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Hey friends, hope all's well with you and yours this week!

First, a quick bit of business for $15+ patrons: this week's Sneak Peek of the Week will be up Saturday evening, instead of Friday. I have to go out of town unexpectedly on Friday, and won't be back at my PC until Saturday afternoon.

In happier news, I made some good progress over the past few days. I added a scene to the prologue of the next installment, which adds a little bit of naughty content right at the top. Remember all those files you potentially stole from Jamie in the last update? Well, now you'll have the opportunity to see them. If you'd like to, and if you didn't have him delete them. That scene's all written and rendered, but there's one little bit that feels over-written, which I'm trying to clean up.

That scene has a ton of modifiers for Guy/MC's relationship to Gabby and Brittani, as well as his own personal alignment score, so that all needs some careful checking. It's always a weird balancing act to have MC react in a way that feels authentic given his relationship with the girls, while also not 'forcing' MC to feel a way the player might not.

Patrons who are in the other tiers or on the Discord know this, but I also completed a scene with Carolina and Risa since my last Dev Update. I felt a bit stymied trying to finish Mason's scene, because it had so many variables. Rather than sit and stew on it, I decided to jump ahead to Carolina and Risa's scene, while I streamlined Mason's where possible. And I'm glad I did!

Making this game, it's kind of easy to lose confidence sometimes. It's just me at my computer for long hours, and it's easy to start thinking, "What am I doing? Does this even make sense? Why'd I write it this way?" But, putting together a good scene has a way of really recharging me. It's why I'm always most excited to work on the game when I've just wrapped a chapter. So, finishing Risa and Carolina's scene encouraged me to barrel right into doing that scene with Jamie's photo collection.

But, now I'm back into rendering Mason's scene, following a little rewriting to streamline and simplify things. It's going well so far! I don't know how much of that scene I'll really be able to show in the next Dev Update, since it's pretty steamy, and these posts are public. But, we'll see.

The goal for this week is to finish off Mason's scene, and then get a new build of the game assembled for $15+ patrons to playtest. Then it'll just be a handful of scenes until the chapter is all wrapped up. Woohoooo.

I've been looking forward to this chapter for a long time, and I'm already super psyched to see everyone's reactions to it. So now there's just the small matter of finishing the thing. :'D

I'll leave you with that for today! By the end of the week I should be well over 900 renders, and on my way to the home stretch. Big, big thanks for everyone's patience. I promise I'm working as quickly as I can, and I'll do my best to make it worth the wait.

As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!




Damn, loving Gabby's look there!

Bob Obo

Is the first pic gonna be in the next update? :o