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SO, when I meant they were getting interrupted, I kinda meant it. Sorry but I won't be including any Ravager content with this project, Patreon's ToS is silly

In the last gif preview, Jenny is gonna land in the boat unconscious and thus our adventure will continue! 

Also sorry my progress has been slow since last WIP, Elden Ring came out so I haven't seen the sun in 2 weeks. Over 100+ hours in already. I might halt pledges for the month so I can enjoy the game without feeling like I'm taking your guys' money without giving anything in return because I'm enjoying this game so much



That guy Steve

Dude elden ring is taking over my life


Elden Ring is awesome you get a pass


Aww :c I was really hoping for ravager content but I understand. Any chance we could see it in a future (non Patreon) project? I'd be more than happy to commission a scene of that.

Tony Caldwell

Slip from one Elden ring and fromsoft player to another. Don't be sorry ive been pledged to you cause of the content and variety. Plus you made cute characters. So yeah enjoy.


I Haven't touched any other game since I started playing it. I dont blame u


No maidens?


Dude comments like these give me so much relief, I always feel grimy when I don't give you guys anything in return so thank you so much!


Dang, the Ravager scene sounds like it'd be hella good to watch. Sucks that it won't happen. :c


So im guess a do recommend on elden ring


Hey take your time, we can wait, disfruta el juego, adiós. Btw love ur work


Can't blame ya, it's 100% game of the year. Hope that pipe situation went or is going well

Dj Nihill

The posts may be far apart but they're consistent. That's why I stay pledged, I have confidence in you ✌🏾 (Elden Ring is dope).

jonathan richard

literraly everyone plays Elden Ring ^^' maybe i will to try


Bro elden ring is addictive when you start.


Hey man everybody deserves a recharge your enjoy that elden ring you’ve earned a rest at the bonfire

Sin FuI

Yo what build for you character?

Jess T. Wolfe

I personally can wait no matter how long it may take, im staying pledge cause your work is worth it all.


Sure did! Costed an arm and a leg during tax season so that was fun. Hopefully I can survive next winter


Vagabond! Going for mainly strength and high focus points for ashes of war




But bro if u just want to pause for months just pause, I’ve been a member of ur Patreon for over a year and this membership pledge is not helping my finances, I rather not unsub but this is taking longer than I anticipated for this project


Enjoy ur game tho

Alien Anthony

Just don't let her land on the rower.


Just to inquire, but have you ever considered substar? their rules are much looser than patreon's

Just Ghost

Honestly fair im enjoying it too.


That's gonna be a funny thing to see animated 🤣

afro Jezuz

I looked into and contacted Patreon staff about Ravager content when it became a huge topic on the server. Ravager is allowed. Horse stuff isn't. But it doesn't hurt to reconfirm. (There's also subscribestar, I haven't heard anything bad about it.)


Felt that Elden Ring bit.


Halt work, halt pledges, enjoy game, ???, continue enjoying game.


Me to everyone except my Boss the past week and a half: "Don't bother me I'm on my Elden Ring grind."

Mia Valentine

Elden ring is goty, get them runes. As someone that loved it from start to finish (with some hate in the middle for some bosses), I can say it's worth the wait to let you enjoy that game.


might be worth trying subscribestar, more artistic freedom there.


I dont mind staying pledged even if you dont post anything for a month. You should enjoy a break, it'll help keep ya sane..... well as sane as any of us can be 😅


Bro I'm pay 2$ for this a motnh I would pay you even more but can't cuz no real income but keep it up no need to stress over this. Best things get made when the creator loves what he is doing. Taking breaks is allowed we won't shoot you in a middle of the dessert for it


Been thinking about it since they're less anal about what their creators post there


Plus i don't think they track your activity outside the site 😅


I'm fine with supporting you cause I love your work! Plus I've been playing elden ring as well and I know the struggle bro.

James May

God now I want to see ravager content, god damn you patreon


tbh ravager stuff could be fun. Maybe they take her back to their camp and tie her to the ravager's stomach as it gets a hard-on? Idk, just ideas


I suppose the discussion was already brought up but isn’t it better to split the project and fully release what’s done? I suppose it’s a personal decision of yours to have the project in 1 big pack


I've been waiting for a long time. I don't know how long I have to wait.


Ugh, fuck Patreon ToS. God forbid one set of pixels bumps into another set of pixels some other pixel sets were just bumping into.


Just joined, but seeing things like, "I can't include X because of Patreon ToS," is always a bit disheartening. Check out SubscribeStar. That doesn't solve everything of course, but worth looking into.


if you move to subscriberstar anytime so i think you will have more free will their to make what you want if you know mr patreon say no no to it but good luck and keep playing elden ring


That is perfectly fine gotta prioritize lol


On that damn grind for the ring

Mikeyh20bruh 21

Due to Elder Ring being popular you deserve it