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Hey friends, hope all's well with you and yours this week!

The big news this week is that I crossed 500 renders for the new chapter - 544, to be exact. That's brought me to the completion of Pepper's scene, and the beginning of Wren's scene.

After wrestling with Wren's character design a bit, I decided to redo what I'd already done, with spot renders featuring her original design, in a change of clothing. I think she looks super cute -- especially alongside her bestie, Ashe!

This chapter really sees a lot more of the girls interacting with one another, which is a fun challenge. We'll see Viola and Ashe interact in a way that'll change dramatically based on your relationship with both girls, as well as having Pepper and Nicki brush up against each other. It really does a lot to make the story feel like it's taking place in a cohesive, consistent world, instead of just a bunch of individual vignettes.

All in all, things are proceeding very well. I broke through a little logic problem I had in the script this week, began pruning some paths that could wait for another update (thereby speeding up the release/reducing my workload), and I'm rolling right through Wren's scene. Should have that finished by Wednesday at the latest.

I wish I had more interesting news for you, but that's about it for this week! I'm hustling as much as I can to get through the update, but I still have Mason and Ashe's events to contend with, and they'll both be pretty sizeable. I'm targeting a late February, early March release, but we'll see how things go. As we get closer, I'll start to firm up plans.

I'll leave you with that today, so I can get back to work. But as always, take care of yourselves -- and thank you for you support!



Twisty Ninja

The more I see of Wren, the more I can't wait to develop a relationship of some sort with her! Especially for the more romance based playthroughs. Looking forward to the next update and wishing you all the best with finishing it! Take as much time as you need to put something out you're happy with.


I agree, she looks great! Although I hope after her there is a break from introducing new ladies for a while to get to know the current group better :)


Oh yeah, definitely. I’ve already got my hands full. 😅And honestly Wren isn’t intended as a full-fledged romantic interest. She’s more of an addition to some of Ashe’s paths.


Looking forward to more interaction between the girls, that could be fun!

Twisty Ninja

Completely agree with Magoo, fantastic roster as is that would be nice to get to know better. Especially the character we've passed on the streets. Spacing on their name right now. Bummer that she isn't a full-fledged romantic interest. But she's part of Ashes paths so that's exciting!