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They still had time left before they could eat in earnest. This grace period had Irileth unfortunately listening to Balgruuf rant and rave. The guest room they found themselves in was generously decorated and spacious, a testament to the wealth of the Jarls of Windhelm who could put up people in apartments that would be an expense for minor lords and thanes. Irileth stood with her back against the wall, the Ebony Blade resting on a mantlepiece, as Balgruuf paced about the room muttering in a tone that was supposed to be a whisper but instead came out as frustrated grumbling.

"...That was the perfect damned compromise but no, we have to deal with a fucking obnoxious Jarl that can't see the big bloody picture!" Balgruuf snapped as the unfortunate floor endured his pacing. He wasn't exactly pink with rage. Only the Thalmor could ever elicit such a reaction from him. Irileth figured that on levels of angry, he could perhaps make do beating the Oblivion out of a practice dummy.

"You swore. The world must be ending," Irileth said with faux scandal. Balgruuf stopped his pacing as he turned towards her. She continued. "You never swear if you can help it, Balgruuf."

"Oh forgive me, Iri. It's just, I am a fountain of peace at the moment," Balgruuf deadpanned. He then made a sweeping open gesture with his palms. "Behold, the hands of serenity! They radiate sheer calmness the likes of which send one to nirvana!"

Irileth snorted then she did a double take. "What is nirvana?" she asked, testing the unfamiliar word. Balgruuf shook his head as he grumpily sat by the bed.

"Don't worry about it," Balgruuf said with a click of his tongue. He glanced up at her. "What you and I should worry about is Jarl Hoag and his demand."

Irileth cocked her head. "You have already pledged your help to Jarl Hrolfdir, Balgruuf. This is the whole reason why we are here, no? In time, you will have an army to wield against the Reachmen. Why stress over the Jarl of Windhelm?"

Balgruuf took a breath then, he exhaled as he massaged his temples. With eyes closed, he muttered. "Because he could risk starting a conflict over Talos and it would be out of our control. Furthermore, support from Windhelm with give us a great advantage in the form of his son, Ulfric. You and I heard it before we reached Amol." He opened his eyes, levelled at Irileth. "The voice. His thu'um."

Irileth nodded. Every good Dunmer who paid attention to their history had an idea of what the Thu'um was. The tonal magic the Nords used to carve an Empire from High Rock to Morrowind. Such was its power that it took an alliance of the old Chimer and the Dwemer to beat them back forever. A miracle considering that before the Nords came, the Chimer and Dwemer were murdering each other. "Yes. It's a rather difficult thing to not hear it, Balgruuf." said Irileth.

"If Windhelm joins us, we would have the best foot in all of Skyrim as well as Ulfric," Balgruuf said. Irileth crossed her arms.

"Why not just convince the Jarling Ulfric to join you?" Irileth asked. If Balgruuf was so concerned about Ulfric, why not just convince the lad to hop along his wild adventure?

"Irileth, this is the son of Jarl Hoag of Windhelm. A major Hold. Ulfric just can't dally around Skyrim without permission from his father," Balgruuf pointed out. "I can do it simply because my father allowed me to. I do not think Ulfric has it in himself to defy Hoag and just leave."

Irileth thought about it. "All you really need is Ulfric, yes?"

Balgruuf nodded. "His thu'um would allow us to simply Shout the gate down, subtlety be damned."

Irileth clicked her fingers. "Then it's clear what you need to do. Convince Ulfric to go with you. You worry about trying to get the Jarl's approval and forget that Ulfric is himself a man with his own thoughts and desires. Persuade him, convince him. Sway him to your cause."

A grimace formed over Balgruuf. "I do not want to earn Hoag's enmity by getting his son to march off to war."

