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Their father retreated into his room to rest. As his door closed behind them, Ulfric and Freyja could only watch the old wood oak door with thin lips. Their Housecarls followed them quietly. The elder Stormcloak turned towards his sister. "Now what?" he asked her. Freyja glanced up at her brother.

"Why are you asking me? You're the one to be Jarl, not me." Freyja shrugged, her tone neutral. She turned on her heels and walked off. He followed after her, walking at her side. Ulfric detected a hint of bitterness in her voice and his lip curled at that.

"I was trained in the Way of the Voice and warcraft. You know much that I have yet to learn," Ulfric admitted and that was true. There was an expectation that he was going to be a member of the Greybeards. Thus, someone else had to be groomed to be the next Jarl of Windhelm. His sister stepped in his place. Then, he came back. 

He understood her bitterness. There was much to be upset about.

She took in a breath and sighed. Her future as Jarl was a hollow dream at this point but that didn't mean her desire to serve her home faltered.
"Jarl Hrolfdir has secured for himself an army in the form of Lord Balgruuf. In truth, he has no need of us anymore. There is only two things worth left here, your Thu'um and my hand in marriage. The use of your Thu'um is obvious. It will make sieging Markarth easier. As for my hand in marriage, I am the sister of Ulfric Stormcloak, the Jarling of a storied and rich Hold. Why wouldn't my hand not be valuable?"

Ulfric frowned. Of course his Thu'um would be sought after. Just one Shout from him and the walls and gates of Markarth would be no issue. That was how their forefathers stormed cities and castles in the ancient days. However, his Thu'um was not just some weapon to be used at their leisure. The Thu'um was to worship the Divines, not personal glory. This he made mention to his sister. 

"You've already used it in combat before, no? This won't be any different," Freyja said. Ulfric shook his head. 

"I used my Shout at those times, sister, because it was for the benefit of Skyrim, not mine," Ulfric said stiffly. His Shouting down the gates of Amol was for the benefit of everyone. No one wins if bandits and rogue mages controlled an important road junction after all. 

"And is it Skyrim's benefit if we lose an important city like Markarth?" Freyja quizzed him back. Ulfric thought about it and frowned again. 

"No. It won't," Ulfric said with a click of his tongue. Five thousand tons of Silver was an unbelievable amount. If the Jarl of Markarth was speaking the truth then it was political suicide if they would let such an important city go away without even a fight. 

"If news broke that Windhelm did nothing while Markarth needed aid, the Holds that look to us will think twice about their support," Ulfric mused. Windhelm's reputation as a champion of Nordic tradition would be laughed at if they did not act. Markarth was far away, yes, but it was still a Nordic city. Could Windhelm continue to speak about their traditions if it did not come to help Jarl Hrolfdir?

"Quite so," Freyja nodded. The ramifications of inaction was severe. "If we didn't help Jarl Hrolfdir, a man whose holdings lie above importance than theirs then could Windhelm really be counted on?" She massaged her temples, frustration bubbling inside her head. "What is our father doing?" 

"I...I do not know," Ulfric sighed. The words of Balgruuf rang aloud in his head. "On the way here, Lord Balgruuf mentioned to me that trying to bring back Talos worship will simply end badly for us all. We simply are not ready for war. The Empire will be forced to crack down and it will weaken all of us further. And the ones to benefit will be the...elves." He ended with a particular growl. 

He was not going to forget that Thalmor prison. 

"You would think that Lord Balgruuf would push for such a thing. He is the Elfsbane after all. Ironic that a man that has slaughtered scores of Elves is the first to caution action against them," Freyja said with surprise. 

"...Indeed," Ulfric said quietly, noting the admiring look on his sister's face. "You sound like you approve of him." 

Freyja scoffed. "He's been sensible since I met him. Of course my opinion of the man is good." 

"If I may," Skadi coughed. "My Lady believed that Lord Balgruuf had arrived with the intent to secure her hand for marriage." 

Ulfric's lips curled into a smile as a faint hue appeared on Freyja's pale cheeks. She coughed, clearing her throat. "It was the only sensible idea that occurred to me. Now, enough about that nonsense and let us get back to the problem at hand, our father." 

Ulfric hummed. He would have to think on how a match between his sister and Balgruuf would go. There was Igmund who was unmarried yet and having a stake in its silver would be good. However, if Windhelm would try for a marriage there, it would only signal to other Holds that it was trying to gain control of Markarth's wealth. How such a move would be interpreted, he needed to mull over it. 

"Yes, our lord Father, the Jarl." said Ulfric, his mind awash with ideas. "Out of all the thoughts in me, I know we must help Hrolfdir." This too would influence his future rule too. If word came out that he did nothing, he would be seen as unreliable as well. And that was the last thing he wanted. Ulfric did not want to be useless. He had spent the war locked in prison, the information he gave letting the capital fall. He failed as a soldier, he failed to be a Greybeard as his training was incomplete. And this time, he wasn't going to fail in being a man and being a Jarl. He wasn't going to fail his people. 

"I agree," Freyja said quickly. "Look, brother. Jarl Hrolfdir will obviously say no to father's request. This means that he will forbid any aid leaving the Hold." 

"That will also mean he will forbid either you and I in leaving the city in the first place," replied Ulfric. "I will have to defy him." He said distastefully. Ulfric considered himself a good son. A son has a duty to uphold to his sire after all. 

As if detecting his thoughts, Freyja responded quickly. "Brother, you must understand that Father's request will not just be ruinous for Windhelm but for Skyrim too. The Concordat will take into effect, the elves will send their Justiciars here with impunity. We will have no choice but to raise arms to defend our people. We will fight the Empire and the Elves all by ourselves. We cannot let this happen. For Skyrim, you will have to defy him." Her tone was urgent, insistent. 

Ulfric stopped walking. 

In his mind, a decision slowly formed.


A/N: Now, why is Ulfric being sensible here? 

This is an Ulfric before Markarth. This is a dejected and depressed Ulfric that is desperate to find meaning and substance. I truly believe that Ulfric went with his canon decision in Markarth because he felt this was a way to make a win for himself as he had fucked up way to many times. That lack of achievement will surely fuck with anyone. 

Now as for him going along with this, he has encountered Jarl Ballin who is offering him a way out of his funk, who looks like he knows what he is doing and has answers. Couple that with his sister who is savvy enough to recognize what it means for Windhelm if they don't do something then boom, a more well-adjusted Ulfric. 


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