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To be honest, i didn't know if i could finish it by today, but i actually finished it yesterday haha. I just had a run, and everything worked out smoothly.

Is it possible that it is the first 4 row paneling i did in any of my patreon comics? I think it is...it was just needed for all the text. I guess the high res version you patrons get is really appreciated now haha, the low res version looks kinda blurry here and there. I guess i could sharpen it a bit, but naw~ not for the free low res version ;)

That reminds me, i still need to upload some of the older works to my deviantart account for the people who don't pledge. I don't have any reason to not upload them on schedule, i am just way too preoccupied with more important stuff. And, well, after all this time i am still only halfway there of my initial goal here on patreon, thus i guess it doesn't matter if the free version gets delivered late ;) 



Kenshin Hikigane

Way to go, keeping up the pace like that. Reslly curious to see where this goes.