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Just wanted to say I'm starting a series of commentaries on good bad classics. The first is already decided, but when I post it I'll poll for what the next one should be. Any suggestions for what should be in that poll are more than welcome.

Also a reminder that I've done a bunch of commentaries with Oliver Harper that are available on his channel. Bloodsport in particular was bags of fun!


And if anyone's interested I recently appeared on the Movie Oubliette podcast to talk about a personal favourite: Jabberwocky. 


I also wanted to let you know 'Borrowing Blockbusters: Indiana Jones' is going well. My inability to keep things in check means it's got quite long, which is why it isn't finished yet, but I hope to have it up here in a couple of weeks.

All the best, and my sincere thanks as always,



David Hobson

Good bad classics? Besides the obvious like The Room, Troll 2, Miami Connection and anything Neil Breen? I see someone suggested Alien Private Eye. I have one of the new dvd releases sitting on my shelf unwatched... When I think of the Good Bad Classics, I think of the ones that got me into the genre. A lot of them are MST3K fair. Manos The Hand of Fate, Space Mutiny, the Gamera series, etc... But a lot of those movies were helped by the commentary. Manos is actually really slow in parts and the comedy was necessary. The whole joke about the endless driving at the beginning was necessary to help the audience get through... so I don't know how a lot of these would stand up on their own. Otherwise, I think Zombie 3 (I love the flying head zombie) (Bruno Matei in general), Andy Sidaris, Ghosthouse (Rifftrax did a good episode on it, but I think it is a genuinely fun bad ghost story), Things (although some people can't sit through that one), and a lot of the Roger Corman films. Really, anything from your book would work well. Most of them are classics in my mind. I don't think I helped much, but I tried!


It all helps! Hard Ticket to Hawaii is close to the top of the list. Space Mutiny's a must too... and Gamera, not to mention Bruno Mattei. So, yeah, I think we're in accord!