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Hey, folks! Hope you're all well this week! I've got an ache in my shoulder that's kind of killing me. I was feeling a little under the weather over the weekend, and I think my body's acting up as it tries to fight off a cold. But, the work doesn't stop!

Over the past couple of days I took a break from working on Nicki's scene, skipping ahead to do the scene for -- Brittani! Always a fan-favorite, I know people were looking forward to her return. Well, here she is, setting up her next/main plot arc. And hey, looks like she's joined by two new faces..

At this point, some more folks have played the demo I put up on Discord (restricted to $15 members), and I've gotten some valuable feedback. That feedback has led me to hold off on really promoting the demo here, until I get more content done. See, the thing about having 250 images in  game with multiple possible openings, is that it's really easy to play it, and only see 40-50 pieces of art. Heck, if you do the path where you send Ashe home and fall asleep on the couch, it's even less than that! Lesson learned -- don't split the content too much. In the future, I'll keep it to two branches.

But, I *am* working on getting more stuff from the core path completed. Those scenes are primarily focused on Risa, Mason, Alex, Gabby, Madison, and of course Brittani. And I've gotta say, it's moving along really well! I forget how quickly the work goes, when I'm not doing a bunch of wacky coding and variable-dependent writing.

Hmm, what else.. I put up a new Wanton Weekends post, featuring some concept art for a planned scene with Viola and Brittani. It's available for all members, starting at $2. Here's a little teaser.

Otherwise, I'm just nose to the grindstone on the next chapter. My goal for the next week is 40 images per development day, which should let me beast through a few scenes. But, I'll keep you updated!

As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!



Bob Obo

Oh wow! I’m way more excited for the cashier girl now that I see her

Nebulous Shooter

You monsters, why did you make sweet Brittani sad?