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Hello everyone,

Thank you for the continued support, guys! Hope you’re all having a good summer so far, one not too warm then too rainy and then too cold, like we’ve gotten up here in the north.

It’s been a bit of a weird month on my end. It started out pretty strong but then I hit a creators block, I guess. I was making some new internal assets for throat and stomach-scenes for “Her First Shoot” but they didn’t turn out well so I scrapped them and went back to my previous assets. It got me a bit disheartened, to be honest. I want to get better at modelling my own assets but I still have quite a bit to learn.

I don’t want to get bogged down so, to re-inspire myself and clear my thoughts, I have started working on a second project in parallel with “Her First Shoot”. It’s a scenario that was planned for “The Perfect Swallow” that I had already set up all the assets for so it didn’t take me long to get going. It’s almost halfway done and it’ll be another shorty of about a minute in length, done partly with “mixed reality” (animated foreground with live action background). It’s a simple scenario but it looks pretty cool and I think you’ll enjoy it.

Well, thanks again and take care!




Is live-action background means something more like that, what Cakeinferno does (nature in motion, clouds etc. I don't know if you are checking up what other creator does) or more sth like actual background models with separately scripted move of it? Take care of yourself :)


Thank you for the update.


On the subject of The Perfect Swallow, one of the entries should definitely be Jossie's attempt in FS's Story 226.2 with the shrunken guy who changed his mind (though maybe a version where she doesn't half choke XD ) This update looks very promising! Love the thumbnail and the new girl. Is that... shrinkie the same woman from Shorty Shortcake? Because it kinda looks like her from this angle!


What animation software do you use


Will the second Locker Room animation be made after these two projects? :)


I'm new. Love your art 🙏


looks yummy


boy oh boy!


Poll 2 release date ?

Thomas Jengle

Giantesses forever. They should be huge, sexy and eat lots of people.


Could you make some candid crush animations? Like to see tiny guys who run away from giantess vore but crushed dead unknowingly by other giantess on the street,


Is the model of the face the same as the one used for Josie?


Vore will always be my main focus but I will add other aspects if it fits the scenario, like the crush scene in Shrunk and Drunk, at the very end, or in Chapter X. I don't think it is something that I'd be adding to my current projects.


No, this is a different one. Jossie's face isn't as round and she laso has a more distinct jaw-line, though I do agree that my models many times do look a bit alike.


You know what, I tink it might be the same tiny girl! I am however using a slightly different model in the animation for the tiny than I used in this promo-picture.


That is my current thinking, yes. I do have another animation that I'd like to pitch also for the next big project, so it would either be that one or the sequel to The Locker Room.


Don't worry, it takes time. I can relate as a software engineer. I cannot tell you how many times I have run into creators block, and been disheartened when I cannot get something right; while trying to salvage a project that feels like an uphill battle. Patience is key, but so is vision. Stick with what works. The internal models you had in previous videos were great. Use Them! Take whatever caused the other models to not work out so well, and use it as a learning experience. Its all about what you do next, and by the looks of it, you picked yourself up by the bootstraps as it were, and created another soon to be Wiking masterpiece. Keep up the good work man, and don't let the stumbles get you down.


I cant wait to see the uvula scene!