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Hey folks, hope your week's off to a good start!

I'll keep it brief today, because there's not a ton to talk about. I'm slowly moving towards the first round of real rendering, as I've got enough script complete to start working on renders. I've got all the various scenes set up with characters, costumes, lighting, etc. so that'll save me some time as I move ahead into artwork.

At present the variations for the chapter opening are all written in their rough form, and I've been working to edit them a bit, making them a bit punchier. I wrote an extended bit of narration for one opening which ultimately wound up feeling out of place, so I just chopped it from the script. Sometimes something seems like a good idea as I'm writing it, then I go back and read it again and realize I was just being long-winded and self-indulgent. Over the next few days I'm hoping to complete the script for Risa's scene, after which I'll basically have the entire first third of the update written.

Other business: the poll to select Mason's glasses for is slowly winding down, and using the totals for SubscribeStar and Patreon combined, "round and bookish" is currently winning out by a margin of eight votes. So, if you have strong feelings about our favorite waif's glasses, make sure you cast your vote! 

Hopefully everyone enjoyed yesterday's Wanton Weekends update, showing some of Nicki's photographs from her brief time as a model. I always enjoy exploring little areas of the story that we aren't privy to from Guy's perspective. At some point I'd really like for more of that material to make it into the game proper. I'm thinking they could take the form of little kinetic novels that change based on the choices you've made.. But we're a little ways off from that. 

I'll leave you with that truncated update for today, but as always have a great week, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!
