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I deeply apologize for the delay, again....

But the next page is almost finished too, tomorrow or Friday. (among other things my laptop broke down, thus i had to reduce my savings again... more to that and other news in a later post)

Originally i planned for this comic to have a much more realistic style to it, but in the end it just looks slightly more graphic-novel-ish, because i didn't had the time to experiment too much with it.

This comic is the contest winner. There is no cover, because the comic will turn out longer than i anticipated. And i can't shorten it too much, because the detailed progression of events is what made me choose this story as the winner to begin with. (and i already did shorten it, this narration here is thrice as long in the written story)




Excellent work as always. Sorry to hear about your hardware issues, I work with computers a lot and they do seem to die at only the least convenient times!