel asked.

I'm a unashamed foodie so the choice wasn't hard for me. The option of eating Valean food was far too tempting.

"Let's got get something to eat." I decided.

After that, we found ourselves inside the cafe. It was a pretty place to be in and looked every bit what I imagined a Parisian cafe to be like. My family spared no expense in our businesses. Rich crimson curtains kept the heat of the sun from entering the glass windows of the inner cafe, modelled to look like an aristocrats dining hall but suitable compressed into the service of a cafe. Dark wood panelling surrounded us, Vacuoan carpets hosting our boots. Really, it made anyone go inside feel fancy and the people that were patrons to this and many others certainly held themselves to that standard. We made a line at the counter and Russel opted for a croissant while Sky an omelet filled with cheese, ham, and bacon. Dove nursed a mug of coffee while I opted for all three.

Call me a glutton but these foods were divine. There's a reason French cuisine is considered the king of all foods from pastries to main dishes.

As we feasted, the cafe's door opened and some people went inside. Well, more of a mother and a daughter pair. Normally, we wouldn't bat an eye except the daughter had two big discerning features that set her apart.

Bunny ears.


When I saw faunus for the first time, it was the laborers that worked as our staff in the household. Frankly speaking, I was estatic at the sight of real catgirls. But as I grew, they were slowly replaced by human workers and the only faunus we had were those who did farm jobs on our vineyard.

I later learned that Father had effectively banished any faunus from entering his home. If his wife, my late mother, were still alive. She would be furious.

I felt...guilty in a way. From the stories my brothers told me about her, Catherine Winchester was the softest and most gentlest woman on Remnant. When she was around, she culled Francis's worst impulses. And because of my birth, she had died.

I was blessed that I wasn't stunted in any way or my childhood would be incredibly difficult and I had two brothers who shielded me from Francis.

"Look guys. Animals." sneered Sky, bringing me out of my thoughts. I glanced at the  mother and daughter pair who walked over towards the counter.

"Have you had your rabies shots?" Russel whispered as the rabbit faunus began arguing with the cashier who kept on pointing on a sign right next to the counter.

"No Faunus allowed"

"Rabbits don't have rabies, you idiot." sniped Dove.

"Alright? What do they have then? Fleas?" said Sky. I rolled my eyes as I set down my coffee mug on the table.

"Will the three of you just shut the hell up?" I growled as the three boys froze. In the show and in fics, Cardin has always been the leader of the three for his size and his ego. It was natural that they would defer to me but the difference between the other Cardin was that while I hade the size, my ego was going to be fore the glory and triumph of not-France.

I stood from my table and strode towards the counter where the argument was getting heated to my reckoning.

"Look, all we want is just some food and we'll be well on our way!" the woman argued. The clerk pointed to the sign again.

"Read the sign, lady. No Faunus allowed. That means your...daughter." the clerk replied, face stoic.

"Why, you massive cu-" 

"Is there a problem here?" I asked, striding into view of the clerk and the woman. The clerk grimaced and the woman held her daughter beside her. I glanced at the daughter and saw the apprehension in her eyes. My brain rankled as she looked rather familiar...

"I was just telling this woman our company policy, sir." the clerk informed me, earning a glare from the woman.

"Your company policy is a stain on this Kingdom!" the woman hissed, both at the clerk and me. Looks like I was recognized.

"Look, lady, I'm just doing my job," the clerk began to argue.

"What do you want from the menu?" I interrupted the woman before she could tear the clerk a new asshole. She took a deep breath as she scanned the menu. "I wanted a sandwich and my daughter wanted a..." she paused and turned to her kid. "What was it you wanted, hon?" she asked softly.

The girl deflated at the attention now at her but her desire for food overruled her embarrassment. "U-um, the carrot cake?"

The woman smiled fondly at her daughter then back at me, her smile replaced with a grimace. "Yes, a sandwich and carrot cake, on the go."

With that, I turned towards the clerk. and handed him a card. "I'd like a sandwich and carrot cake, on the go, please."

"Y-yes, of course." the clerk blurted. A few seconds later, he handed me back my card and a plastic bag containing the two delectable treats. I pocketed the card and held out the plastic to the woman.