"You worry about Hoag's ire for little reason, my lord," Irileth said as she left her post by the wall to get to her lord and lover. She made sure to add a little sashaying of her hips to earn Balgruuf's attention. She inwardly smirked as Balgruuf's eyes lowered. She halted before him, kneeling down on one knee with her eyes levelled with him. Her voice turned sultry and low the more she spoke. "He is old, very old. You and I saw that. The ire of Jarl Hoag will mean little when he will die soon if not later. Convince Ulfric that this will be for the best. I know you can do this, Balgruuf," she ended with a low and lusty whisper, her lips curling into a slight smile. "Or perhaps my lord needs a little comfort to settle his head?"

Balgruuf's mouth opened slightly before closing. His throat felt dry as Irileth fully knelt on her her knees. Swift fingers quickly unstrapped pieces of her armor to give her lord a good view of her breasts. Balgruuf breathed in as Irileth undid the lower straps of his armor and pulled it down. As she did so, her grey skin glistened against the firelight. Her breasts rising and falling with every breath she took. Irileth chuckled darkly as she fully slid down her lord's pants and watched Balgruuf's hard cock poke out.

Balgruuf shivered as the dunmer left a trail of soft kisses on his thigh. His skin trembled from the soft, warm, and wet worship of Irileth as she finally halted before his twitching member. She leaned in and with a smirk, exhaled on it. His cock twitched as Irileth's steamy hot breath kissed him. A groan then left his lips as Irileth descended, wrapping her lips around his length.

It was both heaven and torture as Baglruuf leaned back on the bed, gripping the sheets as Irileth attacked his twitching cock with reckless abandon. The warm and wet tightness of her mouth engorged him, her tongue wrapping and pleasuring him with equal measure. Her head bobbed up and down with enthusiastic worship. Her cheeks greyed as her blood rushed up to her face. Irileth said nothing, whispered nothing. She was focused firmly on pleasuring her lover. She did not halt to breathe nor rest. She continued with a pace that only brought Balgruuf closer and closer.

"I'm close," groaned Balgruuf. He groaned yet again, his spine buckling as Irileth consumed him even faster, her tongue lolling around him as if it was the last cock she would ever engorge. Her throat choked from the length but she did not care. She gripped his thighs harder, not allowing him to escape her grasp. With a long hollowed groan, Balgruuf came. Irileth closed her eyes as her mouth flooded with seed. She stayed wrapped around Balgruuf until finally, he stopped twitching. The nighblade assassin slowly pulled herself out of his cock to see her lover panting on the bedside, his cheeks flushed red with blood.

She opened her eyes, shared a look with her lover, and swallowed.

"...What....wow...I," Balgruuf took another breath. Irileth smirked as she redid the straps of her armor. She stood up, wiping away at her mouth with a cloth.

"You were stressed, I was bored," Irileth said. "Now, is your mind clear?"

"Hm? Uh, yes." Balgruuf muttered. He blinked. "Wait, I'm going to repay the favour."

Irileth snorted. "Fool, I did it because I love you, not because this is a transaction." She smiled sultrily. "If you really want to...I will not be opposed. But..."

Balgruuf quickly stood up, the lust and love in his eyes clear. The look on him made Irileth bite her lip. Her legs quivered at the animalistic urge on his face. "But..."? Balgruuf asked, his voice coming out as a growl, his steps coming closer towards Irileth. Before he could lay a hand on her however, there was a knock on the door.

"My lord? The dinner is starting," a voice said from the otherside of the door.

The disappointment and irritation was clear on his face. "I...I shall be down shortly," he muttered. He took a breath.

"Elven hearing," Irileth said with a smirk. "We need to go down, Balgruuf. Once we finish the dinner, you can go and breed me to your hearts desire."

Her womanhood quivered as Balgruuf leaned in, wrapping and squeezing her firm ass. "I am going to put a child in you," he growled.

"Promises," she tittered, patting his chest gently.

Much later that night, servants of that quarter of the palace would swear that a ghostly woman haunted the halls. In reality, it would simply be Irileth getting her brains hammered out over and over again.




That dussy got jarl to be balling acting out