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Hey folks, I'm back! First, a quick apology -- I left the country without posting anything publicly about it, so it may have looked like I just flaked on blog posts, etc. for the past couple weeks. Didn't mean to leave anyone in the lurch, but I had a couple dozen things to do before I left, then I had all these issues with the first leg of my flights, and blah blah blah. Now I'm trying to get my body to remember what timezone it's in, and that's been an absolute struggle.

But hey, I'm back, and moving ahead! I took some time over my vacation to plot out the next update in detail, hoping to avoid the issue I ran into with the most recent one, where I let the number of choices spiral out of control. This one should be way more tightly focused. Then, I got into writing two of the main ways the chapter can open. This one's going to be kind of a pain in the beginning, but after that it should be a bit easier.

I also built the set for a location that we'll see early on, as a result of Risa dragging us along on an errand. I always have a lot of fun with this part, as I get to mix and match assets and shaders to create a environment that you (hopefully) haven't seen in previous visual novels.

And I got to play around with some fun texture stuff, in the creation of this very unfriendly photographer that Risa seems to know. Had to figure out how to tweak an eye texture to give him heterochromia.. He look familiar to anyone? He may be a bit uglier than the last time we saw him.

This is all just to say that development on the new chapter has officially begun! Huzzah! I'm pumped for this one. Lots of cool developments and fallout.

Finally, a big thanks to everyone who played the most recent update and dropped me a line to say they enjoyed it, report bugs/typos/continuity errors, and so on. Each time I put out a new release and get to hear from everyone, it really just re-energizes me. Having so many people care enough to give feedback is very cool and very appreciated, even if I haven't had the mental bandwidth/energy to reply to everyone.

That's all for today, so as always, take care of yourselves -- and thank you for your support!




Neonfuzius says : violence cannot resolve violence, but rather creates hatred and results in continual confrontations


What is your country now?


I’m in the US, but I was visiting Thailand. Also had a day trip to Japan, thanks to a long layover. 😄