"Here. And don't bother paying me back," I smiled at her. The woman accepted the plastic and handed it to her daughter whose eyes shone like stars at the sight of the carrot cake wrapped in a neat container.

"Thank you," the woman said gratefully. "It's heartening to see some decent folk in this city."

I smiled. "It's what I do."

The woman then nudged her daughter, bringing the girl out of her carrot cake daze. "Go thank him as well, Violet."

My brain finally dinged in recognition. I met another named character in RWBY. What a surprise. Violet on the other hand blushed as I faced her with a smile. "T-thank you," she whispered before the embarrassment got to her and she hid herself behind her mother.

"The name's Sheila ScarlatinaAttorney Shiela Scarlatina." imparted the elder Scarlatina. It was a warning to the clerk and an introduction to me. "I will not forget this."

"Cardin Winchester." I replied. The woman's eyes widened at hearing my last name. Her eyes were a flurry of emotion from surprise then to amusement.

"Bloody hell. The apple fell far from the tree," quipped Sheila as she looked at me up and down.

"The son is not the father," I replied, earning a laugh from the woman. She then thanked me one last time before finally tugging at her her daughter to leave. Violet gave me one last look in which I replied with a wink, earning another blush from her then she followed after her mother.

I turned back and gave the clerk a look. "Couldn't you just serve them what they wanted?"

The nondescript man shrugged his shoulders. "I don't really care much for the faunus but it's company policy. I have to follow it or else I'll lose my job."

I gave him another look before shaking my head as I returned to my seat at the table with the boys. When I sat down, I found them all looking at me.

"What?" I asked them.

"What the hell was that?" Sky questioned, a little heat in his voice.

"I bought some more food, what do you think?" 

"But it wasn't for yourself." Dove interjected. Russel joined him. "Yeah! You gave it to a bunch of disgusting animals, Cardin. Animals!" he stressed as if I had committed a great and terrible crime. 

I set my coffee mug back down on the table as I eyed them all.

"Why do you hate the faunus so much, guys?" I asked them, genuinely curious. My question quieted down the three as they considered it. Russel was the first to respond.

"They're disgusting animals. Inhuman monsters." Russel answered with no small amounts of haughtiness.

"As Russ said, they're inhuman. They're thieves, and bandits, and terrorists." Sky added in, referencing towards a group of Faunus who had started attacks recently. A group called the White Fang.

"What they all said," Dove spoke quietly.

I eyed the three who gave me all the same things our parents forced down on us. To be frank, racism against the faunus was perhaps one of the pettiest things I could think of especially when there was literally murder monsters that wanted to kill them. 

But then again, it was also an incredibly human thing to have such ideas. Humanity no matter where was still the same. 

"But do you sincerely believe that or are you just repeating what our parents are telling us?" I spoke to all three. My eyes went to Russel who stared back.

"Russ. Yes, the Faunus may not be like us. They can see in the dark and have other features and shit. But do they also not feel and think? Don't they families, dreams, hopes and fears? Dude, there are literal monsters outside. Grimm. They desire nothing but to kill all of us, human and faunus."I turned to Sky "Sky. Are we any different? We humans too can become thieves, bandits, and terrorists. It is not just a faunus thing. Anyone can become those. To think otherwise is the height of idiocy and hypocrisy. "I then looked to Dove who looked rather scandalized. 

"Dove. We really should stop being repeating our parents. We have to be true to ourselves and to our principles. Tell me, really guys, what has the Faunus ever done something to you as to warrant your hate and dislike?"

The three boys stayed silent. I took this as my cue to continue to another topic.

"What makes us different from the Mantlese and the Mistralians?" I asked the three. The boys perked up at my question.

"We Valeans stand for Freedom, for Expression, and Self-Determination." the three boys recited. The phrase they uttered was familiar to every Valean for it was the declaration of the Warrior King as he embarked a war against Mantle and Mistral who sought to suppress the free spirit of their people and turn them into robots, all in a misguided attempt to make themselves invisible against the Grimm.

