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Hey, folks! Hope everyone's well this week!

I'm going to keep this one prrrrretty brief. At present I'm still focused on getting a bunch of writing done for the next chapter, so I just don't have a whole heck of a lot to talk about. But, I continue to build scenes in the meantime, so that once I get to them in the script, I'll have all my assets, lighting, etc. in place.

I'm trying not to drag my feet too much, but I also don't want to rush into this update and end up in a bit of a quagmire. So, the focus right now is on plotting things in such a way that the art will go quickly and painlessly. Fingers crossed.

In other news, I'll be putting up a poll this week for all $5+ patrons, determining which glasses Mason will be getting in the next update. Right now I'm mostly experimenting with shape/color, but I also need to toy with the opacity/texture of the lenses. With the eyes being the windows to the soul and all that, I want to make sure I don't remove a lot of Mason's character, by obscuring their eyes. A little tweak can make a big difference.

Finally, I know that the regular Wanton Weekends feature has gotten off track, but I'll have something for you folks this weekend. Settling back into my schedule came with a few hiccups, but I'll get back on schedule starting this week.

I'll leave you with that for now! Hoping to be clear of the the various intros for the next chapter, sometime next week. That'll give me some room to start rendering in earnest, and making real progress. I know the writing side of things is progress, but it's easy to feel like I'm not doing anything when I'm not working on the visual part of my visual novel. :'D

Until next time, take care of yourselves! And as always, thank you for your support!




This my first comment since spotting Friends Indeed. I've very much liked what I've seen so far. It's good to see a VN where the N takes the front seat with the V following a proper story. Thanks.