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Afternoon, I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year, and that you're currently enjoying temperatures above freezing. I'm back in my little wooden hut after working out of the dining room for the last couple of months. Temperatures are very much on my mind.

Just wanted to post an update because I've veered off the planned course yet again. I'd intended to do a Borrowing Blockbusters on 'Namsploitation' (Rambo rip-offs, basically), but to be honest I didn't want to watch a whole load of war movies straight after Christmas! Instead I've been working on a Borrowing Blockbusters on Indiana Jones knock offs. I've done quite a bit of groundwork on Namsploitation and I'll definitely be going back to it (probably in the first half of this year), it just won't be next up.

Thinking waaaay ahead, I also want to do a horror themed BB for Halloween, so please feel free to offer suggestions. Slashers and zombies are the big beasts in that jungle, and I've put them off because of the amount of work involved. That said I want (and need) to do them at some point. Evil Dead and The Thing are personal favourites, and I've done enough research to think they'd be good subjects, but let me know what you think.

Anyway, thanks as always for the support, and all the best,



Reed Little

Evil Dead and The Thing raise an interesting point for the Borrowing Blockbusters concept; neither of them were blockbusters. Does your concept require a commercially successful film as the starting point? That same idea would carry over to zombies; no matter how many zombie movies there are, none of them were blockbusters. This is particularly true if you start with Dawn of the Dead as the movie that really kicked off Zombiesploitation in Italy. I think that makes the Exorcist a solid recommendation. Lots of imitators, did great at the box office when it came out, and Exorcist 2 remains one of my favorite terrible sequels.

George Leroy Tirebiter

Has anyone ever looked into "Karate-Kidploitation"? There are enough of them...but I think some of the stunts with child actors from SE Asian films could be traumatic.


I did some research on it a couple of years ago. I agree the SE Asian movies would probably be a blast... but the western ones tend to be pretty painful!

King Cabernet

Just received a copy of The Bad Movie Bible as an early birthday gift, so I have something to tide me over in the meantime!