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Hey friends, here it is! The final(ish..) version of The Student Loan!

New in this update:

  • Basic animations for six scenes! Let me know if you like these, and they'll go into the next update of FiN!
  • Music! I set the volume for each track at 50%, but be wary of playing at full volume.
  • A new path with new choices!

I bought some moan and squelch sound effects, but I couldn't get them to overlay on top of the music. I'll work on it when I have a little time, and hopefully have it fixed for the public release. Hopefully everyone has fun with this, because I'd like to do more of these mini-games, time permitting.

In the meantime, works continues on FiN! Be back tomorrow with a Dev Update!



Bob Obo

I love Riley's model! Also I just want to say that the transparency on the text box is perfect for me now :) Edit: I guess I'll add one complaint; MC's dick is just too big lol. But you're descriptions of the sex scene were even better than usual (and they're usually great!)


Hah! It’s a weird line to walk. Anything that looks realistic and reasonably sized by reality’s standards, looks small by this genre’s standards. 😅 But I’ll keep that in mind! Glad you enjoyed it!