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The poll has now concluded! Thank you to all that participated!

Keep in mind that I had to distill one hundred entries into a few alternatives and those scenarios that I believed were too elaborate or I didn’t think would fit Rachel’s character or the theme of the animation (however good) were not included.

Certain scenarios were so popular (or like with the last one here, I just loved it too much) that they got an instant pass and will be included:

  • At least one POV-scene
  • Internal shots of mouth, throat and stomach
  • One or more burp-scenes
  • Rachel lifts her top to show a stuffed tummy
  • Rachel recognizes a tiny as someone she knows

So, here are the winning entries of the poll for “Her First Shoot” that will be included in the extended version of the animation. Congratulations to the winning suggestions!

  1. Rachel drops a tiny down her top that tumbles under her clothes and into her panties
  2. Rachel attempts to swallow two tinies at once
  3. Rachel opens her mouth and lets a tiny jump in willingly
  4. Rachel coughs/choke as a tiny grabs her uvula
  5. Rachel dangles a tiny on a string down her throat

This will be fun!



Panty stuff is always good :D


You're an absolute legend, my man. Can't wait for the results!


So that's gonna make maybe 10-ish scenes to do. You're in for a lot of work! ^^


im so hyped


I legit can’t wait to see what you do with the recognizing idea! I’d love if it was a moment of challenge, could she eat someone she’s possibly grown up with? If it means getting the job, ofcourse she can >:)


Oh snap my two tinies suggestion won!


I am to hyped for holding it back to asking.... 👉🏻👈🏻 What do you think how long it will take until we can see? :3


She recognises one of the tinies? Love it!! Please put extra time into that :) love your work!


It looks really ambitious and lot of work needs to be done, but I hope you will have fun with it :)

Renegade Pizza Guy

You spoil us. How much effort will this be compared to the base video? I'm not too familiar with animation, but now that you have a rig for Rachel, will it be far less effort now that you already have a solid base to go off of? Or is it a more a situation of some of the work is done, now there's a whole lot of new stuff to be done?

Steve Walker-MFloorgo

Yes glad the swallowing 2 tinies suggestion got through. I know this is gonna be good.


"One or more burp scenes" Here's hoping it's more!


gonna be epic!


Damn I'm so hyped. Love the new animation style and character!

Dr. Diabeto

The person she recognized is Seinfeld. He looks at the camera, shrugs as the Seinfeld bass riff plays and Rachel drops him down her throat


Would be funny if the tiny managed to get to the backside and Rachel says something like "nope that's the exit not the entrance". 😂


I love all the guarenteed inclusions and 4/5 of the voted for one's too. Willing Vore is not my thing personally but I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with that scene regardless. Looks like it's going to be a great animation can't wait :)


I can't give a date, really. It all depends on how many shots each element requires. It will be a while still, I'm afraid.


The scenes and lighting were alrady set up and this animation requires far less set pieces than my other stuff, so it is way faster to animate and render out.

Strange Lynx

Woohoo! Some social stuff. The social taboo and downright evil reaction to eating a friend against their will was one of my favorite things about S&D. I love the psychology of cruel giants. That's one reason I love your videos - your giants so often cruelly psychologically torture the tinies, like pretending that they'll be able to escape for a second, or forcing them to watch a friend swallowed up close. It's so great.


Can’t wait for this!!!


Any chance of a weekly progress report or something just so there's a little more interaction? I know rendering and such can take more than a month at times, so this sort of thing would reassure me that the page isn't dead just because there aren't new animations.


I can predict it to be ready not earlier than on September)