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Man, time flies! 

We're quickly coming up on my ideal release date of 5/28 (for $5 patrons), and I'm rendering as fast as I can to get the chapter done in time. Currently, I have 322 completed renders for the next installment, and I still need to render two sex scenes, and finish a couple of dialogue-heavy scenes. I'm working my way through the dialogue scenes as quickly as possible, and expect to finish them by tomorrow night. That'll just leave the sex scenes, which should take a few days, since they can be a bit onerous to pose. 

Then I'll need to do touch-ups and color adjustments on some images, set them in the game, and do some play-testing. As soon as I have a play-test copy ready, it'll go out to $15+ patrons.

I'm also planning to rework the subscription tiers for the Patreon, in order to provide a better value. I'm thinking something like exclusive renders for $15+ patrons, and doing away with the $50 tier in lieu of something a little cheaper, but also more interesting than the "sneak peek" perk it currently offers. 

I'm also launching a Subscribestar and Itchio page, just to put the game in as many people's hands as possible. That means adding more front-page menu buttons to the game, and managing two extra distribution areas.

But, my focus for now remains on getting all the Chapter Two art completed. Once I've accomplished that, plugging it into the game and cleaning up any errant typos and bugs should be a pretty quick process. More importantly, I can do it anywhere, while not remaining tethered to my PC.

As always, thank you for your support! I hope everyone's Summer is off to a good start!



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