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What schedule? What year? 2020? Yes, 2020. Did AiD even mention that MS2a was slated for release this year?? No I guess we haven't... Heres a snippet of whats been going on behind the scenes at AiD:

I look back at the October 12th post and cannot believe it's only been a couple weeks+ since, for at the time, the port (more accurately scripting and programming work) for ms2a was only about 65% complete. Little bits and pieces were being worked on incrementally throughout the year because the initial plan was to finish early Q1 of 2021 but just as September came drawing to a close (basically right after the TGS video for ms2b), we received a message from our publisher that went something like this:

"Hey guys! We're thinking of airing a 30 second commercial for the fault series on (redacted for now) TV station in Japan around golden hour. Can we finish MS2a so we can time the release of MS2a and the commercial for the end of this year and take advantage of the holiday season?"


Now, we were actually in talks to launch some sort of an ad campaign since before August but the details were quite vague. We honestly thought it would be a small scale Twitter or Youtube ad, which would have been cool enough, but Phoenixx upped the game with a full on broadcast TV commercial, not at some wee hours in the morning like these things tend to be pushed back to, but around golden hour when mainstream anime and the like air. You know, that magical time these mystical creatures called "normal folks" watch tv with their families and loved ones while smiling and singing while eating ice cream and swinging around babies and shit (I don't know... what do normal happy folks do during the day???)


We can't really go into details yet because, well, we don't know the details. But we did get clearance from Phoenixx about sharing this news to our patrons and got an okay, meaning they are confident they can actually make this happen. Seriously folks, how fucking exciting is this!! ...but see the thing is, that means we had to finish what was planned for an end of Jan, beginning of Feb port in basically a month.


I can't quite describe the month of October... It was a tense, mindnumbing blur to say the least, so rather than describing it accurately, please envision a time lapse development comedy montage with Yakety Sax playing as BGM.

But we did it folks 😂. With the help of Orphanage, our new member of AiD (yes, the same Orphanage that was/is a moderator in our Discord server) we were able to pull off this god damn monumental task on time (kinda!) to ensure a 2020 release of MS2a!! Many of the artworks have been upgraded. Every last one of the movie sequences have been remade in full high-def. Some of the music has been replaced with new ones. Hooraay!
And with that, we are essentially done with ports. I dont think we've mentioned it here before but Mhakna Gramura and Fairy Bell's port is essentially done too (though it needs to go through a very thorough polish so it currently doesn't have a release date). You know what this means folks?? That thing we've been planning forever; simultaneous release on all platforms as we finish games, is now a reality, thanks to the proper environment, tools and personnel/connections that have built up over the years. We now literally cannot do anything else but to work on the future and we are beyond extatic.

Finally, I wanted to once again, thank everyone that has supported us here throughout the years. We did the number crunching (though it goes without saying) that the only reason why we were able to push through and do all of this in-house after all of these years is because of your support. We could have done this other faster ways, but would have had to relinquish a lot of control which we really didn't want to do. To new fans and old, thank you a million times over. I keep thinking of interesting ways to say "none of this would have been possible without your help" but I just can't think of anything clever so here goes as plain as it can be.

None of this would have been possible without you.

Thank you.

-Munisix and the AiD team

PS. We finally have some breathing room now 😂 so more behind the scenes MS2b stuff coming up soon!! 



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