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Hey, folks! Been a long day of rendering here at Casa de Neon. Total image count is now a little shy of 1400.

On top of that I completed a couple of paths that weren't previously completed, added animations that were missing in the last playtest release, fixed a bug I'd inadvertently created with Ashe's relationship status, and edited and added images to a branch where MC's watching TV, which just wasn't reading as well as I wanted it to.

That's honestly it for now! I'm basically just at my PC during every spare moment cranking out renders, naming them, and placing them in the script. My plan is to do a few more days like today where I just hunker down and render my butt off. 

Ashe's romance ero scene wound up being a little more complicated than I planned, because I wanted to give players a lot of different directions to take it. But, I should finish up the rendering for that tomorrow, and I'll be on my way.

Sorry to leave you with a short one, today. Pay no mind to the fact Ashe and MC are wearing their bathing suits in the shower. That's an edited-for-the-public special. :'D And I played around with the rebooted Chapter One Nicki a bit more, trying out a modest little updo style for her. I kinda dig it.

Speaking of digging it, people seemed to like yesterday's Wanton Weekends feature, showing what kind of physical fitness activities some of the girls like to get up to. Go give it a peek if you haven't, yet.

I'm going to get a couple more hours of work in before bed, so I'll leave you with that! As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!



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