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Edit: Forgot to mention I'm not sick anymore. Literally three days after my last post I started feeling better after being sick for a few weeks lol

Nearly finished with the river montage! I just have a few more shots with the ending scenery and docking her boat and then we'll be heading towards The Warden!

I wanna thank Ody and Arthur for being a huge help with this project so far! Everything scenery-related you see in these uploads was thanks to Ody. Would not of looked half as pretty if it weren't for their rad building skills

I won't be including the new underground cities or whatever Mojang added for the recent cave generation due to time constraints. Below is a little concept render of what the cave looks like for these two I made some months ago. Gonna be a real throwback to Jenny being in a cave again, lol




I loved the landscapes

Wendy Marvell

I thought Amber was a Nudist? Why is she wearing clothes?


Its going to be amazing.


HECK YEAH! That looks so damn pretty!!! (Also that’s not the final version of the map, I think the whole village part is missing in this part! I can always give you that if you want to!

Zach Light

It's weird cause the jenny is super hot but... The background and the scenery are so beautiful! Everything about your art is eye candy!


This is looking beautiful, glad ya feeling better


Fucking beautiful. Also glad you're feeling better


That was kind of their thing when I didn't have clothes modeled for them at the time. Amber was the last one to get their model updated when I was revamping my character designs. Now that they all have clothes, I just prefer to have them clothed unless things get kinky, of course.

Alex Stephens

I'm glad your better now SlipperyT.


Warden 😱


glad to hear you're feeling better!

Code Breaker

Gof damn i love how bottom heavy amber is jesus fuck


Nice. One suggestion if it's not too late would be for Jenny to get Amber to flash her.


That last image is so amazing


I'd 100% add that but due to the music being used for this segment I gotta keep things short with their interaction. Love the idea though!

Suia Loctis

So is the Warden going to be in the video, or?

B.A.S Unknown animator

Absolutely love it, I'm so excited. Can't wait to see the final product. And that's one lucky chicken lol


The new Amber is really cute animated.


I wish I’m the chicken Also glad you’re feeling better !


This seems like it's about to be a pretty long video!

Whack Zack

"On the boat again~ I can't wait to get on the boat again~"


Good to hear! Been wanting to slam my meat to this masterpiece… how many more scenes you got left before sound production? And will it be the original voice actress?🥰


Could tack the dialog on at the part where Jenny says she has to go, like "Gotta go Amber, but give me a flash for the road?" I feel like there's a way to work this in without changing the dialog/flow of the convo much. But obviously up to you.


It's really hard to say, but a general run-down on what's left is here on my Twitter post https://twitter.com/SlipperyT/status/1529600077098061832 Also Lizzy will be voice acting for this with new audio from her! It'll be our last project together since she'll be retiring from VA work after this project

Shmuck fuck

how big will the warden be?


Can't wait for the big ender dragon

Jackson triggs

Geez this animation has gotta be like an hour long at this point lmao, I’m damn hyped for it

Whack Zack

Over a year of looking forward to this, can hardly wait


When should we expect the release date?


This be a whole production 😂


Lucky chicken.


If you're going to nerf Amber by giving her clothes, here's an idea. Keep the shorts, but have her lewd gimmick be topless so she can keep her exibitism. This idea is to have Jenny and Amber be polar opposites when it comes to the lewd attire.