"Many years ago, our country went to war against Mantle and Mistral for the soul of mankind. It was for principles that we fought for many terrible years because we believed that it was all worth it. Tell me. Are we still representing who we are if we discriminate and bully the faunus?"

The boys were silent once more. "Tell me guys. Is it just? Is it right?" 

"N-no," Sky said hesitatingly.

I stood up. "We are going somewhere after this. I have something to show you."

And so, we finished up our meal and I hired a taxi. The man seemed confused at my instructions but the generous amount of Lien I offered him was enough for him to be our chaffeur.

"We are we going?" Dove asked.

"To show you all what our countrymen are experiencing." I answered simply.

Our road become poorer and poorer, the more the taxi drove on. The buildings less ornate, more rundown. The taxi had its windows up and air conditioner to a decent volume. I ordered the driver to lower the glass windows a little. the man obeyed and quickly, the smell of the poorer districts of Vale came in. The boys grew pale, nauseous at what they had to take in. I wanted to show them all everything, the side of Vale that our parents kept out of our eyes.

The suffering and miserable dregs of our motherland.

"Look outside and see what glorious Vale hides, gentlemen." I announced with no small amount of theatrics.

Putting a human face on misery stresses people into action. Humans are social creatures no matter their beliefs. When we hear a scream, we rush to see what is happening. When there are accidents, we stop over to see if someone needs help. It's the genetic quirk that allowed humanity to thrive. That innate desire to help one another.

We passed by the suffering dregs and the miserable poor. The three boys witnessed beggars and the homeless. They saw the crippled, the sick, and the lame. They saw everything.

We passed by the neighbourhoods a dozen times then I indicated to the driver to bring us to the station. The mood had been grey since I brought them there and they weren't in the mood to carouse after what they had seen.

As the driver sped away, I found the three standing silently before me. Sky was the first to speak.

"Why did you bring us into this trip, Cardin?"

Sky winced at the desperate edge of his voice but nevertheless pushed on. Dove and Russel leaned in, similarly affected such as him and looking at me for answers.

I answered back swiftly.

"To get you all out of the echo chamber that our families exposed us to for our entire lives and for you all to realize something."

"History says that we and Vacuo have won the Great War. We had after all kicked Mantle and Mistral's teeth in when they tried to force their hogwash on us. But frankly, that observation is bullshit. Do you gentlemen know who truly won the Great War?"

I waited for a few seconds, waiting for any of them to answer. Seeing none, I answered.

"The true winner of the Great War is Atlas, the successor state of the supposed loser. Compare Atlas with Vale. Between the two of us, which one has the largest air fleet in Remnant's history? Which one is the pioneer of technology and science? Which one currently holds the monopoly on the world's dust?"

"Atlas," the youths answered in sync, uneasy expressions on their faces. 

"And we are the supposed winners." I said with no small amount of sarcasm. "Oh what winners we are! Every week, we lose a settlement to the Grimm. Our army who had once forced the combined armies of Mantle and Mistral into a standstill is long gone, its veterans old and forgotten. Our country is supposedly large and rich but wealth is concentrated in a few areas and to a few people and our last attempt at expansion was a disaster! Is that what a winner looks like to you?"

No one said anything.

"Not only that, we still treat half of our people as outcasts despite fighting for Freedom, Expression, and Self-Determination. We have old fossils who are driving us around in circles and have robber barons that treat their employees like disposable resources. Furthermore, we entrust our safety to Hunters who are ungodly individuals in their own right but are shite for protecting an entire country. Who would have bloody thought?"

I took a breath then continued.

"While Atlas rises, Vale stagnates. From that, our people suffer." I said simply. "Should we let this course continue to happen, my friends? Should we continue to let our beloved Kingdom slip into the seams while our rivals rise in power and influence and accept a slow death at the gaping mouth of a beowulf?"

Sky clenched his fist.

"Never." he whispered.

"Should we allow the ferocious cries of our enemies to echo in our countryside? Should we allow them into our arms, to cut the throats of our sons, of our companions?"

"Never!" Sky, Dove, and Russel all but growled at the thought. I grinned as I spread my arms wide and proclaimed:

''Allons, enfants de la Patrie: Aux armes, citoyens. Formez vos bataillons. Qu'un sang impur, abreuve nos sillons!"

