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*UPDATE: fixed something critical, relinked to proper video. 18:29 JST 2020/11/03

Patrons only MS2a Promo Video access post!

We have officially finished making store assets for the Switch version of MS2a! I didn't just want to reuse the old Steam video because 1) the original was a rush job at the time 2) there is no English version and 3) our publisher is now different. Please do check out the old video after you see the new one though, because the structure is a homage to it and you can see the progression of our in-house techniques improving over the years =P

With new key-art for ms2a (again, something that didn't exist for the Steam version) I think it came out pretty damn epic! For most of you who don't speak/read Japanese, this will probably even be the first time you understanding what the hell was going on in the video too, which is always kinda fun.

The tentative date of release is DECEMBER 3RD for now. Key word here is tentative so no jotting it down anywhere just yet. Even if it's not 12-3, it WILL release within the year, since we did get confirmation from Nintendo that our submitted build passed lot-check. The rest is up to how Phoenixx wants to push this and the commercial for fault series as a whole. Only 2 months left this year, but many many exciting things are progressing under the hood!

Thank you all for the support as usual and we hope you have a good day (To those in the US, we hope you keep extra safe)


Japanese version of the video can be found here:



That's all I got for today folks. Toodles~.


fault - milestone two side:above Nintendo Switch Promo Video!

Holy crap! It's time to celebrate! fault - milestone two 上 aka, fault - milestone two side:above is coming to the Nintendo Switch in 2020! We're ahead of schedule for the first time in a while! Is the world coming to an end or what?? Hope that ends up as just a joke and doesnt actually happen! Because you know, 2020 and all? But I digress. Thank you to all of our patrons, old time and new, who keep supporting our endeavors. This and "fault - milestone one"''s port would not have been possible without your contributions. It is truly amazing that we get to do all of this in-house instead of handing it off to other larger companies. This tight control is integral to how we want to steer the series and ALICE IN DISSONANCE towards in the future, and we cannot thank you all enough. Peace everyone. Istariana Vilserio -Munisix and the AiD Team Extra thanks to our super executive Patrons: submerciful kactaplb FuzzyHeartache prototype27 RoyalKnight Paul Bartholomew l33tm4ch1n3 iku Landcaster Solus Ryan L yamaxanadu Suprninja Wonik Song Crimson Idol Richard P けあさん ST Fez Dillion Ya'll are nuts ❤️ Our homes: ▪ Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/fault ▪ Steam: http://bit.ly/steam_aid ▪ Homepage: http://www.projectwritten.com Keep yourself up-to-date: ▪ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/projectwritten/ ▪ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/projectwritten ▪ Discord:http://www.discord.gg/2fZ8hXB



So many chills in my entire body the entire time!! ^^