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Hey, folks! Hope all's well with you and yours this week!

I'm neck-deep in rendering at the moment, so I'll keep this a little brief today. Over the weekend I put out a new demo for $15+ patrons on Discord, adding 138 images to the new chapter. The total currently stands at 389 new images set in the script, with another 50-60 images rendered, but not yet in the script. 

Those latter images are mostly ones that I made as set-up/test renders for scenes later in the chapter. Some of them will end up used, some of them won't. Before I get deep into rendering I like to get a scene ready with lighting, characters, props, etc. Buuut, then I'll sometimes get into the scene and realize I want to move the characters around a bit, and the look of the scene shifts. Here's an example:

Same scene and dialogue, but I ultimately decided it'd be better to have the whole thing taking place in the building's office, instead of the lobby. So, a handful of renders got scrapped, and the script got a slight rewrite. It happens!

Besides that, things are going smoothly! Early reactions to the new content have been positive, and I think people will be excited by some of the new wrinkles this chapter presents. With over 400 renders done, I'm hoping to add another 300-400, before release day.

I don't know what exactly the release will look like. I'd love to get the entire thing done, but I'm making plans in case I come up short, and need to do a Part One/Part Two release for the chapter. People have been pretty adamant that they'd prefer consistent, shorter releases over longer, more sporadic ones.

(But honestly, even my 'short' updates tend to be 800ish renders, which is pretty good, I think..)

That's it for now! As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!



Nebulous Shooter

At first I thought they are shorts, but why is she going to the grocery store in her underwear? :) why is he in pijamas?