It is much later when we all returned home that the lads in my company repeated my impassioned speech to their parents. 

Said parents then told mine.

I really ought to not get taken by my own speeches.


Francis Winchester

The door swung open and in he came, full of the life and swagger of the youth. Francis Winchester paused in his writing, indigo purple eyes glanced to the boy that was his son. To many servants, Cardin Winchester looked very much like him in his youth. Surely, they had the height and the facial features together but to Francis that was where their resemblance ended. 

His son stopped before his table, the very air around him tainting of rebellion. 

''Father,'' Cardin greeted him. Francis set aside his pen and leaned back on his chair. His study was rich and opulent but not garish in tastes. Form and Function was his mantra for decoration unlike the rest of his fellows in the ancien regime. Wooden furniture made from the finest trees Vale's forests could provide, windows purchased from Vacuo and a chandelier in the Mistralian style. They had no need of grand marble palaces or ships of silver to speak of their wealth and power. No, they would let what they have speak for it themselves. 

But Francis did not call his son to his office to discuss furniture. He called him here for something else, something which made the difference between father and son stark. 

''I had heard a rumor from certain friends of ours,'' Francis rumbled as his eyes narrowed at Cardin who did not wilt under his gaze as most people often did. ''You marched up and stood up for a...half-breed. Is this true?'' He asked, years of careful training of himself to not let the sheer disgust out of his voice. 

Cardin crossed his arms. ''That half-breed, Father, has a name. Her name is Violet Scarlatina. And if you do not remember, her mother is Sheila Scaralatina, one of Vale's best lawyers. Do you really want to have a row with her over denying her and her daughter some service?'' 

''A zoophile that's given birth to mongrels,'' Francis said dismissively. He then leant forward, crossing his arms on the table. ''The damage she would have offered us is insignificant compared to the damage that your little stunt had done to our family and to our company.'' He then stood from his chair and slowly, made his way around his desk, his eyes still boring into his youngest son who stood at attention, his hands clasped behind his back. 

''Our company prides itself on offering the plebes a taste of what we had long ago,'' Franics began as he circled his desk and stood before Cardin. ''Fine dining, fine clothing, and all the comforts that they could scarcely think of gaining. Due to that, we cannot afford tainting our image by sharing the same fruits to faunus, those half-human creatures.'' The image of it all disgusted him. He set his disgust aside as he continued on in his lecture. ''Let me ask you this Cardin. Who is the King?'' 

''No one,'' replied Cardin. ''We did not have a king since the Great War.'' 

Francis nodded. ''It is good that you know your history. If only you were as knowing in your manners,'' He spat. Taking a breath, he continued. ''Vale needs a king. We are a Kingdom without one. It is only natural that our family do it's duty to Vale and get the crown ourselves.'' 

''I don't know if you noticed, father, but it is no longer a time of lords and knights and kings,'' Cardin said flatly. ''The people don't think about kings. They think about their comfort, safety against the monstrous Grimm, and their futures. They will not care about that.'' 

Francis continued to look nonplussed. ''It is fortunate then that our power does not lie in the people but in their betters; the bankers, the men of industry, the remaining members of the ancien regime. The very same people who now ask me pointed questions regarding the actions of my youngest son. Your family must stand with its compatriots, Cardin, and that means their norms are ours. Do you understand me?'' 

Cardin nodded, albeit with grudgingly. ''Yeah, yeah. Because I helped out a mother and her child, like a normal human being, our band of dreamers are criticizing the family's belief in the cause.'' 

Francis nodded as well though a part of him was annoyed at Cardin's free attitude. ''A zoophile and her mongrel spawn,'' Francis corrected. ''Now, this will be the very last disaster you will offer this family, Cardin. Am I understood?'' 

To his inner fury, his youngest glared at him. ''No.''

Francis glared back. 

Unlike his other brothers, Cardin did not back down. He continued and maintained the glare. Begrudgingly, Francis had to admit that despite his son's faults, he was man enough to stand up for himself. It was admirable for his son to have but a nightmare to manage for the family's ambition. Now, he would have to see if Cardin had it in him to take responsibility for the misguided beliefs he harboured. 

