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Hey folks, hope all's well with you and yours!  For this week's feature, I thought it'd be fun to see how all the girls like to manage their physical fitness. Hope you enjoy, and I'll see you back here tomorrow for a Dev Update!


In Russia I compete in um, track and field? Yes? So, I run very much, still. Mama say I am run like deer. As long as my shoe not fall apart again..


Well, my ex-husband was a bit.. Paranoid. He insisted I be able to 'defend myself.' Especially once Maya was born. So, he insisted I take self-defense classes. As it turned out, I quite enjoyed them. I just earned my blue belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.


It's not easy as it once was, I'll tell you that. The business, Ryan, Gabriella.. But, I try to make it to yoga twice a week. The um.. The community center offers free classes.


Madison made me start coming with her when I was little. To 'bond.' Hmph! It's not so bad, though. We usually get smoothies after, and I've gotten super flexible.


I don't really have time to exercise, these days. Too busy trying to book shoots.. But hey! You ever holding poses for a few hours? Heck of a workout!


Rollerblading, like obvs. I just love the feeling of speeding around with my arms out, feeling the wind on my face. It's like, probably as close as I'll ever get to flying.


I practically live in the gym, so staying in shape is easy. Now, keeping a decent work-life balance? That's the struggle.


I got into surfing years ago. Me and my mom would go out every Sunday. That was before.. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I surf. Okay? Happy?


Exercise? Gross! Not my thing. But, I come to the beach a lot, so.. I guess I swim and play volleyball sometimes? I don't know, is 'beach' considered a type of exercise?


I hate exercising so fucking much! Jesus Christ! I'm not supposed to be outdoors for this long! I need air conditioning! AAAAGH!



MC should pop for tattoo removal, some tattoos picked by yourself are good, but her tattoos are a symbol/reminder of her abuse.


"Is 'beach' considered a type of exercise?" Did Risa just watch the Barbie movie recently perhaps?