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The Last Dragonborn

  • Yay for Civil War storyline 11
  • Nay for CW storyline. We wish Elvish blood. 24
  • 2023-03-31
  • 35 votes
{'title': 'The Last Dragonborn', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yay for Civil War storyline', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Nay for CW storyline. We wish Elvish blood.', 'votes': 24}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 31, 2, 26, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 35}


I have two storylines to follow, one that continues onto the drumming of the elves or we follow first with the main events of Skyrim first. I would like to hear from yall if whether or not we should skip the events of Skyrim, or not.

The reason why I have this poll is because in the Dragonborn prophecy, it states that Skyrim should be kingless and sundered. However with Baltafarian as High King, it renders that final omen unnecessary. We can have the storyline where Balty has to contend with an usurper for the throne in a civil war that is as much as bloody as the original one. Keep in mind though that Skyrim has had this happen before with the Western and Eastern Holds having their own High Kings but Alduin did not return. That I chalk up to the other towers not having fallen yet so the Dragonborn prophecy could not happen. But now, the other omens have been instituted now and with a war for the throne, Skyrim would be technically kingless and bloody.

So, what do you guys think? 


The Tallest Tree

Civil War plotline would feel forced at this point. Mc was elected high king and intends to fulfill his promises, improve lives, and rally his people to take the fight to the elves. He has a broad and strong coalition with a significant powerbase and influential supporters. It just doesn't make much narrative sense to devolve into civil war as things stand.

Tony DeWitt

I mean I still want the dragonborn to make an appearance. Maybe Balgruff in his trust of his knowledge of the game assumes that since he is now High King that there won't be a last dragonborn. What if he's wrong. What if in this timeline say the prophecy instead mentions A High King from whiterun ruling during aldiuns return. He just doesn't know about it because he trusts in his foreknowledge and never sought it out.


Although the civil war plotline can't be pursued anymore, there is still plenty of chances for a Dragonborn to appear. All the other omens have been fulfilled after all.