''You have grown comfortable in the fact that you never had repercussions for the stunts you have pulled,'' Francis rumbled. ''Now, no more.'' A part of him recoiled at what he was doing and he knew that if the boy's mother was alive, she would have choice words to him. But his mother was no longer alive and he had to do what must be done for their ambitions. He buried that recoiled part of soul deep. ''I am sending you to the countryside to administer one of our estates. It's overseer was found lacking and has been removed. I had thought of offering it to one of our loyal men but it is our land hence, a Winchester must take ownership of what it has.'' 

What was left unsaid was the fact that the countryside was dangerous. Dangerous as the Brother Gods decided to test mankind by seeding their world with literal monsters that could tear a man apart. In all essence...

''You are getting rid of me,'' Cardin said with a tone one might say in delivering a fact. 'You are sending me to my death' what was left unsaid. Francis felt that soft part of his soul cry out in despair. He mentally killed it. His face was stone as he stood before his window to glance at the vineyards outside his family's manor. Despite his control, he could not trust himself to look into his son's eyes. 

"I am teaching you...responsibility,'' he willed himself to say. ''To me, your father, and to the ambitions of our family. If you are going to be stubborn in your beliefs, show to me your conviction and fight for them. But once you are ready to do your duty as a Winchester, you can take your place at your brother's side.''

''And if something...happens?''

'If I die?' what was left unsaid. 

''Then that was all you are worth. The family cannot have weakness. A chain will snap if it has a weak link.'' 

Silence descended. 

''I am only fifteen,'' Cardin supplied from behind him. 

'Time waits for no man. I took control of the family when I was younger, your grandfather dying in the war.'' Francis answered, still not daring to look back into his son's face. ''And unlike me, you will have resources to start with however and you will have someone to watch over you.'' 

At that, a woman stepped into view. She wore knee-long brown boots over white breeches. A blue tabard covered her chest though it was low-cut and showed some of her considerable chest. A skirt with a silver-chain belt ended at her waist, a glinty steely rapier hung as did her brown length gloves. Her skin was white, her hair brown and cut short. Her eyes were green, glinting with tamed mischief. She bowed with a flourish, her ridiculously sized hat with white feather hanging from her fingers. She pulled back offering a smile. 

''This is Mazarine Pothos, your guard as well as your instructor to continue your combat studies.''

Cardin glanced to her then back to him. ''When do I leave?'' 

''Tonight,'' his tone was final. 

''Then with your leave, father, I will prepare my things.'' 

He nodded and from behind him, he could hear two leave. Just before Mazarine left however, he bid her to stop. She turned to him. 

''Make sure he does not get hurt, Pothos. Am I understood?'' 

She gave another one of her flourishing bows. ''Not a single hair on him will be touched, Mister Winchester.'' 

He scowled. "Lord Winchester,'' he corrected her. The woman bowed again, muttering her apologies before turning to leave and closing the door behind her. 

Francis regarded the fields again, eyeing the numerous workers that attended to the grapes, inspecting them and making sure that they were healthy and well before harvest. 

It was then that the full weight of what he had sentenced his son to came to him. He closed his fists as droplets of water dropped to the floor.


Mazarine Pothos

Mousquetaires de la garde. 

Being in the service of Kings, it was not unusual for bodyguards such as her to hear things that normal people would not hear unless it was revealed in a scandal or some bloody fool screamed such things from the highest rooftops. Sometimes, it was things that were banal and uninteresting. Sometimes, it was a naked view into the true halls of power where the guard had to witness something terrible planned and been unable to say or do anything. 

Such was Mazarine's feelings as she closed the door behind her and seeing no one looking, allowed herself to frown. 

Francis Winchester was truly a different sort of man if he would exile one of his sons to leave the safety of the walls and into the countryside. Of course, she knew better that the place they were to be sent to wasn't exactly that far out into the country and was still within the effective range of hunters should they need it but still, Grimm hordes were not rare and some frontier towns didn't even have walls!

