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Hey folks, hope everyone's week is off to a good start! The weather's finally warming up in my neck of the woods, which has been quite nice.

First, a little business -- if you're not currently a subscriber, you may have missed that I posted a short story featuring Viola, available for all $2+ subs, right here. There's a few pieces of art, some naughty fun, and a little peek into the mind of Ms. Viola Pavlishchev. I've included an image from the story above, featuring newcomer Tessa, who you'll be meeting in FiN soon enough.

Alright, onto the progress report. I honestly don't have a ton to talk about for the moment. It's basically nose-to-the-grindstone time, and I'm just focused on churning out renders, and finishing up the script. I'm on my laptop at work today, without access to my PC, so I'm not sure exactly what the render count is currently at. I think we're around 750, though.

At present, I'm working on Mason's scene, and making pretty good progress. I ran into a little annoyance with his big baggy sweater, as it wanted to clip through everything. But, I'm at a point in the story now where he's not wearing it. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

I've got a few days off from the day job this week, so I'm really hoping I can just power through his scene with a few long days, and move into the last quarter of the chapter. Once Mason's scene is finished, I'll really only have Ashe's big scene, and then a few small scenes that shouldn't take very long, owing to the fact they're mostly linear.

I'm still not going to put out a release date, because I don't have a real sense of how long Ashe's scene will take just yet. All I can say is that I'm really doing my best to get it finished this month.

I've talked about this elsewhere, but with the chapter following the next release, I'm going to try making a smaller update (500-600 renders), and see what you folks think. If I try it and it goes over alright, I'll probably post a poll and see if you'd all prefer bigger, slower updates, or smaller, faster ones.

But, that's in the future! For now, I'm working every day to bring the chapter to completion. Mason was one of the last two big obstacles for the chapter, and once his scene's done, the end will be firmly in sight.

As always, have a great week, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!



Jack T

great renders cant wait till the romance mason route story if its half as good as Gabby's we are in for a treat

Twisty Ninja

Soooo looking forward to Mason's scene! Been wanting to get to know them better since their first appearance!