Dream Come True - Page 3-4 SKETCH (Patreon)
2018-01-06 07:23:10
2020-06-20 09:15:40
Once again, i'm terribly sorry. I could tell you many excuses for the delay, but it wouldn't change anything. Page 4 is in the attachment.
There is one thing i request of you though: Please don't be considerate and nice by saying things like "It's okay, don't burn yourself out, take your time". I NEED pressure to work properly, i need to have deadlines. I totally appreciate you guys intention, but it's neither helping me nor you.
And another request, if you feel like i am not delivering and you don't like to wait: Instead of just quitting silently the patreon pledges, talk to me! Demand to see content that you payed for! I do this patreon as much for me as i do it for you, so we need to work together here. I will talk more about this once the finished coloring is done.