For a moment, she thought that her family made a mistake in putting in their lot with the Winchesters. Were they really going to be supporting such a man willing to exile his own son simply because he embarrassed the family name?

Then again, they had no other choices and Francis Winchester was the only man that was seriously making plays to get a crown, citing the Winchester history of being relatives of past Kings. There were other better bloodlines but they were either extinct or uninterested. 

There can be no musketeers if they were no kings and if Francis Winchester wanted to play kingmaker then the Pothos would follow after him. 

Well, all she had to do was to simply make sure the little birdie wouldn't get hurt and in her humble opinion, she was very good in stabbing things. Little Cardin had nothing to worry about. 

'Little,' she inwardly scoffed. Despite being fifteen, Cardin was already tall enough to be considered a young man. The Winchester's themselves produced tall men and women, Francis Winchester himself standing at 6'8. 

Well, time to get to know the future Prince, she told herself as she stepped forward and smiled, clapping her hands. "So! As your father, Lord Winchester put it, I am going to be your bodyguard!'' She scoffed inwardly. The Colour Revolution had rendered the nobility, the ancien regime, castrated. Their old privileges gone though their wealth and lands remained intact. Some didn't really care while others did. Like Lord Birdy Winchesty. It was only appropriate to extend that same courtesy to his son, even if he was momentarily disgraced. ''You don't have to worry, Young Master. I, Mazarine Pothos, will make sure that not a single hair on your body will be harmed!'' 

Cardin Winchester turned to her. Purples eyes glanced, no, scanned her. There was a slight perverted leer to it, he was still a young man full of hormones after all, but the way he looked at her was how someone might appraise a prospective employee presenting their resume in a job interview. Then, Cardin smiled. ''So, I get my inheritance, an estate and a beautiful bodyguard to look after me. I don't know if I'm getting kicked out or getting rewarded.'' His smile turned wry as he met her eyes. ''Oh, this is definitely a reward alright.'' 

She allowed herself to laugh a little. ''Oh, please. Only good boys and girls get rewards and you, Young Master, have been a very naughty one. Your father was very adamant that I make sure you get to think about what you have done so, let's make sure you are settled, yes?" That and other things. Report back to him on his progress, what he had done and so on and forth. Much as she was going to be a bodyguard, she was also going to have to be a spy, both to Cardin's father and hers. Thankfully, dad was not icky enough to order her to seduce him. He was, despite his height and manners, still a teenager. 

Well, she was also still a teenager though she was way older than him by a few years and she was not some classless sort of girl to seducer her charges. That sort of thing was unprofessional and if there was something she took pride on, it was her work. 

''Of course,'' nodded Cardin as he turned to walk. ''I'll make sure to behave decently. Wouldn't want father dearest to give you shit for sending him poor reports."

Her eyes widened for a moment before she settled back to her usual self. Well, it was pretty obvious that she was going to send reports back to his father so she should not be too surprised. She followed after him, her steps echoing in the halls. ''So, asides from watching over you, your father has also tasked me to train you in combat and using your aura. I would like to test out your capabilities but we have little time. So, young master, if you would not mind, I'd like to test your skills in the road.'' 

''I don't mind,'' Cardin replied then he smirked. ''Though I gotta warn ya, I got a big stick. Can you handle that?'' 

She scoffed. How hormonal was this kid? ''Well, I am a big girl so I can handle anything. You won't have to worry about damaging me too much.'' 

''Not even when I blast you on the face?'' he asked, turning sideward to look at her. She snorted, grinning back. ''If you have enough stamina for it but, we'll have to see, yeah?'' 

''Cardin! Cardin!'' suddenly came a chorus of voices. Cardin and her turned to the front as two men came forward. Their orange hair and familiar looks quickly told her that these were his brothers. The first one brother had wild hair, a black and gold band wrapped around him. He was slightly taller than the second one and had a sharper nose. He was glad in a open jacket, a black shirt underneath him. The second one had curlier hair and while his nose was less pronounced, his jaw was sharper. He wore the outfit of the Valean Police, a dark blue tunic with silver shoulder pads and a badge with Vale's Twin Axes proudly embedded on his chest. On his waist, a black belt with a pouch and a particular sword resting in its scabbard.

