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Hey friends, just wanted to let everyone know that Chapter Two should be available later today, or tomorrow morning. I've finished everything I can, and now I'm just waiting on my PC to produce the final art so that it can be plugged in where it needs to be. Unfortunately, this is one of those things where it just takes how long it takes, and there's not much I can do to speed things along. Currently I'm finishing the renders for one sex scene, with 35 out of 70~ having finished rendering. Once they're done, I'll move onto the last scene, which should be another 65-70 renders.

Current render count for this chapter is at 904, and I won't be surprised if it tops 1050 by the time I'm done. So, this is going to be a hefty update.

This update definitely grew past my initial plans for it - patrons who pledged to look at the advance script know that Ashe was never even a part of the story, and now she comprises a substantial chunk of it! I'm happy with that development, but it did add substantially to the workload. So, in the future I'm going to try to keep things a bit more narrowly focused, so as to avoid these little hiccups.

In the meantime, please enjoy these non-spoilery bits of art from Chapter Two, and I'll see you back here soon with the update!



Bob Obo

Looking forward to it. I definitely like the way our guy looks in this update more than in the first release.


Thanks, Bob! I didn't want to change him too much - all his basic DNA is still there. Same skin texture, same body shape, same mix of character heads. But, I played with the sliders on the face a bit, trying to give him a slightly more expressive look.