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Hey everyone! I have an update I wanna share with you all.

SO, with the cold temps that came in and went it's been kinda rough with the house I financed and all (yes, I'm still renovating my home) and we've found out that our water piping froze and broke so we've been without hot water and water pressure for about a week now. At first I thought it was due to the cold and our pipes not being well-insulated because it's an old-ass house. While technically being true, the cold also broke our pipes so we're needing to get that fixed asap. Plumbing companies have been very busy so we're just now getting it fixed tomorrow!

I've also had a personal friend stay with me for a few months now. I'll just say that they need some more adult experience in their life so taking care of them and getting them on their feet has been a challenge. They have no driver's license so driving them from a job they landed is a bit rough given they get off at 2 am every day so idk what proper sleep is anymore ayoo!

JoA update

With all the projects I've been working on IRL lately I feel like I haven't had the proper time to give attention to the next segment in JoA. Just wanted to let you guys know that finally getting to where I got to last WIP was such a relief that I just had to take a small breather before I get into the next segment in the animation. I'm VERY excited to finally get to the next part of the project!

I just wanna apologize for not updating you guys earlier but when I'd open the project I'd set it off because I'd be so exhausted. Hope y'all understand. The next JoA WIP is practically set up with scripting and all the models are set up, I just need to animate it is all and we can get onto the next segment of the project!!

Hope that helped cleared some things, adulting is hard my dudes!

If you have questions about anything, feel free to ask below!

Art by https://twitter.com/Osumaruart 



Logan Jin

I'm ironically also dealing with plumbing problems. My floor has to be taken out again because of water damage 🙃


Take your time man, life happens sometimes


Some advise for the pipes, if it’s too cold keep the water running, just turn on the faucet just a little around the house, and that should help to somewhat prevent it from freezing, at least in my experience, hope this helps.


Np, same thing happened here. The attic almost got flooded. Hope things go well, in the meantime I'll be playing elden rings

Red-Eyes Jank

Take care of yourself. I used to be that kinda friend who moved out at 17 and took me like 6 years to get my shit together cause who knew being in a Christian household wouldn't prep you for life 😭 Way to go on being supportive, but don't forget to make sure they have real ACHIVABLE goals and they'll be set. And also, ask them if they have questions about living alone. Like house buying stuff, cause I wish someone helped me with it.


Yo, do not even apologize or worry, I'm here to stay no matter how long something takes, and I wish you peace of mind in the midst of all the IRL stuff you're working on as well as patience with yourself in regards to your work. You're doing great, don't worry!


Take all the time you need 🙂


I hope your doing alright you don't need to worry about how long it takes to post anything we can wait irl things can't so take all the time you need and I hope your piping fixed properly take care of yourself mate 🙂


No one can control the temp . Take all the time you need, dont sweat it.


So with all these delays and the added stress of so much extra to do and clearly being dogged for content, why havent you decided to just break up this part into multiple smaller bits like you've done before?


No Refunds Lol


My balls itch


Oh yeah we haven’t actually seen the wolf yet


dont hurt your body always listen to it and get rest at all time slip work at your own pass i can wait the next year if i have to continue being awesome


Been on the fence about it, I just might when I have the entire project finished and when its ready for compiling and sound editing


Oi! I really hope you and your friend are in good health. Take care of yourselves!


Glad things are going good for yoou and please keep yourselves good i agree with the cold to its a fridge now. I missed chuuuu