''What happened? What did father say?'' The first one demanded. 

''Henry, William,'' Cardin greeted them. ''I'm sorry to say this but I'm getting my inheritance before you two.'' 

"What are you talking about, Cardin?'' Henry demanded as he rushed to his brother, grabbing him by the cuffs. At the side, bitter understanding came to William's eyes. 

''He's sending him away,'' William said with a sigh. Henry snapped to him, blinking before comprehension dawned. 

"No, he...he cannot!'' Henry whispered, shaking in horror. ''Cardin's only fifteen! There's gotta be a better way!'' Henry turned back to Cardin, his face pink with anger. ''Why! Why did you have to stand up for a half-breed out of all people?'' He shook his head, not bothering to hear Cardin's reply as he stood aside. ''I'm going to talk to him, change his mind.'' 

But before he could walk off, a stern hand caught him by the shoulder. Henry turned to William, glaring. ''Let me go, Willie! Father just can't exile our younger brother simply because he's weird!'' 

William Winchester shook his head. ''Henry, you know that once father makes up his mind, it is made up.'' Henry glared at him, his body shaking with rage. Desperately, he glanced around. ''W-we can force him to change his mind! Threaten him that we all go together with Cardin unles-'' 

Finally, the subject of their conversation made himself known after a while of being ignored. ''Henry...It's alright. I'm fine with being sent away. You know I hate it being cooped up here. Better I go out and make it look like that this was all part of the plan and not exile.'' 

Henry and William stopped glaring at each other and instead turned to glare at Cardin, William more so. ''Cardin, I know you want to do something with yourself but you are too young.'' He took a step forward, planting his arms on both Cardin's shoulders. ''I know what stalks the forests, outside the walls. I've seen them, fought them when operations had us go out with Huntsmen. This is a death sentence, not an exile!''

Cardin afforded his brother a smile as he pulled back to join her who had been doing nothing but gape at their argument. Still smiling, he put a hand on Mazarin's shoulder. ''Not when I got my own Musketeer with me. I'll be fine, seriously.'' 

At that, both brothers turned their attention from Cardin then to her. Aware at the attention, Mazarine offered them her usual flourishing bows. ''Young Masters,'' she greeted them.  ''Mazarine Pothos,'' she then introduced herself.

Before she could say anymore, Henry came up to her, grabbing her by the cuffs. Seriously, was he the cuff grabber of the Wincherster family? He stared deep into her soul, violet eyes brimming with anger and promise. ''I swear, if you let a single hair on his body get touched, I will-'' William sighed and gently placed his hand on Henry's shoulder. At that, the eldest Winchester shook and...cried?

He let go of her and went to Cardin, hugging the younger brother with as much force and fury her could muster, to Cardin's protests. "I'm sorry about my brother, he's...passionate.'' William said gently. Mazarine smiled, dusting herself off. 

''I understand, Young Master. Don't worry, I will give everything I have to make sure Young Master Cardin will eb safe,'' she affirmed. 

''Please, just call me and my brothers by our names. We don't care for that Young Master trifles,'' William said, shaking his head. Inwardly, Mazarine sighed in relief. That sort of thing was getting old. Much like the people who were enthusiasts for the titles, her inwardly cackled. 

''Well, William, I'm not lying when I will give everything to make sure your brother is safe,'' she once more affirmed. 

''Even with your life?'' William asked, his tone total and serious. 

Mazarine knew her time of when to be mischievous and when not to. This was one of those times. ''My father, his father and countless ancestors before me were Mousquetaires de la garde. I continue that tradition, monsieur.''  

''Then you don't mind if I test your respect for that tradition?'' he queried. 

'I want to see if you are as good with your blade as you say,' was what was left unsaid. 

Henry and Cardin stopped their crying. More on Henry but he still had his brother in a lock, a lock he was still trying to get out of. Both of their attention was placed solely at her however. Well, if she wanted to prove to them on her skill, better than to show them. She really didn't mind.


''Your Lord Father wants Cardin and I to by tonight, You-William,'' she paused then corrected herself. Orange eyebrows rose as he glanced at a nearby grandfather clock. ''It's still three in the afternoon. Plenty of time, wouldn't you agree?'' 

Ah, fie. Seeing as he really wanted a demonstration, a demonstration she would give. She then smirked. ''As you say, William.''

William then lead them out into the back where a flat field of grass lay. It spoke to her of the wealth the Winchester family had to have a sizeable field of grass in the back of their manor while the rest of Vale competed with each other for space. 

Without ceremony, William unclasped his tunic and set it on the grass, a white shirt underneath his tunic. Her blood leapt at the sound and sight of a blade being unsheated. His sword had an elaborate guard in the form of a bird outstretching its wings and both its edges looked so sharp, it could cut air. Smiling, Mazarine drew her own sword, a thin blade with a guard of intricately twisting bars of metal. 

''Not putting your gloves on?'' William asked with a raised eyebrow, adopting a high guard. 

''This will be quick,'' she boasted. 

''My wife disagrees however,'' William said with a look of sadness. ''She complains I take too long to finish.'' 

[spoiler=OST: Il vento d'oro]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=623JGFAYZ3w&t=224s[/spoiler]

''Good!'' Mazarine laughed before rushing forward. She was like a tempest, a wild wind that blew away those unready to taste her. That was her Semblance after all. As she rushed, her eyes were scanning William for points to thrust her rapier in. Unlike his blade which could cut, thrust or slash, rapiers were made only to thrust. 

If William was surprised, he did not show it. Instead, he rushed forward and their blades met. Metal screeched as they locked blades and quickly pulled out of it. William lifted up his weapon and it was there Mazarine saw eight barrels sticking out from the blade. Eyes widening, she flipped back and just in time as his shotgun blade fired. 

William did not let up on his attack he leapt forward to catch her in a slash. Landing on her knees, she thrust her blade forward and caught his sword mid-slash. But that was not over. She pulled back and thrust to his stomach and their blades kissed. This was their dance, thrusting and slashing and cutting, their weapons producing sparks as they fought. William made another cut low and moved to slash up and Mazarine saw her opportunity. She dodged back and as William slashed upwards, she clenched her fist and sent an uppercut to his jaw. 

William stumbled and Mazarine thrust forward, sending the Wincehster flying. She did not let up, her legs moving as she chased and jumped after him. Spinning in the air, she thrust her sword into William that threw him into the earth. Grass and dust kicked up as he crashed. Into that same crater, she dived down, her rapier's point glinting in the sun. 

She landed. 

There was nothing. 

The side of her eye caught movement. She reared back as a metal blade barely flew over her read. She rolled and stabbed forward. 

Her rapier stood only inches of William's throat. 

They stared at each other. After a moment of silence, William nodded and returned his sword to his scabbard. He offered Mazarine a hand which she accepted. ''You're a credit to your family, Mazarine,'' William praised her. ''You'll do well in protecting my brother.'' 

She smiled. "I'm not just going to protect him, William. Lord Winchester asked me to help train him in combat and train him I shall." The both of them glanced at Cardin who stood next to Henry. Cardin, to her amusement, had a look of displeasure. 

''Train him well, Mazarine,'' nodded William. ''And coming from an older brother, be harsh but fair, please?'' 

She bowed graciously. 


A/N: A rewrite of Vive L'Empereur, something which was a favourite of mine before I got hit by a writer's wall. I plan to continue it but in a soft reboot sort of way. RWBY has been a favourite show of mine though I do have my gripes with some of the things presented in the new RWBY. Those will not be the main focus of this though as I simply want to write a RWBY story and hopefully, keep it fun. Now, as to the reason why I chose Cardin was because the guy is underutilized in terms of RWBY fics. I could have chosen Jaune but my man Jaune is a bit overused in my opinion plus, I have my own plans for the Arc family.



I liked Vive L'Empereur, glad to see it come back with a fresh coat of paint.

russell marsh

Fist glad to see this back hopefully the Prussian one will be back when you have time. But please by the mother and all the sanits in all there glory no salem that really kill the story fast last.